-All red on the outside
-Spoilers on the back
-Mag wheels
-Doors that lift upwards
-All bullet proof etc…and able to weather a nuclear war etc…
-Tinted dark windows
-At the front window is a TV screen for watching TV
-A console in the dashboard that works like a map
-At the press of a button a sreen raises in the front window.You can play video games like in a Star Wars fighter,with the windows playing the game’s scenery
The consle for the video games can be replaced when outdated.
-The roof can raise to unfold a bed in the ceiling
-At the back of one of the front seats is a screen for the Internet
-In the boot is a food and drinks bar
-It is like a candy vending machine.You type in the name of what you want,and it is dispensed
-So if there is a war you can stay in your car
-Anyone who can afford to pay the weekly boarding rent can live here
-Designed to look like a prison or hospital of hundreds of years in the future may look
-Lots of big open areas
-All people who lve there are cared for by the staff and have all their major decisions made for them,but done so nothing can go wrong with the system
-Each person has a ‘small studio apartment’ concisting of:
-2 bed bunk in a cubicle
-bathroom in a cubicle
-storage area in a cubicle
-plus a lounge area with the doors to each cubicle,that has things like TV etc..computer,furniture
-All (private) kitcchen booths have taps to provide drinks,and candy etc…vending machines
-The computer and Tv etc…provide practically unlimited TV programs,books,music,and movies that have been copied and can be downloaded into each residents’apartment
-Dangerous or unwell people can live here but in isolation if needed
-Each area has it’s own gym,library,theatres for movies etc…,different types of resturants,recreational and social rooms,games rooms,medical bay
-If people have a good enough excuse(eg”they are in constant pain)they can be brought in and out of sleep to avoid it
-No marriage or having new children is allowed
-The home is like some futuristic prison with big open futuristic areas where people can relax
-The staff will order/buy anything for the clients that they want (within reason)
-The clients also receive a wage the amount of a Disability benefit
-Each separate resedential area has storage rooms where clients can keep more of their property if they can’t fit it in their own room.These are located at the end of the halls from each individual apartment
-Each client has a weekile conseulling session with a social worker
-Unlimited acess to pain killers as long as they don’t become addictive
-If anyone has a medical problem they have acesses to immediate care
-People who move into the homes pay at the start or during their stay there so they don’t need to worry about future money worries
-There are regular sessions during the week like craft classes,fitness, to help with socialising,learning skills.These are always appropiate for eah client
-If a client is interested in learning a skill(eg:photography or learning a vocation) they can attend tutorials (about the size of a Univerity tutorial) and are taught them along with a small class
-There are rules about socialising etc… so there aren’t problems(eg: no verbal abuse,bullying allowed)
-There is a big ‘open’ area inside the complex with trees,water etc…and wildlife animals (kept safely)
-The complex is designed to weather problems like nuclear attack,earthquakes etc…
-Each set of apartments are dvided into ‘Hallways’
-Each Hall is monitired by staff in a room of screens, to look over the clients
-Each room also has an alarm if help is needed
-People who want to, can keep a small pet (or wildlife pet) that is safe like a koala or chompanzee if they want to(eg: for company) and sometimes the complex will allocate a client with a pet if they think it is for the best
-The complex/boarding home,is basically for anyone(who can afford it) and want a nice,safe place where they can live without worries and enjoy life more
-Future Town is a community built or designed to look like something from the future or like something fantastic
-There are 2 main residential areas to Future Town
-One is where the rich people live
-This is at the centre of Future Town
-Each person’s home is like a very tall thin glass tube.These are about the size of double a typiacl building of several stories
-The other area is where the less well off live
-These people live in clusters of small round homes shaped like a round lump
The lumps are a red colour
-Each of these homes have a small living room,a small bedroom,bathroom ,and kitchen
-The living area is the main room with the kitchen ‘in it’,and the bedroom through a door,and the bathroom around through the bedroom
-The different areas of Future Town have different things in them eg”most shops in one area,police and hospital in another,and recreational centres in another
-A monorail is one of the main means of transport
-It travels around Future Town on rails held up in the air
-People get on and off where they want to
-The main monorail run travels all over Future Town like a circuit
-Cars etc…can also be used
-There is a centre of safety etc…
-This combines ways to deal with crime,pollution,hospitals,doctors,terroism,disasters etc…
-All these issues are dealt with together
-One of the ways to deal with these problems is a an alarm system
-These alarms are like phone booths all over Future Town
-By pressing the alarm button on them plus the button for the problem,a team or person is dispatched to deal with it
-These (like an ambulance or fire engine) have a sole access to a transport system that is underground and under Future Town
-There is an overabmdance of features, sauch as doctors,and the police,so there are no problems like lack of hospital beds
-The other alarm system sounds when there is something like a tidal wave etc…and people go to another underground system way beneath the ground where it may be safe
-There is Swipe Cards
-To make a purchase etc…you must use kike an Eft Pos card
-This will record all the transactions ,so if someone steals something the card will not show a purchase ,and if somone is on the run the card will locate them when used
-Thse cards also maintain all the information on the owner in a computer system
-The cards also maintain information like medical history,things they shouldn’t eat,for when buying food, or needding medical attention
-The cards let poor people get a discount
-Another main method of transport is like a Flying Fox
-They are white an look like small platforms with a white rail on it
-The white rail goes around the top of it
-These travel around on a system like the Monirail too
-To get to one of the main centres (eg:recreatioal or medical) you type if the centres’number and a computer system travel the ‘Trolley’ to the centre
-Future Town’s sports are located (mostly)in one area
-These are in a big auditorium with the sports played in each of different big rooms with walkways above each section,games rotate so there is enough space
-In the top floor of each of thes tall buildings are satellite disks for the owners to receive TV staions from all over the world
-There are vending machines (for soft drinks and candy food) plus TV terminals playing news located in the rich peoples’homes and on the streets too
-The vending machines ‘food and drinks are free to the residents of Future Town up to a limit
-The Alpha shops are shops that all of the products are low prices.Thses stores only make enough money to cover costs
- These also apply to some services
-The Mega stores are like the Warehouse and stock most of the things people need to buy except for purchases that are too big
-These sell their goods at prices that only make enough to pay for costs
-Apart from the resedential buildings ,all of the other buildings are designed to look like buildings a few centuries in the future,with big white buildings with lots of glass
-Has 3 wheels
-Travels on the footpath or road
-Has tall handlebars that control the direction
-The scooter can’t travel fast
-Feet sit on foot pedals
-Underneath the handlebars is a Control Box that has the following features
-Cell phone
-Small TV
-Emergeny alarm
-Emergency brake
-The speed and ‘normal/stop’ features are controlled by handgrips under the handlebars
-Done in a big auditorium
-One person at a time uses it
-A brace is attatched to that person
-The person runs a few steps at a time
-After a few steps he leaps and flies a brief distance
-The person continues to run a few steps at a time,each time flying a bit further,but still not very far
-The braces are attached to cords that are atteached to rods around the ceiling that lets you travel around
-Sits like a big funny looking machine in the garage
-It is used for home handymen
-The machine has devices like an elecrtic saw
-The machine can do some of the work(like drilling) but there still must be operated manually,not like a fururistic machine that can actually paint a board
-On the machine are attached the devices to-
-Electric saw
-Electric drill
-The machine also has work benches
-All of the features are adjustible
-Theses are like the vending machine
-They are used at home
-The owner (home) buy the bars etc…from shops or can have the food delivered to them reguarly
-The machines are meant to be like the futuristic machines that actually ‘cook’ a meal
-You type in the name of the food you want
-A ‘cover’ slides down and then up again and the food/candy bars are there
-It can dispense soft drinks from a tap
-The vending machine is designed to look like something from the future
-It will also store the food safe for a long time in case of a disaster etc…
-The following can be downloaded onto your computer
-Entire libraries of these are copied and put on to the computer
-Anyone can download these but must pay a fee each time
-The fees go to nthe companies’ that own the properties etc…
-As well,all/most of the entertainment industry must allow this,but receives the fees in return
-They are like a library from the future
-These are like an excersice machine like the ones advertised on TV
-The machine has a lot of different methods of bodybuilding for different body parts
-It incorporates the the main features to the most successful body building systems
-It is shaped like a long table raised off thr floor
-You can use the different appartus on it such as Pilates,treadmills,weights etc…
-By pushing buttons on it the machine automatically changes it’s shape or position to allow for a different system or level
-It also has a fan on it thatcan be turned on if wanted
-These are designed to look invisible
-They are made of transparent material
-Theycan be worn either in the suitable places or with an undergarment such as a bra or underpants
-The seams in it are also made with a transparent thread
-These are groups of flowers on stands
-An ideal use for them are several stands in a room like an consevertory
-By winding up a ‘dial’ the flower stands play a tune
-At night/when it is darker, the flowers rotate and the flowers are lit up sending lights around the room in the same position as the flowers
-At an important anniversary such as a birthday or a wedding ,anniversary cards are attached to the stalks,and the presents are placed around the base
-Also an alternative idea is to place a lot of (eg:) $2 gifts etc.. at the base
-You lie down on a bench like a long table about the length of a bed
-Your lega are bent at the knees,and feet are on the floor
-You are lying on the bench on your black
-To use the appartus you do excercies like Sit Ups.You put your hands behind your head and sit up and lie down again
-You can also use weights during this
-Like a roller coaster
-Except the roller coaster travels on tracks hanging over the city
-It allows people to view the city from the air
-It also stops and pauses for passengers to view the highlights
-As well people can sometimes get off at the stops
-Shaped like a big bean bag chair
-From it you can control parts of the home
-On each of the sidearms is a small screen
-One views TV and radio,the other acecees the Internet
-The chair allows you to record the programmes etc…and record what is by the chair like a PXT phone
-It can also record your voice and re-play it
-If possible,the chair has buttons that allow you to turn things on and off in the home as well as controlling electric opening doors etc…
-The chairs can travel on wheels like a scooter,and can be covered with a rain proof ‘glass’ bubble thatg protects you from harm
-Videos and DVDS can also be played
-Thses are clothes that have been treated to protect the wearer from harm
-Thet are made of a ‘Soft Material’ that absorbs the blade of a knife,or a bullet
-They are also fire proof
-They are really intended for people in high rank work like the police
-Designed to look ile a Rocket
-These are drink bottles that have a variety of flavours
-Inside are half a dozen ‘Straws’ that each carry a different flavour
-You push on the knob to select thr flavour you want
-The top of the straw comes up through the top of the bottle/rocket
-A big line of ‘dairy like shops’ around New Zealand
-All of the products in it are cheap
-Sort of like the Dime Stores in America
-People can live on the food and drink there eg:packets of biscuits for a dollar
-The products sold here are just about all the budget brands eg:for shavig lotion
-Most of the products are permantly reduced too
-Th shops aren’t big
-The line of shops also put together budget meals etc…eg:$1 for a bottle of soft drink or a packet of biscuits
-The stores aren’t intended to make a lot of profit,about enough to pay for expences
-The stores sell all of the basic groceries needed by people
-These could also be called Penny Markets.They sell the same thingsbut the stores are bigger like a big bookshop.They are designed to have wide isles and stands with the items for sale.They look like a dreamed up/travelling carnival/amusement park
-Shaped a bit like an oversized bean bag and a ‘pear’
-Inside it is air
-People can travel on it bouncing on the ground
-Can be used at the beach
-Ideally can be used to travel anywhere
-You can hold onto the narrow top of it and sit on the wider bottom half
-A line of several small drink bottles that can be used to make and mix mixed drinks
-A small device about the size of an ear that you put in one ear and you can listen to the radio and maybe phone calls.With the phonecalls you can also record the message and re-play it later
-An organisation like the YMCA
-Partly funded by taxes,percentage of your earnings,donations etc…
-Halls with beds and mattresess where the homeless live
-Life skill courses eg:cooking,laundry
-Anyone can go on recreational outings
-Cheap cooked meals each breakfast and dinner
-Can help people with any problems eg:councelling
-Can do tasks for a fee eg:install a TV
-Any ethincity is welcome
-Can offer community advice and information like the Citizens Advice Bereau
-Aims to develop life skills,hobbies,and career training
-People can do a range of vocational training for a cheap fee that only pays for the cost of the course for the organisation
-Can try to mediate between people and organisations
-Offers free legal advice
-Encourages fitness
-If all of the services can’t be free,for a small fee anyone who can afford to can acess them
-Offers help to trhose with addictions
-Offers tempoary or emergency help to those who need it urgently
-Provides a way out to those in abbusive relationships
-Through Homes people can do community work eg:gardening in parks,helping old people.If possible if you take part in these you get a ‘top up’ income
-People can move from brach to branch to live/acess services if they want
-If they know there is someone in the local community who needs help and people are ‘ignoring them’ ,Homes gets invoved without being asked
-People whose family member is in hospital can stay at a branch while needed
-Loans can be arranged for homes and buissiness
-Sticks up for peoples’rights
-Has different services each week for different groups/sections of people
-If yoy can own a home,have some money ,Homes will arrange it as colletral to get a loan
- ‘Pay In’ programs to protect your money from sickness,old age etc…All people who can afford to must.And if you can afford tomust pay some for the families of thoe who can’t
-Helps with subisdising the costs essential medication,eg:pain killers,if you are in a lot of pain
Help with teaching kids life skills etc… as they grow up
-If people are totally unsuitable manange their lives, a sort of advocate can be appointed to manage them if the person wants.
-Helps arrange people with accomadation in the community as well as skills for living
-Helps provide cheap furniture and appliances for people to buy.And helps the poor with enabling them to get things too
-If you have an emergency bill,like you need a bike because your one has been stolen,you can apply to either borrow or get the money from here
-People who receive an income,can simply live at the Homes ,and take part in any of the activities for part of their income
-Helps people find work
-As well as those with illness and disabilities
-Arranges for anyone to get a top up fee to provide work and training for someone
-Goes on regular trips and outings
- Has a housing department
-Peole can get a loan from Homes to build a sort of ‘basic home’.The homes’ cost really only pay for the cost of the home.You can also rent it out to pay for the cost over time.If something happens so you can no longer afford to maintain the home,the mortgate is cancelled with no risk to you,and the home is sold
-Those who live at the Homes can take part in a range of activities and programs.All free or for as cheap as possible if possible
-Homes also arranges other activities eg:ballroom dancing one nght a week
-Provieds a free birthday and Christmas present for anyone once a year
-Has a ‘take care of the envronment department’
-Staff go into needy etc.. peoples’ homes to help them.If you have some sort of major problem you can get regular help for free
-Has stores with second hand goods for sale.The needy can apply to get them for free
-Homes can pay money towards some of the costs for power,rates,water etc…if people are in dire need of them
-People can buy this product that reads out aloud printed books
-The product is shaped like a table height cyilnder
-People can keep a selection of the books to be read out in the cabinet.The inside of the cabinet is like an old wagon wheel,dividing up different books
-Publishers of books can have a selection of their novels recorded to be read out.You can buy re-fills like new books,to be read out
-As well,on the top of the cabinet is a revolving cylinder/sphere ,featuring animated companions to the book ,that follows the book’s plot.As the cyilnder turns it features the scene from different angles(not like a hologram)
-Homes have a sort of remote that allows them to access programmes/features
-They can download movies from video shops (for a price)
-They can tune into to forigen radio stations
-They can play video games
-At different times they can access forigen TV programmes
-They can pick out and access the episodes they want
-homes can keep a track of their finances
-People use a pass word to use it
-By a switch,the TV doubles to use the Internet
-People can download music to re-play
-They can also store/print off topics of interest from the Internet
-There is a (exclusive) continous news channel available to the TV to keep up with events
-People use the service for a fee
-Each ‘console’ comes with a ‘harddrive’containig information relevant to the user eg:a history of New Zealand
-If needed,there are 2 consoles,one like a TV,and the other like a computer console,and they are beside each other
-3 in one-Video Games Console
-Computer/Internet etc…
-These are shown on large plasme type screens
-You use the mouse to move to the method you want to (on the wall)and push enter.One of 3 screens (or one big one)appear on the screen for use
-Music Videos-On your big screen,you can select music videos of your choice to play,or random videos to play constantly
-You can downlad (where possible)the contents from your interactive TV to other consoles ,and more portable devices
-The large screen can play instead of programmes ,images like Tourist Attractions,or Space Fantasy art,like a still big window
-Help Directory-A listing of constant numbers of service and tradespeople like plumbers.And important emergency numbers like the Police,that can be contacted for help by pushing a button
-Champion-Like something about a young mentaaly ill boy with super heroe powers who lives 500 years in the future.A tone like that of songs from 1985.He has super speed powers and goes back and forward in time
-Superboy/Bud-Songs with lyrics from a person like Superman having an affair etc…with the wife of a m an like Superboy(the fuuny clone/or Bud).English words are broken down to make fun of the situationeg eg:’Tiddly Winks’ (or small penis-and masderbation)Bud is the dip,and Superboy is the comic/wise mouth/show off
-Each song is made up of several verses.Each verse has 6 lines.Each line rhymes.Someof the verses can be repearted
-Recorder Music-Tunes written ‘basically’ to be played on a simple recorder with the singer singing along but not in key (similar to just speaking)
-Mixed Music-Songs that are a sort of comination of other genres of music such as the Blues,Rock and Roll etc…The tunes of the songs are written played as if they are all featuerd at the same time
- Songs making fun of things from ordinary songs like the lyrics or the singers’ actions
-These songs are similar to the Barber Shop music.The songs are like the tune ‘Baby on Board’ from an episode of ‘The Simpsons’.But the style of the music is adapated to sound more like typical music .And music is always played too
-Record Label-Artists are more like characters from stories etc…People from around the world can send in songs that they have written.The best ones are used.(ie:good songs that could be very popular but are rejected and may never be used).The albums are only limitedly released to save money
-A chain of shops the size of the ‘Warehouse’
-Features designs like in hundreds of years
-Sells things to colleoct
-Sold at good prices
-Club wiith newsletter,contests,etc…that people can join
-The outside of the store is shaped like a black Magician’s hat
-Designed to be excellent for cheap presents
-Glass and White sphere in the middle of the store (where people make the purchase)
-The productsare arranged in sections around the counters in the middle
-Mail Order System-People can order comics,books,videos etc…from both overseas ond locally
-Things to ceolloct-
-Greeting cards
-Trading cards
-Post cards
-Disney toys
-Barbi dolls
-Toy figures
-Comic book merchandise
-Disney videos
-Little Golden Books
-Movie/Video posters
-NZ crafts and souvenirs
-Crafts from foreign countries(eg:poorer ones)
-Items imprted frome the US
-Magazines from overseas
-Videos-Disney Videos
-Cheap/Bargain DVDs
-Boxed TV Series sets
-Cheap Second Hand ones
-Super Heroe
-Comics-New Releases
-Back Issues
-Graphic Novels(reprint ceolloctions of stories)
-More Expensive Older Issues
-Second Hand Children Books
-Board Games
-Video Games
-People use a skipping rope
-They jump with it
-It is plugged into a wall socket
-It sends ‘pulses’ through the rope
-Maybe like a ‘vibrating plate’ that also builds up bodies
-08oo number for anyone who needs medical help
-0800 number for any problems
-Local number for all concerns etc…
-Cards replacing money to track things such as stolen goods,missing people etc…
-All of this information is kept on mostly confidential computer records
-Cheap burgular and medical alarms for anyone
-No one can continually harrass anyone
-People can put their decisions into a safe power of attorney
-Some people who commit crimes must always pay a tax to their victimseg:when their lives have been ruined
-Pain killers (cheap/free) for those in terrible pain
-Warm meals delivered for anyone who can pay for it
-System/organisation to make friends etc…
-The few in each area who don’t have life skills/look after themselves,can go into halfway homes
-People in pain don’t need to work but still get paid
-Craft/activities get togethers in halls for anyone
-Discounts on cards for poor people
-‘No vagrants’-housing New Zealand finds homes for all those who want it
-$1 shop-all over the country.Provides meals,groceries etc…so people can live on these for noe much
-Soup kitchen-A gold coin donation gets a meal at linch or dinner
-People who feel like they have been majorally badly done by can appeal it
-No discriniation allowed
-All New Zealanders who can afford it pay a tax towards feeding,housing all Nzers who need it,and sending it overseas
-Animals such as livestock (ie:for eating)arec cloned so they are always lfeless.This would produce an endless supply of food,and the animals would not suffer
-Unemplyed people can have a top up to their Benefit for doing community work
-Prisons altered to be better places
-Schools-All high school students do an hour a day in a course
-As well the schools offer courese to those who have left school
-These are cheap or free and the schools pay for them by the students doing work for the school
-A national correspondent course that the individual
-pay only $50 (for costs)
-only need to submit one assignment every few months
-have 2 years to complete the course
-Community Education-A class room in every school teaching adulkts courses and trades
-Halls-These are designed to look like a tempoary prison block.They have rows of beds/bunks with music playing and a bathroom etc…You can stay here for free.TV dinner meals are also provided
-Large futuristic square with a Globe like communications/centre/complex in the middle
-Builings around the city like rows of prisons like bed sits against walls for anyone with a matress and a lockable sliding glass door for anyone
-Mission homes/shetlers for the homeless
-Soup kitchens for a meal for a gold coin
-‘Bomb like shelters’below the ground all over the city
-All over the city are rails above the streets etc that carry individual people on platforms with handle rails around to points for free
-Large TV screens around the city
-Monorails above the ground
-Money replaced by cards with features like above
-Information like this kept in the library
-Special Police Unit using ‘super heroe equipment’ like spraying sticky tape at the criminals
-Out of work peole doing community work for a pay top up
-School students doing community work for extra money and schools using some of this money and making money from the use of their gymse etc.. to pay for school facilities
-Cheap courses for both highschool students and older people at all educational instutions
-NZ Army doing a lotof police work to boast police numbers
-Sleep Clinics-Places like a hospital that people who can afford to can be kept sedatated and asleep and only woken up infrequently
-Buildings re-decorated over time to look like something from 500 years in the future like Star Trek
-Information Terminals like Phone Booths around the city
-All people must pay some of their income to support the needy both locally and overseas
-Cash Discount Shops aroung the city selling ordinary goods at discount prices
-Free health phone line for asking about health problems.And free care for those who can’t afford it
-Work System-4 days a week one worker
-3 days a week Sub
-People can order all products and services through the phone and have them delivered
-Help System-An organisation that people can get information on any matter they want
-Enclosures with ‘safe’ animals in ares that are feed etc… by coucill workers
-News Service TV
-Like an ole underground personal bunker/shelter
-Designed to look like a Victorian/Fifties/quaint super heroe interior inside
-Has a big TV screen,shelves of videos,books,comics
-You get into it through a skylight on the ground and a ladder
-Plus a tunnel through the back
-Can be used for safety,or just to stay permantly away from pepole
-Virtually completely safe
-Water comes from a pipe leading to normal pipe/drainage elsewhere
-Food is reguarly dispensed each day by a machine that speads it across years
-Also intended as a home people can live in on their own for as long as possible
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
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