-All red on the outside
-Spoilers on the back
-Mag wheels
-Doors that lift upwards
-All bullet proof etc…and able to weather a nuclear war etc…
-Tinted dark windows
-At the front window is a TV screen for watching TV
-A console in the dashboard that works like a map
-At the press of a button a sreen raises in the front window.You can play video games like in a Star Wars fighter,with the windows playing the game’s scenery
The consle for the video games can be replaced when outdated.
-The roof can raise to unfold a bed in the ceiling
-At the back of one of the front seats is a screen for the Internet
-In the boot is a food and drinks bar
-It is like a candy vending machine.You type in the name of what you want,and it is dispensed
-So if there is a war you can stay in your car
-Anyone who can afford to pay the weekly boarding rent can live here
-Designed to look like a prison or hospital of hundreds of years in the future may look
-Lots of big open areas
-All people who lve there are cared for by the staff and have all their major decisions made for them,but done so nothing can go wrong with the system
-Each person has a ‘small studio apartment’ concisting of:
-2 bed bunk in a cubicle
-bathroom in a cubicle
-storage area in a cubicle
-plus a lounge area with the doors to each cubicle,that has things like TV etc..computer,furniture
-All (private) kitcchen booths have taps to provide drinks,and candy etc…vending machines
-The computer and Tv etc…provide practically unlimited TV programs,books,music,and movies that have been copied and can be downloaded into each residents’apartment
-Dangerous or unwell people can live here but in isolation if needed
-Each area has it’s own gym,library,theatres for movies etc…,different types of resturants,recreational and social rooms,games rooms,medical bay
-If people have a good enough excuse(eg”they are in constant pain)they can be brought in and out of sleep to avoid it
-No marriage or having new children is allowed
-The home is like some futuristic prison with big open futuristic areas where people can relax
-The staff will order/buy anything for the clients that they want (within reason)
-The clients also receive a wage the amount of a Disability benefit
-Each separate resedential area has storage rooms where clients can keep more of their property if they can’t fit it in their own room.These are located at the end of the halls from each individual apartment
-Each client has a weekile conseulling session with a social worker
-Unlimited acess to pain killers as long as they don’t become addictive
-If anyone has a medical problem they have acesses to immediate care
-People who move into the homes pay at the start or during their stay there so they don’t need to worry about future money worries
-There are regular sessions during the week like craft classes,fitness, to help with socialising,learning skills.These are always appropiate for eah client
-If a client is interested in learning a skill(eg:photography or learning a vocation) they can attend tutorials (about the size of a Univerity tutorial) and are taught them along with a small class
-There are rules about socialising etc… so there aren’t problems(eg: no verbal abuse,bullying allowed)
-There is a big ‘open’ area inside the complex with trees,water etc…and wildlife animals (kept safely)
-The complex is designed to weather problems like nuclear attack,earthquakes etc…
-Each set of apartments are dvided into ‘Hallways’
-Each Hall is monitired by staff in a room of screens, to look over the clients
-Each room also has an alarm if help is needed
-People who want to, can keep a small pet (or wildlife pet) that is safe like a koala or chompanzee if they want to(eg: for company) and sometimes the complex will allocate a client with a pet if they think it is for the best
-The complex/boarding home,is basically for anyone(who can afford it) and want a nice,safe place where they can live without worries and enjoy life more
-Future Town is a community built or designed to look like something from the future or like something fantastic
-There are 2 main residential areas to Future Town
-One is where the rich people live
-This is at the centre of Future Town
-Each person’s home is like a very tall thin glass tube.These are about the size of double a typiacl building of several stories
-The other area is where the less well off live
-These people live in clusters of small round homes shaped like a round lump
The lumps are a red colour
-Each of these homes have a small living room,a small bedroom,bathroom ,and kitchen
-The living area is the main room with the kitchen ‘in it’,and the bedroom through a door,and the bathroom around through the bedroom
-The different areas of Future Town have different things in them eg”most shops in one area,police and hospital in another,and recreational centres in another
-A monorail is one of the main means of transport
-It travels around Future Town on rails held up in the air
-People get on and off where they want to
-The main monorail run travels all over Future Town like a circuit
-Cars etc…can also be used
-There is a centre of safety etc…
-This combines ways to deal with crime,pollution,hospitals,doctors,terroism,disasters etc…
-All these issues are dealt with together
-One of the ways to deal with these problems is a an alarm system
-These alarms are like phone booths all over Future Town
-By pressing the alarm button on them plus the button for the problem,a team or person is dispatched to deal with it
-These (like an ambulance or fire engine) have a sole access to a transport system that is underground and under Future Town
-There is an overabmdance of features, sauch as doctors,and the police,so there are no problems like lack of hospital beds
-The other alarm system sounds when there is something like a tidal wave etc…and people go to another underground system way beneath the ground where it may be safe
-There is Swipe Cards
-To make a purchase etc…you must use kike an Eft Pos card
-This will record all the transactions ,so if someone steals something the card will not show a purchase ,and if somone is on the run the card will locate them when used
-Thse cards also maintain all the information on the owner in a computer system
-The cards also maintain information like medical history,things they shouldn’t eat,for when buying food, or needding medical attention
-The cards let poor people get a discount
-Another main method of transport is like a Flying Fox
-They are white an look like small platforms with a white rail on it
-The white rail goes around the top of it
-These travel around on a system like the Monirail too
-To get to one of the main centres (eg:recreatioal or medical) you type if the centres’number and a computer system travel the ‘Trolley’ to the centre
-Future Town’s sports are located (mostly)in one area
-These are in a big auditorium with the sports played in each of different big rooms with walkways above each section,games rotate so there is enough space
-In the top floor of each of thes tall buildings are satellite disks for the owners to receive TV staions from all over the world
-There are vending machines (for soft drinks and candy food) plus TV terminals playing news located in the rich peoples’homes and on the streets too
-The vending machines ‘food and drinks are free to the residents of Future Town up to a limit
-The Alpha shops are shops that all of the products are low prices.Thses stores only make enough money to cover costs
- These also apply to some services
-The Mega stores are like the Warehouse and stock most of the things people need to buy except for purchases that are too big
-These sell their goods at prices that only make enough to pay for costs
-Apart from the resedential buildings ,all of the other buildings are designed to look like buildings a few centuries in the future,with big white buildings with lots of glass
-Has 3 wheels
-Travels on the footpath or road
-Has tall handlebars that control the direction
-The scooter can’t travel fast
-Feet sit on foot pedals
-Underneath the handlebars is a Control Box that has the following features
-Cell phone
-Small TV
-Emergeny alarm
-Emergency brake
-The speed and ‘normal/stop’ features are controlled by handgrips under the handlebars
-Done in a big auditorium
-One person at a time uses it
-A brace is attatched to that person
-The person runs a few steps at a time
-After a few steps he leaps and flies a brief distance
-The person continues to run a few steps at a time,each time flying a bit further,but still not very far
-The braces are attached to cords that are atteached to rods around the ceiling that lets you travel around
-Sits like a big funny looking machine in the garage
-It is used for home handymen
-The machine has devices like an elecrtic saw
-The machine can do some of the work(like drilling) but there still must be operated manually,not like a fururistic machine that can actually paint a board
-On the machine are attached the devices to-
-Electric saw
-Electric drill
-The machine also has work benches
-All of the features are adjustible
-Theses are like the vending machine
-They are used at home
-The owner (home) buy the bars etc…from shops or can have the food delivered to them reguarly
-The machines are meant to be like the futuristic machines that actually ‘cook’ a meal
-You type in the name of the food you want
-A ‘cover’ slides down and then up again and the food/candy bars are there
-It can dispense soft drinks from a tap
-The vending machine is designed to look like something from the future
-It will also store the food safe for a long time in case of a disaster etc…
-The following can be downloaded onto your computer
-Entire libraries of these are copied and put on to the computer
-Anyone can download these but must pay a fee each time
-The fees go to nthe companies’ that own the properties etc…
-As well,all/most of the entertainment industry must allow this,but receives the fees in return
-They are like a library from the future
-These are like an excersice machine like the ones advertised on TV
-The machine has a lot of different methods of bodybuilding for different body parts
-It incorporates the the main features to the most successful body building systems
-It is shaped like a long table raised off thr floor
-You can use the different appartus on it such as Pilates,treadmills,weights etc…
-By pushing buttons on it the machine automatically changes it’s shape or position to allow for a different system or level
-It also has a fan on it thatcan be turned on if wanted
-These are designed to look invisible
-They are made of transparent material
-Theycan be worn either in the suitable places or with an undergarment such as a bra or underpants
-The seams in it are also made with a transparent thread
-These are groups of flowers on stands
-An ideal use for them are several stands in a room like an consevertory
-By winding up a ‘dial’ the flower stands play a tune
-At night/when it is darker, the flowers rotate and the flowers are lit up sending lights around the room in the same position as the flowers
-At an important anniversary such as a birthday or a wedding ,anniversary cards are attached to the stalks,and the presents are placed around the base
-Also an alternative idea is to place a lot of (eg:) $2 gifts etc.. at the base
-You lie down on a bench like a long table about the length of a bed
-Your lega are bent at the knees,and feet are on the floor
-You are lying on the bench on your black
-To use the appartus you do excercies like Sit Ups.You put your hands behind your head and sit up and lie down again
-You can also use weights during this
-Like a roller coaster
-Except the roller coaster travels on tracks hanging over the city
-It allows people to view the city from the air
-It also stops and pauses for passengers to view the highlights
-As well people can sometimes get off at the stops
-Shaped like a big bean bag chair
-From it you can control parts of the home
-On each of the sidearms is a small screen
-One views TV and radio,the other acecees the Internet
-The chair allows you to record the programmes etc…and record what is by the chair like a PXT phone
-It can also record your voice and re-play it
-If possible,the chair has buttons that allow you to turn things on and off in the home as well as controlling electric opening doors etc…
-The chairs can travel on wheels like a scooter,and can be covered with a rain proof ‘glass’ bubble thatg protects you from harm
-Videos and DVDS can also be played
-Thses are clothes that have been treated to protect the wearer from harm
-Thet are made of a ‘Soft Material’ that absorbs the blade of a knife,or a bullet
-They are also fire proof
-They are really intended for people in high rank work like the police
-Designed to look ile a Rocket
-These are drink bottles that have a variety of flavours
-Inside are half a dozen ‘Straws’ that each carry a different flavour
-You push on the knob to select thr flavour you want
-The top of the straw comes up through the top of the bottle/rocket
-A big line of ‘dairy like shops’ around New Zealand
-All of the products in it are cheap
-Sort of like the Dime Stores in America
-People can live on the food and drink there eg:packets of biscuits for a dollar
-The products sold here are just about all the budget brands eg:for shavig lotion
-Most of the products are permantly reduced too
-Th shops aren’t big
-The line of shops also put together budget meals etc…eg:$1 for a bottle of soft drink or a packet of biscuits
-The stores aren’t intended to make a lot of profit,about enough to pay for expences
-The stores sell all of the basic groceries needed by people
-These could also be called Penny Markets.They sell the same thingsbut the stores are bigger like a big bookshop.They are designed to have wide isles and stands with the items for sale.They look like a dreamed up/travelling carnival/amusement park
-Shaped a bit like an oversized bean bag and a ‘pear’
-Inside it is air
-People can travel on it bouncing on the ground
-Can be used at the beach
-Ideally can be used to travel anywhere
-You can hold onto the narrow top of it and sit on the wider bottom half
-A line of several small drink bottles that can be used to make and mix mixed drinks
-A small device about the size of an ear that you put in one ear and you can listen to the radio and maybe phone calls.With the phonecalls you can also record the message and re-play it later
-An organisation like the YMCA
-Partly funded by taxes,percentage of your earnings,donations etc…
-Halls with beds and mattresess where the homeless live
-Life skill courses eg:cooking,laundry
-Anyone can go on recreational outings
-Cheap cooked meals each breakfast and dinner
-Can help people with any problems eg:councelling
-Can do tasks for a fee eg:install a TV
-Any ethincity is welcome
-Can offer community advice and information like the Citizens Advice Bereau
-Aims to develop life skills,hobbies,and career training
-People can do a range of vocational training for a cheap fee that only pays for the cost of the course for the organisation
-Can try to mediate between people and organisations
-Offers free legal advice
-Encourages fitness
-If all of the services can’t be free,for a small fee anyone who can afford to can acess them
-Offers help to trhose with addictions
-Offers tempoary or emergency help to those who need it urgently
-Provides a way out to those in abbusive relationships
-Through Homes people can do community work eg:gardening in parks,helping old people.If possible if you take part in these you get a ‘top up’ income
-People can move from brach to branch to live/acess services if they want
-If they know there is someone in the local community who needs help and people are ‘ignoring them’ ,Homes gets invoved without being asked
-People whose family member is in hospital can stay at a branch while needed
-Loans can be arranged for homes and buissiness
-Sticks up for peoples’rights
-Has different services each week for different groups/sections of people
-If yoy can own a home,have some money ,Homes will arrange it as colletral to get a loan
- ‘Pay In’ programs to protect your money from sickness,old age etc…All people who can afford to must.And if you can afford tomust pay some for the families of thoe who can’t
-Helps with subisdising the costs essential medication,eg:pain killers,if you are in a lot of pain
Help with teaching kids life skills etc… as they grow up
-If people are totally unsuitable manange their lives, a sort of advocate can be appointed to manage them if the person wants.
-Helps arrange people with accomadation in the community as well as skills for living
-Helps provide cheap furniture and appliances for people to buy.And helps the poor with enabling them to get things too
-If you have an emergency bill,like you need a bike because your one has been stolen,you can apply to either borrow or get the money from here
-People who receive an income,can simply live at the Homes ,and take part in any of the activities for part of their income
-Helps people find work
-As well as those with illness and disabilities
-Arranges for anyone to get a top up fee to provide work and training for someone
-Goes on regular trips and outings
- Has a housing department
-Peole can get a loan from Homes to build a sort of ‘basic home’.The homes’ cost really only pay for the cost of the home.You can also rent it out to pay for the cost over time.If something happens so you can no longer afford to maintain the home,the mortgate is cancelled with no risk to you,and the home is sold
-Those who live at the Homes can take part in a range of activities and programs.All free or for as cheap as possible if possible
-Homes also arranges other activities eg:ballroom dancing one nght a week
-Provieds a free birthday and Christmas present for anyone once a year
-Has a ‘take care of the envronment department’
-Staff go into needy etc.. peoples’ homes to help them.If you have some sort of major problem you can get regular help for free
-Has stores with second hand goods for sale.The needy can apply to get them for free
-Homes can pay money towards some of the costs for power,rates,water etc…if people are in dire need of them
-People can buy this product that reads out aloud printed books
-The product is shaped like a table height cyilnder
-People can keep a selection of the books to be read out in the cabinet.The inside of the cabinet is like an old wagon wheel,dividing up different books
-Publishers of books can have a selection of their novels recorded to be read out.You can buy re-fills like new books,to be read out
-As well,on the top of the cabinet is a revolving cylinder/sphere ,featuring animated companions to the book ,that follows the book’s plot.As the cyilnder turns it features the scene from different angles(not like a hologram)
-Homes have a sort of remote that allows them to access programmes/features
-They can download movies from video shops (for a price)
-They can tune into to forigen radio stations
-They can play video games
-At different times they can access forigen TV programmes
-They can pick out and access the episodes they want
-homes can keep a track of their finances
-People use a pass word to use it
-By a switch,the TV doubles to use the Internet
-People can download music to re-play
-They can also store/print off topics of interest from the Internet
-There is a (exclusive) continous news channel available to the TV to keep up with events
-People use the service for a fee
-Each ‘console’ comes with a ‘harddrive’containig information relevant to the user eg:a history of New Zealand
-If needed,there are 2 consoles,one like a TV,and the other like a computer console,and they are beside each other
-3 in one-Video Games Console
-Computer/Internet etc…
-These are shown on large plasme type screens
-You use the mouse to move to the method you want to (on the wall)and push enter.One of 3 screens (or one big one)appear on the screen for use
-Music Videos-On your big screen,you can select music videos of your choice to play,or random videos to play constantly
-You can downlad (where possible)the contents from your interactive TV to other consoles ,and more portable devices
-The large screen can play instead of programmes ,images like Tourist Attractions,or Space Fantasy art,like a still big window
-Help Directory-A listing of constant numbers of service and tradespeople like plumbers.And important emergency numbers like the Police,that can be contacted for help by pushing a button
-Champion-Like something about a young mentaaly ill boy with super heroe powers who lives 500 years in the future.A tone like that of songs from 1985.He has super speed powers and goes back and forward in time
-Superboy/Bud-Songs with lyrics from a person like Superman having an affair etc…with the wife of a m an like Superboy(the fuuny clone/or Bud).English words are broken down to make fun of the situationeg eg:’Tiddly Winks’ (or small penis-and masderbation)Bud is the dip,and Superboy is the comic/wise mouth/show off
-Each song is made up of several verses.Each verse has 6 lines.Each line rhymes.Someof the verses can be repearted
-Recorder Music-Tunes written ‘basically’ to be played on a simple recorder with the singer singing along but not in key (similar to just speaking)
-Mixed Music-Songs that are a sort of comination of other genres of music such as the Blues,Rock and Roll etc…The tunes of the songs are written played as if they are all featuerd at the same time
- Songs making fun of things from ordinary songs like the lyrics or the singers’ actions
-These songs are similar to the Barber Shop music.The songs are like the tune ‘Baby on Board’ from an episode of ‘The Simpsons’.But the style of the music is adapated to sound more like typical music .And music is always played too
-Record Label-Artists are more like characters from stories etc…People from around the world can send in songs that they have written.The best ones are used.(ie:good songs that could be very popular but are rejected and may never be used).The albums are only limitedly released to save money
-A chain of shops the size of the ‘Warehouse’
-Features designs like in hundreds of years
-Sells things to colleoct
-Sold at good prices
-Club wiith newsletter,contests,etc…that people can join
-The outside of the store is shaped like a black Magician’s hat
-Designed to be excellent for cheap presents
-Glass and White sphere in the middle of the store (where people make the purchase)
-The productsare arranged in sections around the counters in the middle
-Mail Order System-People can order comics,books,videos etc…from both overseas ond locally
-Things to ceolloct-
-Greeting cards
-Trading cards
-Post cards
-Disney toys
-Barbi dolls
-Toy figures
-Comic book merchandise
-Disney videos
-Little Golden Books
-Movie/Video posters
-NZ crafts and souvenirs
-Crafts from foreign countries(eg:poorer ones)
-Items imprted frome the US
-Magazines from overseas
-Videos-Disney Videos
-Cheap/Bargain DVDs
-Boxed TV Series sets
-Cheap Second Hand ones
-Super Heroe
-Comics-New Releases
-Back Issues
-Graphic Novels(reprint ceolloctions of stories)
-More Expensive Older Issues
-Second Hand Children Books
-Board Games
-Video Games
-People use a skipping rope
-They jump with it
-It is plugged into a wall socket
-It sends ‘pulses’ through the rope
-Maybe like a ‘vibrating plate’ that also builds up bodies
-08oo number for anyone who needs medical help
-0800 number for any problems
-Local number for all concerns etc…
-Cards replacing money to track things such as stolen goods,missing people etc…
-All of this information is kept on mostly confidential computer records
-Cheap burgular and medical alarms for anyone
-No one can continually harrass anyone
-People can put their decisions into a safe power of attorney
-Some people who commit crimes must always pay a tax to their victimseg:when their lives have been ruined
-Pain killers (cheap/free) for those in terrible pain
-Warm meals delivered for anyone who can pay for it
-System/organisation to make friends etc…
-The few in each area who don’t have life skills/look after themselves,can go into halfway homes
-People in pain don’t need to work but still get paid
-Craft/activities get togethers in halls for anyone
-Discounts on cards for poor people
-‘No vagrants’-housing New Zealand finds homes for all those who want it
-$1 shop-all over the country.Provides meals,groceries etc…so people can live on these for noe much
-Soup kitchen-A gold coin donation gets a meal at linch or dinner
-People who feel like they have been majorally badly done by can appeal it
-No discriniation allowed
-All New Zealanders who can afford it pay a tax towards feeding,housing all Nzers who need it,and sending it overseas
-Animals such as livestock (ie:for eating)arec cloned so they are always lfeless.This would produce an endless supply of food,and the animals would not suffer
-Unemplyed people can have a top up to their Benefit for doing community work
-Prisons altered to be better places
-Schools-All high school students do an hour a day in a course
-As well the schools offer courese to those who have left school
-These are cheap or free and the schools pay for them by the students doing work for the school
-A national correspondent course that the individual
-pay only $50 (for costs)
-only need to submit one assignment every few months
-have 2 years to complete the course
-Community Education-A class room in every school teaching adulkts courses and trades
-Halls-These are designed to look like a tempoary prison block.They have rows of beds/bunks with music playing and a bathroom etc…You can stay here for free.TV dinner meals are also provided
-Large futuristic square with a Globe like communications/centre/complex in the middle
-Builings around the city like rows of prisons like bed sits against walls for anyone with a matress and a lockable sliding glass door for anyone
-Mission homes/shetlers for the homeless
-Soup kitchens for a meal for a gold coin
-‘Bomb like shelters’below the ground all over the city
-All over the city are rails above the streets etc that carry individual people on platforms with handle rails around to points for free
-Large TV screens around the city
-Monorails above the ground
-Money replaced by cards with features like above
-Information like this kept in the library
-Special Police Unit using ‘super heroe equipment’ like spraying sticky tape at the criminals
-Out of work peole doing community work for a pay top up
-School students doing community work for extra money and schools using some of this money and making money from the use of their gymse etc.. to pay for school facilities
-Cheap courses for both highschool students and older people at all educational instutions
-NZ Army doing a lotof police work to boast police numbers
-Sleep Clinics-Places like a hospital that people who can afford to can be kept sedatated and asleep and only woken up infrequently
-Buildings re-decorated over time to look like something from 500 years in the future like Star Trek
-Information Terminals like Phone Booths around the city
-All people must pay some of their income to support the needy both locally and overseas
-Cash Discount Shops aroung the city selling ordinary goods at discount prices
-Free health phone line for asking about health problems.And free care for those who can’t afford it
-Work System-4 days a week one worker
-3 days a week Sub
-People can order all products and services through the phone and have them delivered
-Help System-An organisation that people can get information on any matter they want
-Enclosures with ‘safe’ animals in ares that are feed etc… by coucill workers
-News Service TV
-Like an ole underground personal bunker/shelter
-Designed to look like a Victorian/Fifties/quaint super heroe interior inside
-Has a big TV screen,shelves of videos,books,comics
-You get into it through a skylight on the ground and a ladder
-Plus a tunnel through the back
-Can be used for safety,or just to stay permantly away from pepole
-Virtually completely safe
-Water comes from a pipe leading to normal pipe/drainage elsewhere
-Food is reguarly dispensed each day by a machine that speads it across years
-Also intended as a home people can live in on their own for as long as possible
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Toys and Games
Toys and Games
-Magic Roundabout
-A circus rounabout revolves,pictures of story scenes around the walls.Also lights up and plays music
-Dancing Bear
-A model of a toy bear about a foot and a half tall,sings and dances around the room.As well he recites selected fairy tales.
-Metaphor(the super heroe)
-About the height of a ringbinder.By pressing a remote he changes from his armoured figureinto different super heroes.Each super heroe can be thrown/ shot off and by remote control/like a boomerang returns to the owner
-The Best Pet in the World
-Comes in a variety of animals eg:chimps,kiwis etc…The pets will follow you around if you are wearing a special tag.They hug their owner squessing them.They respond/function like a normal pet that is good to their owner
-Racing Car Circus
-Set up ideally in a garage or games room.Kept on a couple of long benches.It looks like an alien /space circus with a lot of features that might be in a space circus.There is always things moving around.You can control some of these
-Brain Computer
-A computer in the shape of a robot head.You can type in any sort of fact/information,and it can repeat it anywhere by bringing it up
-Space Cruiser
-Like something from Star Trek.Very big.Has a lot of the main features,a ship like this may have.Kids can move around the figures etc…inside
-Wicked Witch
-A toy designed to look like a witch.Has a crsytal ball that shows two scenes which may happen.The owner must work out what the answer is,before he has asked the witch twenty questions
-Dungeons and Dragons
-Automatic/electric figures battle it out.There is a tower several ruler lenghts tall.They must each battle their way up the layers to reach the top where they will be the ruler.They go up the walls etc…Each player can try to stop the others by climbing on them etc…Like an old video game you use controls to guide the characters’ directions.There are also traps etc…
-Magic Kitchen
-Looks like a computer version of an oven.Kept in the kids’oven.About the size of a supermarket box.By pressing/selecting a food choice,and tipping ingrediants through the top,the oven automatically makes/bakes the food.The computer/oven can talk and give directions
-Giant Crayon
-A couple of feet tall.Used to draw ‘murals’etc…on walls.When done with they can be wipped off.The colours are ‘strong’ like the backgroundclours of a modern TV show
-Story Crystal Ball
-Shaped like a ‘flat’ round disc put on a table.It can recite dozens of fairy tales etc…Images/pictures from the story appear
-Nick the Naughty Robot
-A couple of feet tall.A bad mannered robot.Burps,passes wind,repeats things etc…Oftenin the day he lays around sleeping and snoring.He responds to different stimuli and acts accordingly.Put food in his cheast and pick from a selection and it comes out cooked.Also acts like a Soda Stream.He drinks/fills up like a Soda Stream machine.He drinks beer all day that is really soft drink refill that is turned into soft drink
-Play Town
-A model of a small town.Main shops like a hairdresser,firestation are all in it.The figuers of cars,people etc…that can move around(by hand)
-Smallish foam coloured caes race around.They bang into things,rool over each other,bang into ther cars.Each car comes with a different face,name etc…
-Window Display
-Over in the corner of a room like a display.It has different sections from Earth eg:Egypt,followed by the Grand Canyon
-Stewart is a mouse or rat.He does stunts.He can ride a mororbike,car etc…He does flips,races through stands,rides on a ‘roller coaster’etc…He comes with a lot of stunt equipment to use
-Story Book Reader
-Parents read a story etc…that is recorded by the recorder.By pressing a button the reader repalys the parent’s voice reciting the particular story.
-Roller Shoes
-Ordinary shoes,that when a knob is switched,a pair of wheels come down,enabling the person to roller skate on them
-Theme Scenes
-These are all the sizw of a longish bench.They feature different scenes,all really detailed,including people,models etc…Some of the movements are electronically/automatic controlled.Some are controlled by the person.Each room etc…(eg:furniture)is shown in proper detail.
-Magic Ponies
-These are horses with different colours and wings.Thet glide when thrown.They are designed to glide good distances.They purr when stroked.They are also illuminous
-A cuddly brown Teddy Bear that huge you squeeses you when squessed
-A carosaul of popular childrens’characters that rotate around the tops/sides of a small children’s table.Also can be lit up and play music
-Wilma is a big plastic robot maid.She somehow dispenses chores for the family and gives out rewards
-Gumpy.A big comical looking shark.About the length of a dining room table.It is blown up.Children can use it as a sort of play couch
-A game like ‘Star Wars/Darts’.A wheel on the wall is spun.Children must throw thrir coloured ‘counters’ (that stick) and try to land on their ship to get points,or knock off the other ships
-Dancing Puppets
-These come in a theatre the size of a TV cabinet.Puppets(with strings)can be bought for this(There is a good selection)The back of the theatre is lit and rotates(and the background scene) around
-Magic Felts
-These come with ‘strong/futuristric colours,and when used leaves white dots like stars on the surface
-Monster Backpack
-These are schol backpacks that look like a monster.By squeeing a ‘button’ the monster does a loud burp
-Comes in a genie bottle.Meant to be like a friend.Says nice things.Also tells stories,and gives good advice
-Roulette Wheel
-(But stands upright).Players spin the wheel and where it stops can be a hole.The player first all their counters out is the winner
-Rainbow Pens
-Comes in a box/tray of coloured pens.Each pen looks like a character from an army.Each pen is a different colour.At the end of each pen is an ‘extended section’that when you blow through plays notes up and down like the scales on a piano
-Talking Comic Book
-Looks like a magical ‘proper story book’.You pull a string like a bookmark and the page turns.When a new page is turned a voice reads the dialogue for the page.By pushing a button the page lights up for night use
-Space Shuttle
-These look like a space shuttle.You throw them at the side of a field.You keep pressing a button on the remote again and again to burstit/keep it going.At the end it glides to the ground or can return using the remote
-Giant Wall Poster
-Takes up a big area of the wall.Each poster shows a ceolloction of stories in pictures
-Wall Clock
-The shape of a wall clock.On the main face is a face of a Teddy Bear.As the hands go over the numbers light up.If the alarm on it is set,a voice from it says ‘Wake up,Wake up’
-Sports Kit
-The size of about the biggest TV set.A fielf on it’s base.A stadium around the sides.Levers to pull to make the players move.Comes with the equipment and players to play different games
-Music Box
-The size of a cube(ie:a ringbinder in each direction)Shaped to look like an astronaut’s helmet with a screen on the front.Special Picture discs are made for these.A child puts the disc in and it plays telling a story.The screen plays scenes frome the story
-Like a childrens’playhouse.You pull a lever for your experience selection.The blinds are pulled.The windows become screens and sounds are played.They fit in with each other to tell a story or share an experiance
-Robot Brain
-Shaped like a small robot
-A few feet tall
-In his cheast is a compact computer
-He has an electronic voice
-You poke the floppy disc through the mouth
-A door in his cheast opens to show a computer screen
-A keyboard is attatched to him by a lead or a cord
-You type in the instructions like using a remote
-Whenever there is something you want to retain you download it on to the computer
-The information is stored on ‘Brains’ hard drive
-When you want the information he prints it out
-The Hard Drive can store almost any amount of information,and the Haed Drive is in the head
-If possible,Brains can also read out what he records
-Robot Dog
-This is a remote control dog that plays the radio or television
-It is like a small grey dog with a head/TV screen
-There are dials on the dog that lets the dog play the radio or TV station
-There is also a joystick/remote that lets you control the programming and allow the dog to move on it’s wheels in different directions
-Books for Pets
-These are books intended for animals toread (ie:cats and dogs)
-The books consist of different stories told in full page illustrations that pets (or anyone)can understand by looking at the illustration
-Down the bottom of the right hand corner is a button that if a paw presses ,flicks the page over
-To go in the opposite direction you can push a button in the top right hand corner
-3-D Pictures
-You hang the pictures on the wall
-You can buy from a selection of 3-D pictures
-You put the picture you want between the ‘canvas’ of the frame and the front of it
-The front is made of the same stuff as the 3-D glasses are
-The pictures used forv it are also made to be used as 3-D pictures
-The frames come in different sizes eg:A1 siza,or as big as a poster
-3-D Chess
-This is played like the Connect Four games
-There are 4 glass boards on top if each other with rods between each board in the 4 corners of the board
-The boards are black and white squares like a checker board
-The object of the game is to get 4 of your men in a row in any direction before your opponent
-Ypu can only put your men on your colour square
-You have a selection of men or figures
-They are designed to look like fantasy characters and are the same colour as your checks
-3-D Mirror
-About the size of a small painting
-Hangs on the wall
-On the back of it is a mirror
-On the front of it is the surface that creates the 3-D effect
-Meant to be like a futuristic panel on the wall that shows something you want to show when you push a button on it
-3 Monster Wall Hangings
-3 Monster Wall Hangings of Dracula.the Mummy,and Frankestein
-Each one is about the height of a door
-They each have a cord and plug that attatches to a wall socket
-The Wall Hangings are ‘3 Dimensional’ like a person and not flat
-Each of the Monsters have these features
-When touched they raise their arms up
-When an alarm on them is set they wake the person up with a sceam
-At nighttime they glow a green colour
-If plugged into a socket from behind a door, the Monster says ‘Boo’when an alarm is triggered when the door is opened.(Like an alarm when leaving a store)
-Each acts as a Satellits Radio.To do this you adjust dials on the back of the neck
-They also act as a kind of ‘Piggy Bank’.You can put money in a compartment in their cheast and lock it’s door
-Chilren’s Play House
-‘Tall’ and all white like a ‘Future Home’
-Two stories
-Slide down one side that twists around the side of it
-Bouncy Bean Pads in the bottom floor that can be used like a trampoline
-Childrens’ play table on the middle floor
-Roof and ‘fence’ on top
-Down the other side of is a side of white panels wuth grooves in them that children can use to climb up the play house
-Blow Up Tents
-To blow up the ‘Tent’ you use a battery powered pump
-It inflates the tent to a full size tent shaped like a big cupcake
-Inside the tent comes shelves,zips on the windoows and the door
-The tent can be locked/fastened from the inside
-The tent’s canvas is tough to prevent tears
-If possible the base of the tent is inflated like a balloon and can balance on water
-The tent is also illuminous on the outside for easy spotting if the campers are losr
-Fantasy Scene Displays
-These are kept in a glass box about the size of a fish tank
-Each display has different creatures etc… in it that move around and do things
-Around the mobile ojects are fantasy scenes
-Different dispays have different creatures and scenery etc…
-The objects that move around are powered by electricity and built to move in a limited number of ways
-Pet Teddy Bear
-These are made to look like an ugly version of a possum
-When you squsse the stomach the arms hug you and the creature says the message ‘You’re my best friend’
-When you drop the possum on the floor it bouces
-At night it’s eyes glow
-You can dress the possum in different clothes
-You can pull it’s tail and it tells a fairy tale.These are programmed in it,and runs on a battery
-If someone is in danger or needs help you can pull a cord on it,and the possum races away making a loud n oise to attact help
-Clown Clock
-This is a round wall clock designed to look like a clown’s face
-As the hands progress around the clock’s face the digits pop up
-When the hand is is no longer on it ,the digits go back to normal positions,and the next digit pops up
-The clock has the following features
-The digits glow in the dark
-As an alarm,the clock laughs
-The clock can also double as a game of geussing the mystery number like in ‘Who Am I’
-Tiy Computer Robot
-Receives the Internet
-Stands about 1-2 metres tall and looks like a robot in a grey colour
-Like using the internet you type in the ‘exact’ name of a web site
-A printer inside it’s stomach copies and prints out the article
-Before printing the web site it is dispayed on the cheast of the robot
-The robot is meant to be like a futuristic robot or computer that can be asked to give information
-Teddy Bear Doll
-A walking and talking Tedd Bear the size of a doll.It also does actions.At the back of it is a lever.You can set the bear on either ‘Good’ or ‘Evil’.When on Good the bear does good deeds,whenon evilk the bear does evil
-Magic Merry Go Round
-This is a size of a circular coffee table.The top rotates revealing parts of a land or countries.These are also used licensed chsaracters like from Disney.Characters on the wheel also do actions
-Space Museum
-These come in boxed sets.you assemble them and attatch them to the ceiling.Stars/spots glow in the dark.Spaceships,space crusiers,planets etc.. also mve etc…The parts can be programmed to do actions/tell stories
-Super Heroe Control
These are like a video game.The table is round.It has black sides and a round top that is lit up.The player can control a super heroe figure.There are different games you can play by putting in different components.The tpy figures muet go through different battles etc…/stages in which he fights against the other figures in the game
-Magic Shoes
-These are ‘soles’ you attatch to shoes that are sticky and enable you to climb up walls.You keep the sticky soles in plastic bags untill you want to use them
-Crufts the Wonder Dog
The size and shape of a Golden Labrador dog.It has different features that lets yoy access with a remote
1.Bounces around
2.Shakes a long sticky tail at you
3.Walks along aside of you
4.Snores when asleep
-Giant Infattible Ball
Like a giant beach ball.You inflate it to the size yopu want
-Kiddie Oven
About the size of a nornal TV.It can store food for a long time.You put food in it,and press a button for the food setting you want to cook.
-Fantasy Mobile
Suspeneded in the air by a stand,different objects travel in a sequence to tell a story along with sound
-Robot Rider
Small (waist sized)toy animals move arouind (electronically) and young children can sit on them
-Sports Room
A small cubicle os shed kept inside.he length of a long table.Players attatch equipment(eg:leads)to themselves and compete in different sports games against a computer.The computer module is adjusted when new technology/innovations come through
-Ideas for Strobe Lightes
1-.The ceiling is painted black,with white dots that are floresent if possible(like space)
- From the middle of the ceiling hangs a strobe light
-It rotates/turns sending out a map or atlas of the world around the walls
2.-Like the old ‘View Masters’
-You put a metal head band on with goggles or eye pieces
-You can put sort of slides into the headband that show a number of pictures eg:scenery
-All you can see is from the inside the goggles which is the picture
3.-A way of making a picture on the wall
-Works like the old slide projectors on az screen
-You put the ‘projector’ close to the wall (with the wall preferbly anything on it)
-You put in different slides that change a wall into a different setting eg:a forrest
-The projector can be adjusted to fit different lengths of walls
-If possible the pictures are intense enough to cover up the wall(eg:wallpaper)
4.Solar System Strobe Lamp
-A spunning globe/ball with different coloured spots on it’sides.The globe spins,sending out lights around the walls desisned to resemble the plsanets etc… of the solar system.The moons around the planets and the sun in the middle also are featured
-Magic Roundabout
-A circus rounabout revolves,pictures of story scenes around the walls.Also lights up and plays music
-Dancing Bear
-A model of a toy bear about a foot and a half tall,sings and dances around the room.As well he recites selected fairy tales.
-Metaphor(the super heroe)
-About the height of a ringbinder.By pressing a remote he changes from his armoured figureinto different super heroes.Each super heroe can be thrown/ shot off and by remote control/like a boomerang returns to the owner
-The Best Pet in the World
-Comes in a variety of animals eg:chimps,kiwis etc…The pets will follow you around if you are wearing a special tag.They hug their owner squessing them.They respond/function like a normal pet that is good to their owner
-Racing Car Circus
-Set up ideally in a garage or games room.Kept on a couple of long benches.It looks like an alien /space circus with a lot of features that might be in a space circus.There is always things moving around.You can control some of these
-Brain Computer
-A computer in the shape of a robot head.You can type in any sort of fact/information,and it can repeat it anywhere by bringing it up
-Space Cruiser
-Like something from Star Trek.Very big.Has a lot of the main features,a ship like this may have.Kids can move around the figures etc…inside
-Wicked Witch
-A toy designed to look like a witch.Has a crsytal ball that shows two scenes which may happen.The owner must work out what the answer is,before he has asked the witch twenty questions
-Dungeons and Dragons
-Automatic/electric figures battle it out.There is a tower several ruler lenghts tall.They must each battle their way up the layers to reach the top where they will be the ruler.They go up the walls etc…Each player can try to stop the others by climbing on them etc…Like an old video game you use controls to guide the characters’ directions.There are also traps etc…
-Magic Kitchen
-Looks like a computer version of an oven.Kept in the kids’oven.About the size of a supermarket box.By pressing/selecting a food choice,and tipping ingrediants through the top,the oven automatically makes/bakes the food.The computer/oven can talk and give directions
-Giant Crayon
-A couple of feet tall.Used to draw ‘murals’etc…on walls.When done with they can be wipped off.The colours are ‘strong’ like the backgroundclours of a modern TV show
-Story Crystal Ball
-Shaped like a ‘flat’ round disc put on a table.It can recite dozens of fairy tales etc…Images/pictures from the story appear
-Nick the Naughty Robot
-A couple of feet tall.A bad mannered robot.Burps,passes wind,repeats things etc…Oftenin the day he lays around sleeping and snoring.He responds to different stimuli and acts accordingly.Put food in his cheast and pick from a selection and it comes out cooked.Also acts like a Soda Stream.He drinks/fills up like a Soda Stream machine.He drinks beer all day that is really soft drink refill that is turned into soft drink
-Play Town
-A model of a small town.Main shops like a hairdresser,firestation are all in it.The figuers of cars,people etc…that can move around(by hand)
-Smallish foam coloured caes race around.They bang into things,rool over each other,bang into ther cars.Each car comes with a different face,name etc…
-Window Display
-Over in the corner of a room like a display.It has different sections from Earth eg:Egypt,followed by the Grand Canyon
-Stewart is a mouse or rat.He does stunts.He can ride a mororbike,car etc…He does flips,races through stands,rides on a ‘roller coaster’etc…He comes with a lot of stunt equipment to use
-Story Book Reader
-Parents read a story etc…that is recorded by the recorder.By pressing a button the reader repalys the parent’s voice reciting the particular story.
-Roller Shoes
-Ordinary shoes,that when a knob is switched,a pair of wheels come down,enabling the person to roller skate on them
-Theme Scenes
-These are all the sizw of a longish bench.They feature different scenes,all really detailed,including people,models etc…Some of the movements are electronically/automatic controlled.Some are controlled by the person.Each room etc…(eg:furniture)is shown in proper detail.
-Magic Ponies
-These are horses with different colours and wings.Thet glide when thrown.They are designed to glide good distances.They purr when stroked.They are also illuminous
-A cuddly brown Teddy Bear that huge you squeeses you when squessed
-A carosaul of popular childrens’characters that rotate around the tops/sides of a small children’s table.Also can be lit up and play music
-Wilma is a big plastic robot maid.She somehow dispenses chores for the family and gives out rewards
-Gumpy.A big comical looking shark.About the length of a dining room table.It is blown up.Children can use it as a sort of play couch
-A game like ‘Star Wars/Darts’.A wheel on the wall is spun.Children must throw thrir coloured ‘counters’ (that stick) and try to land on their ship to get points,or knock off the other ships
-Dancing Puppets
-These come in a theatre the size of a TV cabinet.Puppets(with strings)can be bought for this(There is a good selection)The back of the theatre is lit and rotates(and the background scene) around
-Magic Felts
-These come with ‘strong/futuristric colours,and when used leaves white dots like stars on the surface
-Monster Backpack
-These are schol backpacks that look like a monster.By squeeing a ‘button’ the monster does a loud burp
-Comes in a genie bottle.Meant to be like a friend.Says nice things.Also tells stories,and gives good advice
-Roulette Wheel
-(But stands upright).Players spin the wheel and where it stops can be a hole.The player first all their counters out is the winner
-Rainbow Pens
-Comes in a box/tray of coloured pens.Each pen looks like a character from an army.Each pen is a different colour.At the end of each pen is an ‘extended section’that when you blow through plays notes up and down like the scales on a piano
-Talking Comic Book
-Looks like a magical ‘proper story book’.You pull a string like a bookmark and the page turns.When a new page is turned a voice reads the dialogue for the page.By pushing a button the page lights up for night use
-Space Shuttle
-These look like a space shuttle.You throw them at the side of a field.You keep pressing a button on the remote again and again to burstit/keep it going.At the end it glides to the ground or can return using the remote
-Giant Wall Poster
-Takes up a big area of the wall.Each poster shows a ceolloction of stories in pictures
-Wall Clock
-The shape of a wall clock.On the main face is a face of a Teddy Bear.As the hands go over the numbers light up.If the alarm on it is set,a voice from it says ‘Wake up,Wake up’
-Sports Kit
-The size of about the biggest TV set.A fielf on it’s base.A stadium around the sides.Levers to pull to make the players move.Comes with the equipment and players to play different games
-Music Box
-The size of a cube(ie:a ringbinder in each direction)Shaped to look like an astronaut’s helmet with a screen on the front.Special Picture discs are made for these.A child puts the disc in and it plays telling a story.The screen plays scenes frome the story
-Like a childrens’playhouse.You pull a lever for your experience selection.The blinds are pulled.The windows become screens and sounds are played.They fit in with each other to tell a story or share an experiance
-Robot Brain
-Shaped like a small robot
-A few feet tall
-In his cheast is a compact computer
-He has an electronic voice
-You poke the floppy disc through the mouth
-A door in his cheast opens to show a computer screen
-A keyboard is attatched to him by a lead or a cord
-You type in the instructions like using a remote
-Whenever there is something you want to retain you download it on to the computer
-The information is stored on ‘Brains’ hard drive
-When you want the information he prints it out
-The Hard Drive can store almost any amount of information,and the Haed Drive is in the head
-If possible,Brains can also read out what he records
-Robot Dog
-This is a remote control dog that plays the radio or television
-It is like a small grey dog with a head/TV screen
-There are dials on the dog that lets the dog play the radio or TV station
-There is also a joystick/remote that lets you control the programming and allow the dog to move on it’s wheels in different directions
-Books for Pets
-These are books intended for animals toread (ie:cats and dogs)
-The books consist of different stories told in full page illustrations that pets (or anyone)can understand by looking at the illustration
-Down the bottom of the right hand corner is a button that if a paw presses ,flicks the page over
-To go in the opposite direction you can push a button in the top right hand corner
-3-D Pictures
-You hang the pictures on the wall
-You can buy from a selection of 3-D pictures
-You put the picture you want between the ‘canvas’ of the frame and the front of it
-The front is made of the same stuff as the 3-D glasses are
-The pictures used forv it are also made to be used as 3-D pictures
-The frames come in different sizes eg:A1 siza,or as big as a poster
-3-D Chess
-This is played like the Connect Four games
-There are 4 glass boards on top if each other with rods between each board in the 4 corners of the board
-The boards are black and white squares like a checker board
-The object of the game is to get 4 of your men in a row in any direction before your opponent
-Ypu can only put your men on your colour square
-You have a selection of men or figures
-They are designed to look like fantasy characters and are the same colour as your checks
-3-D Mirror
-About the size of a small painting
-Hangs on the wall
-On the back of it is a mirror
-On the front of it is the surface that creates the 3-D effect
-Meant to be like a futuristic panel on the wall that shows something you want to show when you push a button on it
-3 Monster Wall Hangings
-3 Monster Wall Hangings of Dracula.the Mummy,and Frankestein
-Each one is about the height of a door
-They each have a cord and plug that attatches to a wall socket
-The Wall Hangings are ‘3 Dimensional’ like a person and not flat
-Each of the Monsters have these features
-When touched they raise their arms up
-When an alarm on them is set they wake the person up with a sceam
-At nighttime they glow a green colour
-If plugged into a socket from behind a door, the Monster says ‘Boo’when an alarm is triggered when the door is opened.(Like an alarm when leaving a store)
-Each acts as a Satellits Radio.To do this you adjust dials on the back of the neck
-They also act as a kind of ‘Piggy Bank’.You can put money in a compartment in their cheast and lock it’s door
-Chilren’s Play House
-‘Tall’ and all white like a ‘Future Home’
-Two stories
-Slide down one side that twists around the side of it
-Bouncy Bean Pads in the bottom floor that can be used like a trampoline
-Childrens’ play table on the middle floor
-Roof and ‘fence’ on top
-Down the other side of is a side of white panels wuth grooves in them that children can use to climb up the play house
-Blow Up Tents
-To blow up the ‘Tent’ you use a battery powered pump
-It inflates the tent to a full size tent shaped like a big cupcake
-Inside the tent comes shelves,zips on the windoows and the door
-The tent can be locked/fastened from the inside
-The tent’s canvas is tough to prevent tears
-If possible the base of the tent is inflated like a balloon and can balance on water
-The tent is also illuminous on the outside for easy spotting if the campers are losr
-Fantasy Scene Displays
-These are kept in a glass box about the size of a fish tank
-Each display has different creatures etc… in it that move around and do things
-Around the mobile ojects are fantasy scenes
-Different dispays have different creatures and scenery etc…
-The objects that move around are powered by electricity and built to move in a limited number of ways
-Pet Teddy Bear
-These are made to look like an ugly version of a possum
-When you squsse the stomach the arms hug you and the creature says the message ‘You’re my best friend’
-When you drop the possum on the floor it bouces
-At night it’s eyes glow
-You can dress the possum in different clothes
-You can pull it’s tail and it tells a fairy tale.These are programmed in it,and runs on a battery
-If someone is in danger or needs help you can pull a cord on it,and the possum races away making a loud n oise to attact help
-Clown Clock
-This is a round wall clock designed to look like a clown’s face
-As the hands progress around the clock’s face the digits pop up
-When the hand is is no longer on it ,the digits go back to normal positions,and the next digit pops up
-The clock has the following features
-The digits glow in the dark
-As an alarm,the clock laughs
-The clock can also double as a game of geussing the mystery number like in ‘Who Am I’
-Tiy Computer Robot
-Receives the Internet
-Stands about 1-2 metres tall and looks like a robot in a grey colour
-Like using the internet you type in the ‘exact’ name of a web site
-A printer inside it’s stomach copies and prints out the article
-Before printing the web site it is dispayed on the cheast of the robot
-The robot is meant to be like a futuristic robot or computer that can be asked to give information
-Teddy Bear Doll
-A walking and talking Tedd Bear the size of a doll.It also does actions.At the back of it is a lever.You can set the bear on either ‘Good’ or ‘Evil’.When on Good the bear does good deeds,whenon evilk the bear does evil
-Magic Merry Go Round
-This is a size of a circular coffee table.The top rotates revealing parts of a land or countries.These are also used licensed chsaracters like from Disney.Characters on the wheel also do actions
-Space Museum
-These come in boxed sets.you assemble them and attatch them to the ceiling.Stars/spots glow in the dark.Spaceships,space crusiers,planets etc.. also mve etc…The parts can be programmed to do actions/tell stories
-Super Heroe Control
These are like a video game.The table is round.It has black sides and a round top that is lit up.The player can control a super heroe figure.There are different games you can play by putting in different components.The tpy figures muet go through different battles etc…/stages in which he fights against the other figures in the game
-Magic Shoes
-These are ‘soles’ you attatch to shoes that are sticky and enable you to climb up walls.You keep the sticky soles in plastic bags untill you want to use them
-Crufts the Wonder Dog
The size and shape of a Golden Labrador dog.It has different features that lets yoy access with a remote
1.Bounces around
2.Shakes a long sticky tail at you
3.Walks along aside of you
4.Snores when asleep
-Giant Infattible Ball
Like a giant beach ball.You inflate it to the size yopu want
-Kiddie Oven
About the size of a nornal TV.It can store food for a long time.You put food in it,and press a button for the food setting you want to cook.
-Fantasy Mobile
Suspeneded in the air by a stand,different objects travel in a sequence to tell a story along with sound
-Robot Rider
Small (waist sized)toy animals move arouind (electronically) and young children can sit on them
-Sports Room
A small cubicle os shed kept inside.he length of a long table.Players attatch equipment(eg:leads)to themselves and compete in different sports games against a computer.The computer module is adjusted when new technology/innovations come through
-Ideas for Strobe Lightes
1-.The ceiling is painted black,with white dots that are floresent if possible(like space)
- From the middle of the ceiling hangs a strobe light
-It rotates/turns sending out a map or atlas of the world around the walls
2.-Like the old ‘View Masters’
-You put a metal head band on with goggles or eye pieces
-You can put sort of slides into the headband that show a number of pictures eg:scenery
-All you can see is from the inside the goggles which is the picture
3.-A way of making a picture on the wall
-Works like the old slide projectors on az screen
-You put the ‘projector’ close to the wall (with the wall preferbly anything on it)
-You put in different slides that change a wall into a different setting eg:a forrest
-The projector can be adjusted to fit different lengths of walls
-If possible the pictures are intense enough to cover up the wall(eg:wallpaper)
4.Solar System Strobe Lamp
-A spunning globe/ball with different coloured spots on it’sides.The globe spins,sending out lights around the walls desisned to resemble the plsanets etc… of the solar system.The moons around the planets and the sun in the middle also are featured
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Radio Stations
Radio Stations
1.A modern music station like ZM
-Brief news and sports on the hour every hour
-Interactive Breakfast program
-Hollywood news combined with Top 40 every Saturday Mornings-the news with information about the revelant acts
-Children’s Break’ Kid’s Magazine
-What’s going on and for children
-Interesting facts and information
-Junk Mail-Comedy/Spoof night program week nights (8pm-12pm)
-Overnight show(12-6am)
Ideally someone like ‘the Wolfman’ from American radio
A bit eccentric and strange.Americanised,enthuisastic and hyper.A character
-To the Manor Born Free
Contest/game show after the Breakfast show(10am-10:30am)
Loads of small prizes,plus often really good/big prizes
Easy to win
-Trendy/americanised DJs
2.WWR (World Wide Radio)
-Rotates around different countries(playing)
-Set up in different cities
-Comedy Rock
Country Love
Modern Oldie
-Plays at different times like Shortwave
-Pre-recorded so it can be tranlated
-Features such as stories/books,news,historical information(and from different areas)
-Reputation like the Daily Planet
-Music etc…for the youth
-Emphsis on chilren’s programing
-Individual cities/areas can put their own slots in (with enough notice)
-Does’t favour a religon and is unbiased to any country
-Exceptioal news service
-Plays an equal balance of music
-Programs are repeated so people in different areas can get a chance to hear them
-Comprehensive news on every hour
-1.World news
2.Country news
3.Local area news
-Adds for the local area
New serials/adventuers to listen to
Life skills
Guest stars
Information combined with entertainment
True stories made for entertainment
Clildren around the world(news,stories etc…)
Kids can send in work
-Radio Talkback-Done like the Larry King show
-Some programs are different where there is a different language
-Live concerts
-Interviews with the stars etc…
-Youth music is an important part
-No areas of news that can’t be dealt with(except sex etc..)
-Major sports are in a half hour feature replayed a couple of times a day(not with hourly news)
-A strong emphasis on entertainment news
-Programs of different music genres rotating again and again each week.Along with the information about the stars,the songs,the times etc…Also plays program featuring a spotlight on an act and information aboutvthem too
-Basic life skills-eg:how to boil an egg,change a lightbulbetc…
3.-Has a regional station in every part of the country
-Plays rotating segments of all the music genres
-Plays only quality/the best music
-Plays music from the last few decades and all the genres(eg:hip hop)
-The stations are set up like a clock with genres and radio stationseach playing a segment of air time
-As well there is time for the individual stations to play their own air time
-When a region or country is played,it plays that news bulletin for the hour
-World Bulletin
-World sport
-World news
-World entertainment news
-World charts
-World talkback
-Top Ten-A feature that presents a Top Ten of something for an area
-Kiwi music/Local music/Other countries(espicially Kiwi music)Other countries music (eg:an area like the Corromandel or France) played in segments
4.-Ideas for a line of radio stations around New Zealand playing the sane program with different adds in different cities
-1.Midnight to 6am
12-1-Up to 1940s music
1-2-Fifties music
3-4-Sixties music
4-5-Seventies music
5-6-Eighties music
All star breakfast show
Segments of 6 tracks from major artists from any btime
Each segment has some trivia in it
News updated between each segment
No contests etc…
Entertainment Hour
Gossip on the stars
Songs to go with the gossip
Items on the histort of the stars
Kid’s show
Old serials like superman or Flash Gordon are played through the show
Childern can make segments
There are contests
Some of the songs played are children’songs
‘In the News’ feature for children re-payed every half hour
News hour
Top 30 Countdown
People phone in to vote for the track they want
The Top 30 songs are played
-7.-Saturday 6am-10am
Family Countdown
40 tracks are played
Some of the tracks are the in New Zealand charts,some from overseas charts
Each track playedare in their correspondingposition on the countries’charts
Also plays corresponding songs from the charts of thed past
Presented in a friendly family way
-8.-Sunday 6am-10am
Pays the US Christian Radio station Monitor live
-9.-Saturday 6pm-12am
US radio station Radio Disney is played
-10.-Sunday 6pm-12am
A US radio station that concentrates on Hit music is played
-No talkback
-News on the hour every hour
-All programming between 10am and 6pm are played every day
-The station has a friendly slant to iteg:no fake phoe calls,presenters in their thirties or older
1.A modern music station like ZM
-Brief news and sports on the hour every hour
-Interactive Breakfast program
-Hollywood news combined with Top 40 every Saturday Mornings-the news with information about the revelant acts
-Children’s Break’ Kid’s Magazine
-What’s going on and for children
-Interesting facts and information
-Junk Mail-Comedy/Spoof night program week nights (8pm-12pm)
-Overnight show(12-6am)
Ideally someone like ‘the Wolfman’ from American radio
A bit eccentric and strange.Americanised,enthuisastic and hyper.A character
-To the Manor Born Free
Contest/game show after the Breakfast show(10am-10:30am)
Loads of small prizes,plus often really good/big prizes
Easy to win
-Trendy/americanised DJs
2.WWR (World Wide Radio)
-Rotates around different countries(playing)
-Set up in different cities
-Comedy Rock
Country Love
Modern Oldie
-Plays at different times like Shortwave
-Pre-recorded so it can be tranlated
-Features such as stories/books,news,historical information(and from different areas)
-Reputation like the Daily Planet
-Music etc…for the youth
-Emphsis on chilren’s programing
-Individual cities/areas can put their own slots in (with enough notice)
-Does’t favour a religon and is unbiased to any country
-Exceptioal news service
-Plays an equal balance of music
-Programs are repeated so people in different areas can get a chance to hear them
-Comprehensive news on every hour
-1.World news
2.Country news
3.Local area news
-Adds for the local area
New serials/adventuers to listen to
Life skills
Guest stars
Information combined with entertainment
True stories made for entertainment
Clildren around the world(news,stories etc…)
Kids can send in work
-Radio Talkback-Done like the Larry King show
-Some programs are different where there is a different language
-Live concerts
-Interviews with the stars etc…
-Youth music is an important part
-No areas of news that can’t be dealt with(except sex etc..)
-Major sports are in a half hour feature replayed a couple of times a day(not with hourly news)
-A strong emphasis on entertainment news
-Programs of different music genres rotating again and again each week.Along with the information about the stars,the songs,the times etc…Also plays program featuring a spotlight on an act and information aboutvthem too
-Basic life skills-eg:how to boil an egg,change a lightbulbetc…
3.-Has a regional station in every part of the country
-Plays rotating segments of all the music genres
-Plays only quality/the best music
-Plays music from the last few decades and all the genres(eg:hip hop)
-The stations are set up like a clock with genres and radio stationseach playing a segment of air time
-As well there is time for the individual stations to play their own air time
-When a region or country is played,it plays that news bulletin for the hour
-World Bulletin
-World sport
-World news
-World entertainment news
-World charts
-World talkback
-Top Ten-A feature that presents a Top Ten of something for an area
-Kiwi music/Local music/Other countries(espicially Kiwi music)Other countries music (eg:an area like the Corromandel or France) played in segments
4.-Ideas for a line of radio stations around New Zealand playing the sane program with different adds in different cities
-1.Midnight to 6am
12-1-Up to 1940s music
1-2-Fifties music
3-4-Sixties music
4-5-Seventies music
5-6-Eighties music
All star breakfast show
Segments of 6 tracks from major artists from any btime
Each segment has some trivia in it
News updated between each segment
No contests etc…
Entertainment Hour
Gossip on the stars
Songs to go with the gossip
Items on the histort of the stars
Kid’s show
Old serials like superman or Flash Gordon are played through the show
Childern can make segments
There are contests
Some of the songs played are children’songs
‘In the News’ feature for children re-payed every half hour
News hour
Top 30 Countdown
People phone in to vote for the track they want
The Top 30 songs are played
-7.-Saturday 6am-10am
Family Countdown
40 tracks are played
Some of the tracks are the in New Zealand charts,some from overseas charts
Each track playedare in their correspondingposition on the countries’charts
Also plays corresponding songs from the charts of thed past
Presented in a friendly family way
-8.-Sunday 6am-10am
Pays the US Christian Radio station Monitor live
-9.-Saturday 6pm-12am
US radio station Radio Disney is played
-10.-Sunday 6pm-12am
A US radio station that concentrates on Hit music is played
-No talkback
-News on the hour every hour
-All programming between 10am and 6pm are played every day
-The station has a friendly slant to iteg:no fake phoe calls,presenters in their thirties or older
Science Fiction Magazine
-News on Sci-Fi products
-Short stories by people
-Ploot guides of movies and books
-Episode guides of TV series
-Hollywood reporter
-Letters to the editor
-Questions and answers between readers and a staff member of the magazine
-Also between readers and a guest
-Pin ups and really big posters
-Spotlight on a Sci-Fi book or movie etc…of the past
-Star Feature-An inteview with a star of the Sci-Fi
-Around the universe-other areas such as comics,trading careds etc…
-Blown up comic book pages sized
-Painted Cover every month of a Sci-Fi story eg:a movie
-Back issue catalog-Each month is a different selection of comics,videos,and books etc…that can be ordered through the magazine
-News on science-fiction for children
-Entertainment from around the worldeg:what’s going on at Disneyland
-If possible-The secrets of upcoming movies,books etc…
-Comic Book Strips-6 pages of comic book strips making fun of science-fiction.Each strip panel is the size of a classified add.
-The World of Animation
-Key authors,characters,productions in Sci-Fi history.(like a program spotlighting a different major production each issue)
-Super Heroe section
-Each issue has a continuing segment on childrens’literature(fantasy)in order of time and theme,like a book/catalog about childrens’,literature
Horror Magazine
-Big section of pin-ups and posters
-Lots of interviews with people in the horror biz
-News reporter
-Letters to the editor,sometimes questions asked by a reporter
-Mature fantasy art section
-Focus/Flashback ie:a horror ‘production’ of the past
-Colour glossy pages and black and white newsprnt pages
-A news feature on all(all of the possible) horror productions going on in Hollywood
-horror parody section-Several pages of comic book strips,making fun of horroreg:I page stories,or just a few panels
-Each month includes a ‘colour card’ pin up that builds up into a life like sized character from horror
-1/3 New Zealand news
-1/3 news from another country
-1/3 news from a city in that country
-All the main news from the world that day
-Really large comic book strip section in the middle
-Talkback/Letter to th Editor-readers give their oponions and ask questions,also via the internet etc…
-Virtually no story taboo
-No tabloid journalism.If possible a high standard,sort of like the ‘Daily Planet’,it is shown to be a news leaderand very ethical
-Each day has a couple of different magazine features eg:magazine inserts on dining,the entertainment
-Hollwood section with as much of the main news each day as possible
-Free space for ‘Community Provider’
-Giant Sunday Sectoin,with all of the main news and sport from the previous week combined.Also intended as a history presentation,as a means of recording history,and aa a souvenir
-Smaller sized pages,like the US sized
-Vending machines around the country
-News on upcoming incentives/priducts as early as possible
-Chilrens’ interest section
-Massive entertainment section every day
-News section where prople can send in articles for the paper themseves
-Community Interest Section-A section where people can advertise cheaply and so can community groups
-Games section each day(eg:crosswords)
-Section where the reporters go looking for the stories themseves(eg:like in ‘Superman’)
-Section for a cheap fee where anyone can have a say about something they want
-Republshing stories from the past in history that were published in other magazines
-Link Up Section-A section where articles from other publications are printed in the paper
-Full TV Listings.Plus selected listings from uther countries
-Most comprehensive listings each week on TV and Radio
Adult Magazine
-For both men and women
-Posters of men and women nude ech month
-Adult product ‘catalog’
-Each month has a lifetstyle article on a male or female celebrity
-Adult classifieds
-Comic Strips-Adult super heroe strip,set in New Zealand
-Adult fantasy stories and you can submit your stories
-News Section-articles like in Time that the magazine’s reporters do ie:not necessary adult nature
-Fashion pages
-True life tales of events of the past(adult experiances)
-Bed sits,caravan parks for permannt accomadtion
-News on the world of adult entertainment
-Reviews on Fitness/Health products
-Different body building types/instructions for men to try
-A monthly magazine
-Makes fun of items in entertaiment magazines
-Fasihion Section-Makes fun of stars’real clothes
-Horroscope-How can you look at a star and see the future(knocks Horroscopes)
-Star Focus-True articles on a star twisted to be funny
-The Private Life of-Bios on stars that make fun of plots like kidnapping etc…
-Add like Informercials-Repeated again and again,so that you see more humour each time you read it
-Soap Focus-Most of the major soap operas each month
-Upcoming plot details make fun of people coming back from the dead etc..
-Photos Section-Makes fun of actors,their characters etc…using ‘silly’ ‘production photos’
-Plus a lot of articlesthat make fun of the stars
Universe News
-A ‘futuristic’newspaper that is meant to be distributed across space
-Graphics like in the future
-Running coverage on things/people such as a Space Empire,problems and elections,wars etc…
-TV coverage and listings of some major channels screened across space(Titles and a brief description)
-Magazine Insert-Magazine/Lifestyle feature eg:trvel,entertainment,whats going on
-A weekly magazine of newspaper format
-Futuristic comic strips with regular characters
-Stories that are meant to be from writers from other worlds,some of which vare really New Zealand writers
-Day in history/spotlight on a world feature
-News on adventuers of people(Some of which are proffessional stories submitted by writers)
-The planet Universe News is from is meant to be at war with an evil ‘Space Empire’)
TV Programme Magazine
-A weekly magazine with TV listings
-It has articles on the TV priogrammes plus stories and art etc…
-The spine of the magazine is curved/rounded and the inside pages are a mixture of colour glooy and black and white newsprint
Science Fiction Magazine
-News on Sci-Fi products
-Short stories by people
-Ploot guides of movies and books
-Episode guides of TV series
-Hollywood reporter
-Letters to the editor
-Questions and answers between readers and a staff member of the magazine
-Also between readers and a guest
-Pin ups and really big posters
-Spotlight on a Sci-Fi book or movie etc…of the past
-Star Feature-An inteview with a star of the Sci-Fi
-Around the universe-other areas such as comics,trading careds etc…
-Blown up comic book pages sized
-Painted Cover every month of a Sci-Fi story eg:a movie
-Back issue catalog-Each month is a different selection of comics,videos,and books etc…that can be ordered through the magazine
-News on science-fiction for children
-Entertainment from around the worldeg:what’s going on at Disneyland
-If possible-The secrets of upcoming movies,books etc…
-Comic Book Strips-6 pages of comic book strips making fun of science-fiction.Each strip panel is the size of a classified add.
-The World of Animation
-Key authors,characters,productions in Sci-Fi history.(like a program spotlighting a different major production each issue)
-Super Heroe section
-Each issue has a continuing segment on childrens’literature(fantasy)in order of time and theme,like a book/catalog about childrens’,literature
Horror Magazine
-Big section of pin-ups and posters
-Lots of interviews with people in the horror biz
-News reporter
-Letters to the editor,sometimes questions asked by a reporter
-Mature fantasy art section
-Focus/Flashback ie:a horror ‘production’ of the past
-Colour glossy pages and black and white newsprnt pages
-A news feature on all(all of the possible) horror productions going on in Hollywood
-horror parody section-Several pages of comic book strips,making fun of horroreg:I page stories,or just a few panels
-Each month includes a ‘colour card’ pin up that builds up into a life like sized character from horror
-1/3 New Zealand news
-1/3 news from another country
-1/3 news from a city in that country
-All the main news from the world that day
-Really large comic book strip section in the middle
-Talkback/Letter to th Editor-readers give their oponions and ask questions,also via the internet etc…
-Virtually no story taboo
-No tabloid journalism.If possible a high standard,sort of like the ‘Daily Planet’,it is shown to be a news leaderand very ethical
-Each day has a couple of different magazine features eg:magazine inserts on dining,the entertainment
-Hollwood section with as much of the main news each day as possible
-Free space for ‘Community Provider’
-Giant Sunday Sectoin,with all of the main news and sport from the previous week combined.Also intended as a history presentation,as a means of recording history,and aa a souvenir
-Smaller sized pages,like the US sized
-Vending machines around the country
-News on upcoming incentives/priducts as early as possible
-Chilrens’ interest section
-Massive entertainment section every day
-News section where prople can send in articles for the paper themseves
-Community Interest Section-A section where people can advertise cheaply and so can community groups
-Games section each day(eg:crosswords)
-Section where the reporters go looking for the stories themseves(eg:like in ‘Superman’)
-Section for a cheap fee where anyone can have a say about something they want
-Republshing stories from the past in history that were published in other magazines
-Link Up Section-A section where articles from other publications are printed in the paper
-Full TV Listings.Plus selected listings from uther countries
-Most comprehensive listings each week on TV and Radio
Adult Magazine
-For both men and women
-Posters of men and women nude ech month
-Adult product ‘catalog’
-Each month has a lifetstyle article on a male or female celebrity
-Adult classifieds
-Comic Strips-Adult super heroe strip,set in New Zealand
-Adult fantasy stories and you can submit your stories
-News Section-articles like in Time that the magazine’s reporters do ie:not necessary adult nature
-Fashion pages
-True life tales of events of the past(adult experiances)
-Bed sits,caravan parks for permannt accomadtion
-News on the world of adult entertainment
-Reviews on Fitness/Health products
-Different body building types/instructions for men to try
-A monthly magazine
-Makes fun of items in entertaiment magazines
-Fasihion Section-Makes fun of stars’real clothes
-Horroscope-How can you look at a star and see the future(knocks Horroscopes)
-Star Focus-True articles on a star twisted to be funny
-The Private Life of-Bios on stars that make fun of plots like kidnapping etc…
-Add like Informercials-Repeated again and again,so that you see more humour each time you read it
-Soap Focus-Most of the major soap operas each month
-Upcoming plot details make fun of people coming back from the dead etc..
-Photos Section-Makes fun of actors,their characters etc…using ‘silly’ ‘production photos’
-Plus a lot of articlesthat make fun of the stars
Universe News
-A ‘futuristic’newspaper that is meant to be distributed across space
-Graphics like in the future
-Running coverage on things/people such as a Space Empire,problems and elections,wars etc…
-TV coverage and listings of some major channels screened across space(Titles and a brief description)
-Magazine Insert-Magazine/Lifestyle feature eg:trvel,entertainment,whats going on
-A weekly magazine of newspaper format
-Futuristic comic strips with regular characters
-Stories that are meant to be from writers from other worlds,some of which vare really New Zealand writers
-Day in history/spotlight on a world feature
-News on adventuers of people(Some of which are proffessional stories submitted by writers)
-The planet Universe News is from is meant to be at war with an evil ‘Space Empire’)
TV Programme Magazine
-A weekly magazine with TV listings
-It has articles on the TV priogrammes plus stories and art etc…
-The spine of the magazine is curved/rounded and the inside pages are a mixture of colour glooy and black and white newsprint
Tourist Attractions
Tourist Attractions
1.A long winding yellow brick road up a mountain like the yellow brick road in Oz
2.A wax work musuem in a cylinder shaped building with wax statues of superheroes (in order of their appearance.)
3.A superheroe headquarters on an island.
4.A ‘spaceship’ like the Entertprise from Star Trek
5.A massive balloon like the Death Star suspended above the land.
Theme Parks
1.Adventure Park
2.Candy Country
3.Gardens and Roses
4.Born Free
5.Space World
6.Story Book Land
1.Adventure Park
-The park is set on an island that is a large area of land with a man made ‘moat’ dug around it.
-Gives people a chance to experience ‘sort of adventures’
-Gives people thrills/scary rides too
-People must get to the island in a sort of fantastic submarine
-In addition to the features described here ther care attractions from movies,books etc… including ones from public domain characters
-(Ride or Attraction)A ride around the great mysteries of the Earth
-This section is in the middle of the island
-It is about the size of a few branches of the Warehouse
-At the centre of it is Atlantis-a foreboding but futuristic city
-Around the city is divisions of three
-1.snow mountains for Yeti
-2.everglades for Bigfoot
-3.a lake for the Loch Ness Monster
-Atlantis is at the centre with a dome with water around it
The other major mystery used is the ‘Bermuda Triangle,’which fits in with being lost at sea like Atlantis
-Under an area of it are creatures,wreacks of planes etc…that are controlled by electronics that jump out and whiz around
-(Ride or Attraction)On the island are tram traks in the air over the island
-They transport the tourists through the air on small carriages that carry half a dozen peole each
-They are designed to look like the ‘Gump’from Oz books
-It is shaped like
-2 couches fastened together
-palm branche wings on each side
-a moose’s head at the front
-a broomsticktail
-The moose’s head can talk
-(Ride or Attraction)The Haunted House
-People enter in the groups of 6 that they travel in
-Each group always has a guide
-The Haunted House looks like a Witch’s Hat
-The Witch is a woman dressed in black with green hair and skin
-The Witch has traps around the castle
-She sometimes appears and grabs you (a controlled manequin)
-There is her army of huge spiders that are in piles(also controlled manequins)
-While walking around actors dressed up like creatures jump out and grab people
-There is the sound os screaming throughout the castle
-Visitors can tour different area of the castle
-There are 2 keys to the castle.
-In a darkened room with a spinning wheel/large crystal ball,the Witch can see anywhere in her castle with cameras
-The object or key to the game is to retreive the key for this room and unlock the entrance to the castle before the Witch can get you
-(Ride or Attraction)An attraction like ‘Star Wars’
-This time people travel by themselves(one at a time)
-They travel in small flying saucers
-Their enemies are like the ‘Empire’
-The Empire’s base is housed in sa circular wheel shaped base(and flat on it’s side)
-The flying saucers whiz around with their paths controlled by computer(not by the piolit)
-There are 3 main tasks/goals for the piolit
1.travel through a maze of tunnels inside the base to reach the centre and blast the main control room.This will ‘blow up’ the base/creates a lot of lights when this happens.The first piolit of each group who does this is th winner
2.The ship the piolit rides in,is bombarded by meteors.In reality this is just an area of rocks the saucer flies through.The piolits must use the cotrols like a video game to try to blow up the ship
3.The saucer must go into’Hyper Drive’.When this happens the saucer accelerates to incredible speeds
-(Ride or Attraction)
-Super Heroe Ride or Attraction
-You are ‘The Key’(a super heroe)
-You must fight the evil computer ‘Comptroller’
-He is a massive head made up of a lot of Televion sets
-You have an arsenal of crime fighting equipment
-These are used to fight the Comptroller
-4 of them are
1.Guns that fire loads of sticky stuff
2.Grenades that when a key/tab is removed releaes sleeping gas (you wear a mask)
3.Infra red glasses(to see in the dark)
4.Blackout bombs
-The object of the mission is to pass through different obstacles set up by Comptroller to reach the top of him to destroy him.If you can use the fighting equipment that is good,if you can’t that is not important
-The attraction is one that allows the first person to win,and the next players to come second and third etc…
-(Ride or Attraction)The Rotating Room
-The Rotating Rooms are controlled by an evil Teddy Bear
-Each person must travel through different rooms before reaching the end
-Each of the rooms rotate
-You must be able to balance yourself as the room spins
-One of the Rotating Rooms is a room with a tunnel through the middle with water all around it
-Another of the rooms shakes as you pass through it
-At certain times.like if you make a mistake,the place where you are standing rotates like a whee,so you are back to where you started
-When a person gets to the Teddy Bear at the end he must stand on a cushioned platform which will raise him out of the attraction
-(Ride or Attraction)Ride on Air
-This is meant to be a really long and scary ride
-It accelerates and de-celerates again and again on and off
-Some of the features you pass through
1.are skimming over ponds with dangerous creatures jumping up and appearing above the water
2.Travelling downwards at amazing speeds round and round in a temple like in ‘Indiana Jones’
3.Entering a Clown’s mask with him laughing and travelling through different rooms designed to look like a clown
4.The ‘Trams’ shaking while over footage/or real volcanoes and earthquakes
5.The Trams travelling down a hillside followed by different objects rolling behin you
6.Piles of living snakes and spiders etc…coming down around the Tram
7.A circular tour of the island as fast as possible
8.As well as these attractions the park has a lot of other ‘adventure themed’attractions
2 Candy Country
-Candy Country is an amusement park based around ‘Candy’
-It is based inside a number of large warehouses
-A warehouse building filled as with many of the cookies from around the world as possible
-A small cottage made entirley of chocolate and different sorts of candies.Each morning it is replaced.People can bite lumps out of it.(Except the floor which is covered)
-Each day at 12 (miday and midnight) there is a street procession around Candy Country where sweets are thrown out
-In a park/wood like area runs a stream.The stream has soft drinks in it.The flavours automatically change throughout the day.People can use cups to drink out of it.They can’t go into the drink
-People can make their own sweets
-There is a souvenir shop there
-Around the park walk attendants dressed as colourfull animal characters
-Around the park and along the ‘stream’ rides a ‘barge’.It travels on both water and land,along tracks.Ocasionally sweets rain down upon the barge,and the visitors try to fill up buckets with the sweets
-While in the park,the customers buy ‘lunch pails’ .For every lunch pail they buy they can fill with candy
-Around the park,on the trees,hang toffee apples and rum balls.Each day the workers put out more of these on the trees
-There is a sort of zoothere.It is an open area where non-dangerous wildlife animals lived together.(At the front of the park and all behind a tall fence,so anyone can see the animals from the road)
-In the Wicked Witche’s home a group of witches show visitors how the candy is made
-In ‘DreamLand’(part of Candy Land) there are lots of small homes in the traditional designs of their own countries.Each of these homes have candies that are from that country
-Visitors can travel in a ‘jeep’ around the wildlife park,throwing (non-sweet)foods to the animals
-In the middle of Candy Country is an upright mountain in the shape of a pole.The top of it rotates for a full view of the park for visitors
2.Gardens and Roses
-This is a theme park that makes fun of theme parks
-Around the park march workers dressed as security gaurds which look like terrible/dangerous cartoon/cuddly characters
-Visitors take a ride on a ballon like/pad that bounces them around like having sex
-The security gaurds reguarly pelt people who cause trouble with water etc… like a group of crooked police
-There is a ‘Ground Quake’room.Inside this the floor sways viontley from side to side
-Through a curtained door in it is the entrance to the ‘Some Hot Some Not’ the swimming pool area
-Allthe workers are attractive,all the visitoprs must wear bikinis or speedos,the male workers wear sarongs,the female workers wear tight pants and a brief top like a ‘T’design
-There are hot and cold pools
-These is also a continous Fish and Chipc bar here called ‘Fish and Chicks’-In one of the pools there are tournaments
-On top of the water are long padded “rugs’.2 people stand at each end of the pad
-They each have a padded pole and must try to knock their opponents off
-There is an aquarium
-It is filled with dangerous water based animals like alligators etc…in different tanks.
-At five o’ clock each day,all of the workers strip to their underwear,and usinbg hoses,spray people with alocohol
-There is the ‘Anudemalium’ Super Heroe Souvenir Shop
-This shop sells a variety of souvenirs,such as novelties, T-Shirts,lava lamps etc…
-Scary Tale Land(part of Garden and Roses)
-In this there are different cubicles
-Each cubibcle has a different Fairy Tale setting using Fairy Tale chracters in the same sort of designs as a Disney Movie/but different enough
In each of the displays the characters and items are mechanical,and can mive and do things
-The settings make fun of fairy tales a lot like the ‘Itchy and Scratchy’ segments of ‘the Simpsons’
4.Born Free
-A ‘Garden Theme Park’
-In spots around the park(if possible) are flowers etc…based on characters from literature
-Some of the characters that can be used are ones like fairy tale characters
-There is a café area
-Around and above it are trees and scrubs etc… from around the world
-The café also sells specialty foods from different countries
-There is a space display
-This is designed to look like a map of our solar system using plants
-There is a New Zealand Wildlife Area with New Zealand wildlife such as kiwis
-As part of this display a brief history of the country and the birds are given
-There is a public bath/hot pool
-People can pit their feet in the hot water
-In the Roses area,a Massive Atlas/picture of the world is maed up of different coluured roses for each of the different areas of the world
-There is also a duck pond etc…People can feed the birds
-In another area there are more placid animals
-People can also feed them
-These animals are behind enclosures
-They go in and out of’small’castles etc…eg:moats
-Allof the main makes of flowers,have a section or display of them,such as with water ,or a windmill display
-In ‘Land of Nz’ is a New Zealand themed section with New Zealand displays like a New Zealand museum(and not just plant based themes)
-There is a flower shop
-From here you can send flowers and/or gifts to people
-They also make and send New Zealand bottled fruit etc…
-Throughout the park,speakers play relaxing music
-Also trhroughout the park often are different clusters of scrubs,flowers,trees etc…
5.Space World
-Space World is a theme park based around space
-A large room with mobiles hung from the ceiling of the planets and moons of our solar system revolving around the sun
-A room,about the the size of a decent book shop which is designed to look like the inside of a rocket.There are rows of seats to sit in that move along with the rocket.There are also lights/sounds and displays on a screen at the front
-Day passes/or weekend passes give a person the chance to train like an astronaut really does.(Also with an examination for a ‘qualification’)
-A walk through gallery with models and a guide that explains facts such as the orogins of the sun
-A ride to ‘scare’ people.You strap yourself into a space shuttle like ride that blasts upwards fast and then down again
-In th Anti-Gravity Room a cord is attached to you and without gravity,you get the chance to ‘fly’
-In the middle of the Space World builing is a massive globe of the Earth(like only the top half showing)
-The entire builing is designed to look futuristuic.A lot of it is white,like something out of ;Star Trek’/a modern retirement home
-over the globe and around areas of Space Wiorld runs a train for the visitors
-‘World Store’This is a souvenir shop here.They sell items related to sd=pace eg:Sci-Fi books,gemes etc…encycopedias,gifts
-‘The Captain’s Log’.This is a resturant at Space World.It has all you can east baffet for one price.The inside is like a resturant may look like one day in a spaceship like from ‘Star Trek’
-‘Reasearch Institute’In a computer room are rows of computers programmed to give the user information about the history of space
-(If possible)’Outer Space’.This is a big room(abouyt the size of a big church).The room is circular.Around the sides rotate.Around the walls are displays about “space in Fiction’.The room is all black and darkened.The floor has white spots that people stand on.The spots that people stand on are about the size of a chair seat
-At night every night is a big display of fireworks over Space World
-In this display,each couple of people get into a space ship like yhr X-Wings from ‘Star Wars’.The ships run on tracks.They travel in the dark/space.Below is a moon like surface.On the ground is a amusement park like a circus.There is scary creatures that move/pop up as each of group of spaceships fly around
6.Story Book Land
-This is a theme park based around characters from literature that can’t be copywritted such as the originals of Snow White,Tom Thumb etc…
-To enter Story Book Land you must go through a tall open book at the gates
-As well, each time you enter a new section,you must go through another opened book door
-Twice a day,workers dressed up as charavters.parade around the grounds throwing out candy bars,occasionally giving gifts,greeting children,and letting people take photos with them
-At the centre of Story Book Land is a resturant on a tower like the Sky Tower(but only a few levels tall)
-Thr resturant rotates giving a good look/view of all of the park
-In the bottom of the tower,are displays on the history of children’stories
-There is a lake/moat with a river going around the park
-There arew gondela rides around the park(each boat has a guide)
-Passengers travel around the park on these
-All arouind the park,is a yellow brick road like from ‘Oz’
-One of the attractions is like a wax-works museum.There is a winding passageway with mechanical manequins of fairy tale characters from Grimms Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson main/most stories.The passageway is darkened with the dispays lit up.The maneqiuins in them can move
-Another of the attractions are a display of true characters from history such as Daniel Boone.Edmund Hillary etc…There are statues set up in a garden/park like area,with flowers,trees etc…People can take photos with them
-A games area has qames like lawn bowls,p-tonk,lawn chess,minature golf withg the props based on story book characters
-An adventure ride takes passengers around an area of the patk on a roller coaster ride.As you journey you pass by characters etc…from stories who jump and mone around to scare you
-The New Zealand Museum area is about the size of a warehouse,It has an area of merchandise for sale.Most of it thiugh,is a dispay of as many of the children’s books as possible from New Zealand,as well as New Zealan heroes like Edmund Hillary etc…
-In another area of the park is a small town.Each of the homes in it is based on a different fairy tale.You can enter rthem
-Heroes from Literture.This is about non-fairy tale characters.At different times each day,actors reinact scenes from stories for the visitors
-Another attraction is like the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Each pavement is made up of a picture of a story book character.If possible,the pavements automativally slide along like a method of transport
1.A long winding yellow brick road up a mountain like the yellow brick road in Oz
2.A wax work musuem in a cylinder shaped building with wax statues of superheroes (in order of their appearance.)
3.A superheroe headquarters on an island.
4.A ‘spaceship’ like the Entertprise from Star Trek
5.A massive balloon like the Death Star suspended above the land.
Theme Parks
1.Adventure Park
2.Candy Country
3.Gardens and Roses
4.Born Free
5.Space World
6.Story Book Land
1.Adventure Park
-The park is set on an island that is a large area of land with a man made ‘moat’ dug around it.
-Gives people a chance to experience ‘sort of adventures’
-Gives people thrills/scary rides too
-People must get to the island in a sort of fantastic submarine
-In addition to the features described here ther care attractions from movies,books etc… including ones from public domain characters
-(Ride or Attraction)A ride around the great mysteries of the Earth
-This section is in the middle of the island
-It is about the size of a few branches of the Warehouse
-At the centre of it is Atlantis-a foreboding but futuristic city
-Around the city is divisions of three
-1.snow mountains for Yeti
-2.everglades for Bigfoot
-3.a lake for the Loch Ness Monster
-Atlantis is at the centre with a dome with water around it
The other major mystery used is the ‘Bermuda Triangle,’which fits in with being lost at sea like Atlantis
-Under an area of it are creatures,wreacks of planes etc…that are controlled by electronics that jump out and whiz around
-(Ride or Attraction)On the island are tram traks in the air over the island
-They transport the tourists through the air on small carriages that carry half a dozen peole each
-They are designed to look like the ‘Gump’from Oz books
-It is shaped like
-2 couches fastened together
-palm branche wings on each side
-a moose’s head at the front
-a broomsticktail
-The moose’s head can talk
-(Ride or Attraction)The Haunted House
-People enter in the groups of 6 that they travel in
-Each group always has a guide
-The Haunted House looks like a Witch’s Hat
-The Witch is a woman dressed in black with green hair and skin
-The Witch has traps around the castle
-She sometimes appears and grabs you (a controlled manequin)
-There is her army of huge spiders that are in piles(also controlled manequins)
-While walking around actors dressed up like creatures jump out and grab people
-There is the sound os screaming throughout the castle
-Visitors can tour different area of the castle
-There are 2 keys to the castle.
-In a darkened room with a spinning wheel/large crystal ball,the Witch can see anywhere in her castle with cameras
-The object or key to the game is to retreive the key for this room and unlock the entrance to the castle before the Witch can get you
-(Ride or Attraction)An attraction like ‘Star Wars’
-This time people travel by themselves(one at a time)
-They travel in small flying saucers
-Their enemies are like the ‘Empire’
-The Empire’s base is housed in sa circular wheel shaped base(and flat on it’s side)
-The flying saucers whiz around with their paths controlled by computer(not by the piolit)
-There are 3 main tasks/goals for the piolit
1.travel through a maze of tunnels inside the base to reach the centre and blast the main control room.This will ‘blow up’ the base/creates a lot of lights when this happens.The first piolit of each group who does this is th winner
2.The ship the piolit rides in,is bombarded by meteors.In reality this is just an area of rocks the saucer flies through.The piolits must use the cotrols like a video game to try to blow up the ship
3.The saucer must go into’Hyper Drive’.When this happens the saucer accelerates to incredible speeds
-(Ride or Attraction)
-Super Heroe Ride or Attraction
-You are ‘The Key’(a super heroe)
-You must fight the evil computer ‘Comptroller’
-He is a massive head made up of a lot of Televion sets
-You have an arsenal of crime fighting equipment
-These are used to fight the Comptroller
-4 of them are
1.Guns that fire loads of sticky stuff
2.Grenades that when a key/tab is removed releaes sleeping gas (you wear a mask)
3.Infra red glasses(to see in the dark)
4.Blackout bombs
-The object of the mission is to pass through different obstacles set up by Comptroller to reach the top of him to destroy him.If you can use the fighting equipment that is good,if you can’t that is not important
-The attraction is one that allows the first person to win,and the next players to come second and third etc…
-(Ride or Attraction)The Rotating Room
-The Rotating Rooms are controlled by an evil Teddy Bear
-Each person must travel through different rooms before reaching the end
-Each of the rooms rotate
-You must be able to balance yourself as the room spins
-One of the Rotating Rooms is a room with a tunnel through the middle with water all around it
-Another of the rooms shakes as you pass through it
-At certain times.like if you make a mistake,the place where you are standing rotates like a whee,so you are back to where you started
-When a person gets to the Teddy Bear at the end he must stand on a cushioned platform which will raise him out of the attraction
-(Ride or Attraction)Ride on Air
-This is meant to be a really long and scary ride
-It accelerates and de-celerates again and again on and off
-Some of the features you pass through
1.are skimming over ponds with dangerous creatures jumping up and appearing above the water
2.Travelling downwards at amazing speeds round and round in a temple like in ‘Indiana Jones’
3.Entering a Clown’s mask with him laughing and travelling through different rooms designed to look like a clown
4.The ‘Trams’ shaking while over footage/or real volcanoes and earthquakes
5.The Trams travelling down a hillside followed by different objects rolling behin you
6.Piles of living snakes and spiders etc…coming down around the Tram
7.A circular tour of the island as fast as possible
8.As well as these attractions the park has a lot of other ‘adventure themed’attractions
2 Candy Country
-Candy Country is an amusement park based around ‘Candy’
-It is based inside a number of large warehouses
-A warehouse building filled as with many of the cookies from around the world as possible
-A small cottage made entirley of chocolate and different sorts of candies.Each morning it is replaced.People can bite lumps out of it.(Except the floor which is covered)
-Each day at 12 (miday and midnight) there is a street procession around Candy Country where sweets are thrown out
-In a park/wood like area runs a stream.The stream has soft drinks in it.The flavours automatically change throughout the day.People can use cups to drink out of it.They can’t go into the drink
-People can make their own sweets
-There is a souvenir shop there
-Around the park walk attendants dressed as colourfull animal characters
-Around the park and along the ‘stream’ rides a ‘barge’.It travels on both water and land,along tracks.Ocasionally sweets rain down upon the barge,and the visitors try to fill up buckets with the sweets
-While in the park,the customers buy ‘lunch pails’ .For every lunch pail they buy they can fill with candy
-Around the park,on the trees,hang toffee apples and rum balls.Each day the workers put out more of these on the trees
-There is a sort of zoothere.It is an open area where non-dangerous wildlife animals lived together.(At the front of the park and all behind a tall fence,so anyone can see the animals from the road)
-In the Wicked Witche’s home a group of witches show visitors how the candy is made
-In ‘DreamLand’(part of Candy Land) there are lots of small homes in the traditional designs of their own countries.Each of these homes have candies that are from that country
-Visitors can travel in a ‘jeep’ around the wildlife park,throwing (non-sweet)foods to the animals
-In the middle of Candy Country is an upright mountain in the shape of a pole.The top of it rotates for a full view of the park for visitors
2.Gardens and Roses
-This is a theme park that makes fun of theme parks
-Around the park march workers dressed as security gaurds which look like terrible/dangerous cartoon/cuddly characters
-Visitors take a ride on a ballon like/pad that bounces them around like having sex
-The security gaurds reguarly pelt people who cause trouble with water etc… like a group of crooked police
-There is a ‘Ground Quake’room.Inside this the floor sways viontley from side to side
-Through a curtained door in it is the entrance to the ‘Some Hot Some Not’ the swimming pool area
-Allthe workers are attractive,all the visitoprs must wear bikinis or speedos,the male workers wear sarongs,the female workers wear tight pants and a brief top like a ‘T’design
-There are hot and cold pools
-These is also a continous Fish and Chipc bar here called ‘Fish and Chicks’-In one of the pools there are tournaments
-On top of the water are long padded “rugs’.2 people stand at each end of the pad
-They each have a padded pole and must try to knock their opponents off
-There is an aquarium
-It is filled with dangerous water based animals like alligators etc…in different tanks.
-At five o’ clock each day,all of the workers strip to their underwear,and usinbg hoses,spray people with alocohol
-There is the ‘Anudemalium’ Super Heroe Souvenir Shop
-This shop sells a variety of souvenirs,such as novelties, T-Shirts,lava lamps etc…
-Scary Tale Land(part of Garden and Roses)
-In this there are different cubicles
-Each cubibcle has a different Fairy Tale setting using Fairy Tale chracters in the same sort of designs as a Disney Movie/but different enough
In each of the displays the characters and items are mechanical,and can mive and do things
-The settings make fun of fairy tales a lot like the ‘Itchy and Scratchy’ segments of ‘the Simpsons’
4.Born Free
-A ‘Garden Theme Park’
-In spots around the park(if possible) are flowers etc…based on characters from literature
-Some of the characters that can be used are ones like fairy tale characters
-There is a café area
-Around and above it are trees and scrubs etc… from around the world
-The café also sells specialty foods from different countries
-There is a space display
-This is designed to look like a map of our solar system using plants
-There is a New Zealand Wildlife Area with New Zealand wildlife such as kiwis
-As part of this display a brief history of the country and the birds are given
-There is a public bath/hot pool
-People can pit their feet in the hot water
-In the Roses area,a Massive Atlas/picture of the world is maed up of different coluured roses for each of the different areas of the world
-There is also a duck pond etc…People can feed the birds
-In another area there are more placid animals
-People can also feed them
-These animals are behind enclosures
-They go in and out of’small’castles etc…eg:moats
-Allof the main makes of flowers,have a section or display of them,such as with water ,or a windmill display
-In ‘Land of Nz’ is a New Zealand themed section with New Zealand displays like a New Zealand museum(and not just plant based themes)
-There is a flower shop
-From here you can send flowers and/or gifts to people
-They also make and send New Zealand bottled fruit etc…
-Throughout the park,speakers play relaxing music
-Also trhroughout the park often are different clusters of scrubs,flowers,trees etc…
5.Space World
-Space World is a theme park based around space
-A large room with mobiles hung from the ceiling of the planets and moons of our solar system revolving around the sun
-A room,about the the size of a decent book shop which is designed to look like the inside of a rocket.There are rows of seats to sit in that move along with the rocket.There are also lights/sounds and displays on a screen at the front
-Day passes/or weekend passes give a person the chance to train like an astronaut really does.(Also with an examination for a ‘qualification’)
-A walk through gallery with models and a guide that explains facts such as the orogins of the sun
-A ride to ‘scare’ people.You strap yourself into a space shuttle like ride that blasts upwards fast and then down again
-In th Anti-Gravity Room a cord is attached to you and without gravity,you get the chance to ‘fly’
-In the middle of the Space World builing is a massive globe of the Earth(like only the top half showing)
-The entire builing is designed to look futuristuic.A lot of it is white,like something out of ;Star Trek’/a modern retirement home
-over the globe and around areas of Space Wiorld runs a train for the visitors
-‘World Store’This is a souvenir shop here.They sell items related to sd=pace eg:Sci-Fi books,gemes etc…encycopedias,gifts
-‘The Captain’s Log’.This is a resturant at Space World.It has all you can east baffet for one price.The inside is like a resturant may look like one day in a spaceship like from ‘Star Trek’
-‘Reasearch Institute’In a computer room are rows of computers programmed to give the user information about the history of space
-(If possible)’Outer Space’.This is a big room(abouyt the size of a big church).The room is circular.Around the sides rotate.Around the walls are displays about “space in Fiction’.The room is all black and darkened.The floor has white spots that people stand on.The spots that people stand on are about the size of a chair seat
-At night every night is a big display of fireworks over Space World
-In this display,each couple of people get into a space ship like yhr X-Wings from ‘Star Wars’.The ships run on tracks.They travel in the dark/space.Below is a moon like surface.On the ground is a amusement park like a circus.There is scary creatures that move/pop up as each of group of spaceships fly around
6.Story Book Land
-This is a theme park based around characters from literature that can’t be copywritted such as the originals of Snow White,Tom Thumb etc…
-To enter Story Book Land you must go through a tall open book at the gates
-As well, each time you enter a new section,you must go through another opened book door
-Twice a day,workers dressed up as charavters.parade around the grounds throwing out candy bars,occasionally giving gifts,greeting children,and letting people take photos with them
-At the centre of Story Book Land is a resturant on a tower like the Sky Tower(but only a few levels tall)
-Thr resturant rotates giving a good look/view of all of the park
-In the bottom of the tower,are displays on the history of children’stories
-There is a lake/moat with a river going around the park
-There arew gondela rides around the park(each boat has a guide)
-Passengers travel around the park on these
-All arouind the park,is a yellow brick road like from ‘Oz’
-One of the attractions is like a wax-works museum.There is a winding passageway with mechanical manequins of fairy tale characters from Grimms Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson main/most stories.The passageway is darkened with the dispays lit up.The maneqiuins in them can move
-Another of the attractions are a display of true characters from history such as Daniel Boone.Edmund Hillary etc…There are statues set up in a garden/park like area,with flowers,trees etc…People can take photos with them
-A games area has qames like lawn bowls,p-tonk,lawn chess,minature golf withg the props based on story book characters
-An adventure ride takes passengers around an area of the patk on a roller coaster ride.As you journey you pass by characters etc…from stories who jump and mone around to scare you
-The New Zealand Museum area is about the size of a warehouse,It has an area of merchandise for sale.Most of it thiugh,is a dispay of as many of the children’s books as possible from New Zealand,as well as New Zealan heroes like Edmund Hillary etc…
-In another area of the park is a small town.Each of the homes in it is based on a different fairy tale.You can enter rthem
-Heroes from Literture.This is about non-fairy tale characters.At different times each day,actors reinact scenes from stories for the visitors
-Another attraction is like the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Each pavement is made up of a picture of a story book character.If possible,the pavements automativally slide along like a method of transport
Sports Games
Sports Games
A Basket Ball Game
-A row of hoops at each end of the court
-Different scores for different hoops
-A red ball for one team,a blue ball for the opposite
-Players can run with the ball
-They can intecept by grabbing the ball if they can
-A referee keeps track of the score
A Cricket Game
-2 teams compete
-Each player has a bat like a cricket bat
-The ball can only be touched with the bat
-The object of the game is to hit a painted area at the end of the court like a goal
-There are painted stripes across the court
-The further back you hit from,the more points you get
Swimming Game
-People swim,with their feet together,bending at the knees
-2 teams of 10 compete against each other
-They must get through a series of obstacles (eg:through a hoop),and retreiving things,like a ‘Top Town Game’
-The team with all the members home and having retreived all of the items correctly wins
-You must get allof the items correctly
Football Game
-2 teams of 11
-Played on a field
-Each team lines up at each of one end of the field
-The team must rush towards eac other
-The game is fierce and physical.
-The ball is kicked into the field,by the player/team who made the last point
-The players are all padded up and wear helmets,and are big and stron erc…
-To get points you must kick the ball or throw it above the ‘H’ shaped goal pole at the same side as your team lines up
-Once the team rush towards each other they can use ‘any’ method to get the football
Swinging Game
-2 teams compete against each other
-They use ropes in a gym
-Each person must swing from ploace to place
-You need to untie a ribbon each from different places
-When you get each ribbon,you swing to a pole on your side where you tie it to it
-The other team can snatch your ribbon back
-The team with the most ribbons at the end of the game wins
Foam Swords / Swordsplay
-Foam swords are used
-You play it in a gym
-You get around on ropes
-You can knock the other team off with the foam swords
-The floor is padded
-Each team tries to win the loot (eg: food for the team)
-The winner is the team to knock all of the opposite team off first
-A tube stands upright in the centre of the court
-There are a number of different colured balls used
-Thered are 2 teams of 17
-It is played on the beach/court
-The players hit the balls like a volleyball
-The team tries to get as many of their coloured balls as possible into the tube
-The balls have different amounts of value,for different shepes of balls
-Inside the tube each team has one perso who tries to throw uot the other team’s balls
-The tubes are big enough for 2 people
-The team with the most points at the end of the game wins
-Uses a giant beach volleyball
-There are different coluured spots on the beach
-Each person on each team stands on their spot and can’t leave it
-They must try to hit the ballon over the rest
-If the ball lands on your spot you must leave
-If the ball lands inside your opponent’s ‘circle’(but not on the spot) you get a point
-2 players on each side of the court with a net in the middle
-Occasionally a fan will start up blowing the court
-The raquets used can bounce the balls on one side,and stick the balls to their surface on the other side
-It is played like a normal volleyball game
Blind Man’s Bluff
-2 teams compete
-Each player is blindfolded
-There is a wheel like a big version of a casino wheel(sort of fantastic looking)
-Around the sides of the wheel are holes/pockets
-Each player takes a turn at spinning the wheel and putting in the ball/counter
-Each ball lands in one of a line of pockets around the sides of the wheel
-One team is red,one is black
-At the end of the game the with the most in their colour wins
In The Hat
-On walkways above a court balls are dropped
-The court is darkened
-There is an illuminous circle around the middle of the court
-Each player has a hat like a black magiaian’s hat
-The balls that fall are also illuminous
-Each team must try to nget all of the balls that they can
-The balls are designed to bounce easily
-Each ball has a value on it which is how many points it is worth
-Played on an indoor court
-Played with a load of balls,lots,all in sizes from massive to tiny
-2 teams of 11 ‘compete’
-Each team takes turns at
-1 team on the outside of the court
-1 team on the inside of the court
-The inside team tgries to throw their balls to the outside team
-The outside team must place each ball on a diamond shaped arealike the type of ball it is
-2 players compete against each other
-There is a long ramp like a Ski Ramp
-Balls are released from the top of the ramp
-Each player has a ‘hockey stick’
-As they go down the ramp they must try to hit as many of the balls (their colour) as possible into their holes/side
-The winner is the person who has most of their balls in their holes
Sleigh Rides
-Teams of people compete against each other
-The track is ‘Sleighs’ shaped like a circle at the front with a rectangle extending from the back
-The object of the game is to finish first
-They travel down ‘corridors’ of obstacles they are meant to delay them/stop them
-They start at the bottom and work their way up
-A ‘robot monster’ throws things down from the top to stop them
-The sleighs are automated/self powered
-At the bottom of the ‘struture’ they must aim up their sleigh to fire as many as tennis balls as they can into a goal at the other side of a ‘field’
-Points are rewarded for:
-the fastest time
-the most balls in their goal
-An area about the size of a carpark
-There are ‘Tiles’ across it like rows of rectangles
-They are big enough to stand on
-The tiles move in different directions
-You must work your way across the tiles to the other side
-When you win a colour the tile lights up that colour ie:3 points for gold,2 points for silver,1 point for bronze
-The player with the most points at the end of the games wins
Wipe Out
-A sport at the beach
-Inflatilble rafts in the shapes of sharks are used
-There are a series of obstacles to get through
-Each team must work their way around a maze of balloons attached to ‘ropes’
-This is also when the gbeach is ‘surfy’
-At the end of the game is a ‘Treasure Cheast’ that contains the prizes
-Teams can fill up their own balloon to throw water at their opponents
-Beneath each balloon (in water) are ‘spikes’that can pop the bottom if handled vigoursly
-Each team has their own maze,the bolloons the team pops,and the first team gives points towards the winner
-At the end of the game an infatible creature blows up and appears with the treasure
Sheep Herding
-A sports field is divided up into corridors and and enclosures etc…
-There are 7 people
-The goal is to get all of the sheep in a ‘Tower’ in a fantastic tone
-The 7 guide the sheep on their own without dogs
-The gates sometimes auotmatically shut closed
-The Tower is in the middle with food for the sheep in it
-A special hall is used
-Teams are all in the hall
-Fans blow wind around
-Bright red and yellow ribbons blow around
-The teams try to put the yellow ribbons around their poles.and the red ribbons around the opposite teams poles
-At the end of the game the team with the most of the yellow ribbons on their poles and the least red ribbons on trheir poles wins
-In some games(but not every game)a ball is released.If it is a yellow ball and your team gets to it you win.If it is a red ball and your team places it in yor opponents area they lose
Monster Mash
-A Burger made to look like a monster travels around controlled by someone inside it
-There are 3 groups of 6
-Each teams has paddles/rackets they use strike balls
-The more of your balls you get in the Burger the more points you get
-You use your rckets to get your balls in and the opponents balls out
-At times the Burger may release allofv the balls
-At the end of the game,the team with the most balls in wins
Oceans 12/12
-2 teams of 12 play
-Each player travels around underwater in masks and ventilators etc…
-Each team must try to steal the prize
-In each of 3 areas,there are different medals eg:Gold.Silver,and Bronze
-Each team tries to get as many of theirs into their buckets
-At the end of the game each teams buckets are totaled
-The team with the most points wins
Sports Games fron Dreams
-It is played on a basketball court.2 teams compete against each other.A balloon is used instead of a ball.Players get points by putting the balloon behind the ‘outline’ at the opposite end of the court.Players can run with the balloon.The opposite team can get the balloon anyway they can.If a try is made that team kicks the balloon on the court.The player who makes the try kicks the balloon in.
-This is a new football game.Teams of men compete against each other.The game is tough and more dangerous than other football games.The players are big and often muscular.Each team has a group of cheerleaders.There is a large screen in the stadium which plays what is being played on TV.The games are americanised.There are special electronic displays on the screen.
-This game is played like soccor,with both teams trying to score goals at the other end of the field.In this game the players use a ball the size of a football and bend their back over and throw the ball with their hands, and throw the ball far distance too.
-This game involves a long pole like a javelin.The ends can be extended by pressing buttons.2 competitors fight each other with the poles.The poles also allow them to rebound off things.
-This sports game uses an umbrella and a dartboard.You stand a short distance from the dartboard.You use the umbrella to hit the darts into the dartboard.If you hit the centre you get a prize.If you hit one of the surronding ‘number’you must ‘strip.’And if you hit a number around that you must do a task.You could also shoot the darts from the umbrella which looks the same.
A Basket Ball Game
-A row of hoops at each end of the court
-Different scores for different hoops
-A red ball for one team,a blue ball for the opposite
-Players can run with the ball
-They can intecept by grabbing the ball if they can
-A referee keeps track of the score
A Cricket Game
-2 teams compete
-Each player has a bat like a cricket bat
-The ball can only be touched with the bat
-The object of the game is to hit a painted area at the end of the court like a goal
-There are painted stripes across the court
-The further back you hit from,the more points you get
Swimming Game
-People swim,with their feet together,bending at the knees
-2 teams of 10 compete against each other
-They must get through a series of obstacles (eg:through a hoop),and retreiving things,like a ‘Top Town Game’
-The team with all the members home and having retreived all of the items correctly wins
-You must get allof the items correctly
Football Game
-2 teams of 11
-Played on a field
-Each team lines up at each of one end of the field
-The team must rush towards eac other
-The game is fierce and physical.
-The ball is kicked into the field,by the player/team who made the last point
-The players are all padded up and wear helmets,and are big and stron erc…
-To get points you must kick the ball or throw it above the ‘H’ shaped goal pole at the same side as your team lines up
-Once the team rush towards each other they can use ‘any’ method to get the football
Swinging Game
-2 teams compete against each other
-They use ropes in a gym
-Each person must swing from ploace to place
-You need to untie a ribbon each from different places
-When you get each ribbon,you swing to a pole on your side where you tie it to it
-The other team can snatch your ribbon back
-The team with the most ribbons at the end of the game wins
Foam Swords / Swordsplay
-Foam swords are used
-You play it in a gym
-You get around on ropes
-You can knock the other team off with the foam swords
-The floor is padded
-Each team tries to win the loot (eg: food for the team)
-The winner is the team to knock all of the opposite team off first
-A tube stands upright in the centre of the court
-There are a number of different colured balls used
-Thered are 2 teams of 17
-It is played on the beach/court
-The players hit the balls like a volleyball
-The team tries to get as many of their coloured balls as possible into the tube
-The balls have different amounts of value,for different shepes of balls
-Inside the tube each team has one perso who tries to throw uot the other team’s balls
-The tubes are big enough for 2 people
-The team with the most points at the end of the game wins
-Uses a giant beach volleyball
-There are different coluured spots on the beach
-Each person on each team stands on their spot and can’t leave it
-They must try to hit the ballon over the rest
-If the ball lands on your spot you must leave
-If the ball lands inside your opponent’s ‘circle’(but not on the spot) you get a point
-2 players on each side of the court with a net in the middle
-Occasionally a fan will start up blowing the court
-The raquets used can bounce the balls on one side,and stick the balls to their surface on the other side
-It is played like a normal volleyball game
Blind Man’s Bluff
-2 teams compete
-Each player is blindfolded
-There is a wheel like a big version of a casino wheel(sort of fantastic looking)
-Around the sides of the wheel are holes/pockets
-Each player takes a turn at spinning the wheel and putting in the ball/counter
-Each ball lands in one of a line of pockets around the sides of the wheel
-One team is red,one is black
-At the end of the game the with the most in their colour wins
In The Hat
-On walkways above a court balls are dropped
-The court is darkened
-There is an illuminous circle around the middle of the court
-Each player has a hat like a black magiaian’s hat
-The balls that fall are also illuminous
-Each team must try to nget all of the balls that they can
-The balls are designed to bounce easily
-Each ball has a value on it which is how many points it is worth
-Played on an indoor court
-Played with a load of balls,lots,all in sizes from massive to tiny
-2 teams of 11 ‘compete’
-Each team takes turns at
-1 team on the outside of the court
-1 team on the inside of the court
-The inside team tgries to throw their balls to the outside team
-The outside team must place each ball on a diamond shaped arealike the type of ball it is
-2 players compete against each other
-There is a long ramp like a Ski Ramp
-Balls are released from the top of the ramp
-Each player has a ‘hockey stick’
-As they go down the ramp they must try to hit as many of the balls (their colour) as possible into their holes/side
-The winner is the person who has most of their balls in their holes
Sleigh Rides
-Teams of people compete against each other
-The track is ‘Sleighs’ shaped like a circle at the front with a rectangle extending from the back
-The object of the game is to finish first
-They travel down ‘corridors’ of obstacles they are meant to delay them/stop them
-They start at the bottom and work their way up
-A ‘robot monster’ throws things down from the top to stop them
-The sleighs are automated/self powered
-At the bottom of the ‘struture’ they must aim up their sleigh to fire as many as tennis balls as they can into a goal at the other side of a ‘field’
-Points are rewarded for:
-the fastest time
-the most balls in their goal
-An area about the size of a carpark
-There are ‘Tiles’ across it like rows of rectangles
-They are big enough to stand on
-The tiles move in different directions
-You must work your way across the tiles to the other side
-When you win a colour the tile lights up that colour ie:3 points for gold,2 points for silver,1 point for bronze
-The player with the most points at the end of the games wins
Wipe Out
-A sport at the beach
-Inflatilble rafts in the shapes of sharks are used
-There are a series of obstacles to get through
-Each team must work their way around a maze of balloons attached to ‘ropes’
-This is also when the gbeach is ‘surfy’
-At the end of the game is a ‘Treasure Cheast’ that contains the prizes
-Teams can fill up their own balloon to throw water at their opponents
-Beneath each balloon (in water) are ‘spikes’that can pop the bottom if handled vigoursly
-Each team has their own maze,the bolloons the team pops,and the first team gives points towards the winner
-At the end of the game an infatible creature blows up and appears with the treasure
Sheep Herding
-A sports field is divided up into corridors and and enclosures etc…
-There are 7 people
-The goal is to get all of the sheep in a ‘Tower’ in a fantastic tone
-The 7 guide the sheep on their own without dogs
-The gates sometimes auotmatically shut closed
-The Tower is in the middle with food for the sheep in it
-A special hall is used
-Teams are all in the hall
-Fans blow wind around
-Bright red and yellow ribbons blow around
-The teams try to put the yellow ribbons around their poles.and the red ribbons around the opposite teams poles
-At the end of the game the team with the most of the yellow ribbons on their poles and the least red ribbons on trheir poles wins
-In some games(but not every game)a ball is released.If it is a yellow ball and your team gets to it you win.If it is a red ball and your team places it in yor opponents area they lose
Monster Mash
-A Burger made to look like a monster travels around controlled by someone inside it
-There are 3 groups of 6
-Each teams has paddles/rackets they use strike balls
-The more of your balls you get in the Burger the more points you get
-You use your rckets to get your balls in and the opponents balls out
-At times the Burger may release allofv the balls
-At the end of the game,the team with the most balls in wins
Oceans 12/12
-2 teams of 12 play
-Each player travels around underwater in masks and ventilators etc…
-Each team must try to steal the prize
-In each of 3 areas,there are different medals eg:Gold.Silver,and Bronze
-Each team tries to get as many of theirs into their buckets
-At the end of the game each teams buckets are totaled
-The team with the most points wins
Sports Games fron Dreams
-It is played on a basketball court.2 teams compete against each other.A balloon is used instead of a ball.Players get points by putting the balloon behind the ‘outline’ at the opposite end of the court.Players can run with the balloon.The opposite team can get the balloon anyway they can.If a try is made that team kicks the balloon on the court.The player who makes the try kicks the balloon in.
-This is a new football game.Teams of men compete against each other.The game is tough and more dangerous than other football games.The players are big and often muscular.Each team has a group of cheerleaders.There is a large screen in the stadium which plays what is being played on TV.The games are americanised.There are special electronic displays on the screen.
-This game is played like soccor,with both teams trying to score goals at the other end of the field.In this game the players use a ball the size of a football and bend their back over and throw the ball with their hands, and throw the ball far distance too.
-This game involves a long pole like a javelin.The ends can be extended by pressing buttons.2 competitors fight each other with the poles.The poles also allow them to rebound off things.
-This sports game uses an umbrella and a dartboard.You stand a short distance from the dartboard.You use the umbrella to hit the darts into the dartboard.If you hit the centre you get a prize.If you hit one of the surronding ‘number’you must ‘strip.’And if you hit a number around that you must do a task.You could also shoot the darts from the umbrella which looks the same.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Inventions and Characters
Matthew Ager Contents Page
1. Candy Bars
2. Dream Inventions
3. New Zealand Heroes
4. Political Party Ideas
5. Super Hero TV
6. Restaurants
-Mushy chocolate on the inside.Shaped like a mouth sized ball.Designed to melt in the mouth over time .
-Stretchy inside2.When you chew on it ,it stretches.A long bar colured with rainbow colours on the inside.Each of the colours represent a different flavour.
-Cool mint taste.Meant to be chiilrd before use.Shaped like a big pill or medication.Meant to br sucked on, if possible it alters colour you suck on.
-When you chew on this bar it desolves into a chewy raspberry taste that fills the mouth.It is shaped like a tablet or a mili biscuit.
-Fizzy Sweet.You chew on it and it desolves and makes a fizzy noise and sensation.Shaped like a small ball and extreme yellow colour.
-Extremly dark chocolate clour and taste with an extreme raspberry centre about the size of a King sized bar of chocolate.
-Animal candy.Different animal shapes.Each animal is a different sort of sweet.The animals are designed to be put together for children to pley with.Comes in packs.
-Long sweet the shape of a pencil.The inside is liquarce. The outside is chocolate orange.
-Mystery sweet.Comes in chocolate wrapper shaped like a treasure cheast(just the paper).The chocolates are a row of chocolate
Pieces the shape of Cadbury chocolate or treasure cheasts.Each bar is a difernet
flavour of chocolate(eg:vanilla ,dark).Each bar is only one flavour.
-Long shaped chocolate with white chocolate on the outside.Different layers of candy inside.
-Rocket shaped candy.About the size of an Easter Egg Bunny.Hollow chocolate.Filled with chocolate buttons.
-Chewy sweet.A strechy sweet as long as aring binder that can be pulled and shaped into objects.To shape the sweet you massage it.The outside is a strong raspberry/liqurace taste.The inside is a black/liqurace tasre.
-Peanut Butter Balls.Shaped like a ‘Marbel’.It is chocolate coated and peanut butter inside.You suck on it and it melts.When part of the way through the ball gives out a strong chocolate taste.
-Disco Sweet.These are shaped like ‘Jaffas’.Each ball has spots on it that are colurs.Different balls have different centres/tastes. The colour of the centre is like the taste.The balls/sweets are the size of ‘Gobstopers’and you suck them.
-Choculate Bomb.These are like the ‘Coco Pops’ and chocolate sweets.You suck on them and after a while a lot of chocolate syrup is released.
-Fangs.A Milk chocolate sweet.They can be ‘attached’ to your teeth.After a while of sucking they release raspberry ‘syrup’like blood.
-Chocolate Animals.These come in large bars.(eg-the length of a packet of biscuits and the width of a chocolate bar).You can break off one piece at a time.Each piece is chocolate with a different animal on it.By pulling off a sticker on the other side of it you can moustin and press against your skin for a temporary tattoo.
-Two Christmas candy bars.(both from dreams.)
-Chocolate covered reindeer shaped candy bars.The insides are like the centres of the Americea donuts.(With the holes in the middle.)
-Chocolate ‘Santa’ shaped candy bars.The top (except around the edges) is covered in different sweets.
-Inside is peanut butter.Each piece or cookie breaks off from a row.Each piece also has wafer on it and is chocolate coated.
-Inside is strawberry marshmallow.The top of the biscuits are jam.The outsides of the biscuits are dark chocolate.Each biscuit is shaped like a small muffin.
-Each cookie is a circular shape.The top side is dairy millk chocolate.The back side white chocolate.One of the sides has a picture of a figure from history (different faces for different countries).
-A biscuit shaped like a boxed chocolate sweet.One side is dairy milk chocolate.The other side is one of the centres from a box of chocolates.The shapes of the biscuit also vary.
-A chewy biscuit.Comes in long strips the size of a fingure/slice of bread.The cookie is chewy and strechy.It is coated in dark chocolate and the insides are designed to stretch.Inside the cookie is caramellow and jam centre.On top of the bar is a squiggle of white chocolate.
-An ice cream on a stick.The ice cream looks like a target.Circles of chocolate and jelly going around the ice cream and a honey comb centre.
-Rainbow Bar.Like an ice block stick of frozen ice with different layers of coloured ice and the ice tasting like the colour eg:lime.
-The Vampire.Designed to look like a vampire.A wafer cone coloured white and shaped like a fang.The inside tastes a bit like alcohol but isnt’t liquor.It is coloured red like blood.The top of the cone is chocolate with the top layer on that is a section of nuts.
-Solid Gold.The ice cream is shaped like an American ingot of gold.It comes in a wrapper.The outside of it is like a shell of hokey pokey.The inside of it is soft ice cream that is flavoured hokey pokey too.Both the inside and outside of the ice cream is coloured gold.
-This ice ceaam commes in a tub.Thr tub is shaped like a small pie tray.The top layer tastes like peanut butter and is the same colour.Inside the ‘pie’ is jelly(ie: like in the ‘Jelly Tip’ ice cream.)This fits in with the American peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.This ice cream also comes in a plate sized portion, suitable for a dessert or dinner.
-This ice cream comes in a tub that lookes like a black magacian’s hat.The tub is black with a white spoon attached to the base designed to look like wand.Inside are swirls of very dark chocolate and as well chocolate buttons.
The follwing are products or inventions that came to me in dreams while I was asleep.
-Candy Bars.
-Chocolate covered reindeer shaped candy bars.The insides are like the American donuts(with the holes in them).
-Chocolate ‘Santa’ shaped Candy Bars.The top(except around the edges) is covered in different sweets.
-Ice Cream Sundae.Comes in a plastic tub like from a restaurant like MacDonalds, but the tub is large . about the size of a milkshake cup.Down one side is chocolate.Down the other side is banana.
-Bouncing Bean Bag Traveller.This is shaped like a bean bag or a big pear.You sit on the sides and hold on to the top of it.You bounce along on it.
-Trousres.These are like sweat/tracksuit pants.They are a pale grey colour, with small one inch lines going down it on angles(like rain).The lines are a darker colour.
-Super Heroe Equipment/Self Defense/Sports Game.Shaped like a javelin.Each end of the pole can soot out an extension.You can use it to rebound off things and to hit the opponent with the pole and the extensions.
-Dream Board Game.Board and counters like in a “Scrabble Game’.Each player takes as many pieces as he wants.He arranges them on a board.The object of the game is to make as many words as you can.You can take as long as you want and it may take some time.
-TV Variety Programme.This is a weekly variety programme.Each episode is quite long(eg:two hours).The programme has guests entertainers.There are contests for both people in the studio and at home.The programme plays short cartoons.There are articles on subjects that are made to be entertaining.The progamme is filmed before an audience.
-TV Programme Magazine.A weekly magazine with the TV listings.It has articles on the TV programmes plus stories and art ect…The spine of the magazine is curved/rounded and the inside pages are a mixture of colur glossy and black and white newsprint.
-Sports Games From Dreams.
-It is played on a basketball court.Two teams compete against each other.A balloon is used instead of a ball.Players get points by putting the balloon behind the ‘out line’ at the opposite end of the court.Players can run with the balloon.The opposite team can get the balloon anyway they can.If a try is made that team kicks the balloon into the court from where they placed the balloon on the court.The player who makes the try kicks the balloon in.
-This is a new football game.Teams of men compete against each other.The game is tough and more dangerous than other football games.The players are big and often muscular.Each team has a group of cheerleaders.There is a large screen in the stadium which plays what is being played on TV.There are special electronic displays on the screen.
-This game is played like soccer,with both teams trying to score gaols at the other end of the ‘field.’In this game the players use a ball the size of a softball and bend their back over and throw the ball from between their legs with their hands.And throw the ball as far as they can.
New Zealand heroes based around the history of New Zealand.Ideally intended for use as comic book characters.
These are comedy stories.D’Urville is the name of an area in anchent New Zealand.This series is set 80 million years ago and the area of New Zealand is the first to see life in the world.The first living creature was an animal called “The Kiwi”.He was hatched from an egg (which fits in with the “Who came first the chicken or the egg.”)He is the “key to all life.”And his name has the word “key” in it and his beak looks like akey.In this series he is a 12 year old male .He is nice enough,wants adventure, and wants to have fun.The villains of the series are 2 predators The Great Eagle and the Moa.Both have magic powers and are equal partners.The Moa had a small head,long neck,long legs,and no wings.He carried it’s neck in a relaxed’S’ pose.The Great Eagle is a genius,analytical,and cold.The Moa is deranged,and a twisted character, (like his neck).They live in a small cave.It is like a magiacian’s table and made of stone(one room).The door is an entrance with I red curtain in front of it(like a magician’s cape).In the middle of the cave is a large magician’s hat/table that the Moa and The Great Eagle can view things and make their wishes.In this series The Moa and The Great Eagle are the villains and the Kiwi and the other characters are the good guys.
-Vanity.The Huia lived high in the tree tops.A beautifull black bird with an orange wattle on it’s throat.About the size of a magpie.
-Nosy.The Weka was an inquisitive bird.
-Cheeky.The cheeky Kaka was like a native parrot.
-Crazy.The Adzebill was a strange bird.He lived on the forrest floor and stood 80 cm tall.He used it’s strong neck to smash against logs for grubs.
-Nasty.The Giant Weta.Used it’s spikey hind legs for defense.A show off,egotistical, and picks on the other animals.
-Kiwi,Vanity,Nosy,Cheeky,Crazy,and Nasty all rhyme.
People originally came from Space to Earth.Their orginal island became polluted from the wrecked spaceships so they left to live elsewhere.They split into 2 peoples.
1.The ones that left.
2.The ones that remained.The ones that remained changed and became evil ,hounded the ones tha that left.
Spaceships were re-built/transformed into canoes.They brought the world’s first animals from Space(except at D’Urville).Maui was the charismatic but good man/leader.He was blind.He could navigate/see like a radar at night for land.His companion was a cranky seagull called Segal.They went from island to island looking for home.They wre continually harrased by the other group.The leader of the original/other group was like goliath.Very tall/muscular,evil,unshaven.He called himself goliath too,which sounds like ‘Go’ and ‘Arruval.’Maui’s love was Lara.Right height/bit shortish,long black hair tied in a pony tail,nice,friendly,pretty.They travelled in a convoy of canoes.Goliath’sspy/plant was Orna.He was tall,muscular,with full facial maori tattoos.Eventually Maui fished New Zealand out of the ocean,and the people settled there.
This series is set 20 years after ‘Arrival.’Maui is King of ‘Aoteoroa.’They are still at war with ‘Pounamu.’(The evil race)Each side has a population of ‘super heroes.’The good side has the ‘Greenstone.’The bad side has the ‘Obsidian.’The Obsidian were used as powerfull swords withy “souls’ that could offer advice etc…The Greenstone could could control what happened to objects.The ‘Tiki’allowed both sides to manipulate things eg:Disguise when they are out and really super heroes.Maui is King of New Zealand.Goliath is King of Pounamu.Tairua is the son of Maui.Tuhua is the son of Goliath.They are best friends.They both live in Aoteroa and are about 17 years old.Tuhoa is witty,but a good friend and support to Tairua.Tairua is the dedicated,loyal to the throne,tries to be a goog leader one day.
Will Eagle.
Will Eagle was the first man to live in New Zealand apart from the Maori and Polynsians etc…When some Europeans arrived in New Zealand and sent some men ashore,all wre killed except for Will.(This fits in with the Great Eagle).He landed in Murderer’s Bay.This now Wellington.The capital.’Wellington’ sounds like ‘Will’.Soon after arriving there Will found part of a bell.This was left over from the Spanish sailors,but none of them stayed in New Zealand.When Will reads the writing on it,he transforms himself into ‘The Tasman.’As the Tasman he is part man and part monster.He transforms himself into like a big version of a man,but looking like a monster too.As the Tasman,he can leap any distance and has the strength of 10 men.This form eventually wears off a while after Will reads the Bell’s writing.in his normal form Will is slightly tall with short blonde hair and white.He is about 20.He is a nice boy,good to people,feels for those who were even more stigmatised.(like the mentally ill)He also has morals of today,not like in his time.The ‘Pounamu’ now rule Murderer’s Bay and are looking to expand their rule to all of New Zealand.As the Tasman,Will fights to prevent this.
Heart of Aces.
Heart of Aces was a female crime fighter in the early Eighteenth century.She was young, with completely black eyes.She is like a female ‘Robin Hood’ giving help etc… to the oppressed,and taking from the wealthy and crooked, and giving to the poor.Like Robin Hood she uses a bow and arrow.Her blindness left her with the ability to track/target anything anywhere.eg:can home in on a certain person in a foorest.Her real name is Nellie Anderson.She is tall with long blonde hair,beautifull.She wears a patriotic costume similar to the New Zealand flag.(Except all of the flag is red,with the Union Jack in blue and white stripes in the corner of the flag.The Union Jack looks like a ‘Heart’ or a ‘Bow and ‘Arreow.’
Vendetta is a maori warrior turned into a vigilante against both European and Maori.Vendettas’ real name is Tamati.After te helped sign the Treaty of Waitangi some of the maori wre unhappy with it and turned on both races.’Waitamgi’ sounds like ‘Vendetta.’Treaty’ sounds like ‘Tamati.’Eventually some maori traked him down and gave him severe facial burns.After that he always wore a red cloak.Disillusioned he deceided to fight injustice caused by both races.He would travel around,osterichised by both races.Vendetta is tall,with a disfigured face and a red cloak.He calls himself Jack(after the Union Jack).He is a loner,wants no real company.His sole weapon is his musket.Because he was disfigured,he trained
extensively with a musket.(‘mark’ and ‘men’ sound like ‘musket’) to the point where he was unbeatable with a musket.
The Red Poppy
The Red Poppy was a ghost super heroe inWW1.He fought for New Zealand in Europe.He was executed by a firind squad for working with the Germans to send extra money to his poor family in New Zealand.But he would not die cimpletly there.He would enter into New Zealand soldier’s bodies where he would fight the German’s as The Red Poppy.Like in Greenstone he could control/manipulate things.He became a legend amongst the NZ soldiers in Europe.In each story he was a different person.He must continue to fight the enemies until he has redeemed himself.Soldiers were scared of him.Red Poppy had a costume designed to look like a red poppy.His real name was “Zac’(Zac sounds like ‘ANZAC’).”Poppy’ fits in with ‘popping in .’’New Zealand’ sounds like ‘New” and ‘Seal’.The red poppy is a symbol to remember WW1 in New Zealand.”’Gallopoli’sounds like ‘manipulate.’
This is a comedy title for children.It is set in the depression of the 1930’s.It features five young childrenliving amongst the poverty then.The title’s characters are like ‘Buster’ or ‘Cheeky’ characters from England.All are about 13.
Smiley.-Allways cheerfull and friendly.
-Never nasty to people.
-Is nice to a fault.
-Sort of the lead character.
-Sometimes irritates people by being so friendly.
Buttons.-Also a detective.
-Charges young children. money to invent things.
-Wears a ‘button’ like a Police Detective’s badge.
Willie –A spock.
-A mummy’s boy.
-A dick.
-Never does any wrong.
-Picked on by other kids.
Digits-His family is still fabously wealthy.
-He has everything he needs.
-He has a fortune in spending money.
-Not stuck up.
-He has piles of toys too.
-A pleasant guy,but too obsessed with money,belongings etc…
Stewart-Has a special watch lets him contril time.
-He can slow down or speed up things.
-Stewart is a bit like ‘Tom Sawyer.’Wants adventure,tries to get out of work,has a fun side.
The New Zealand Division
They fight the Germans and Italians in North Africa.In this title they are lead by General Michael Joseph.He is tall,hair cut close to the scalp like a shadow.Ruggedly handsome.Joseph is a good man,an incredible marksman, and an unparalled fighter.Dedicated to his troops.The title is set about 1942.
His troops include:
Santa-Buils his own weapons etc… he uses in combat.
-Short(like a midget),hairy all over.
-Cranky,has a beef/predudice with all Germans etc..
Oz-Joseph’s illegitimate son.
-Mother was a Japanese woman who died in childbirth.
-Oz is about 15.
-He is short,very muscular,Japanese,attractive.
-Allways on the defense about his race,and wanting to prove himself.
Crook-The chef.
-A really big and fat maori man.
-Nasty to people all the time.
-Famous for his terrible meals.
Belgium-A beagle dog.
-Belongs to Oz.
-Helps the Division.
The Maori Battalion
Set in WW2.Each of the seven members are like the comic book characters
3.Spider Man
4.The Thing
5.Captain America
6.Richie Rich
All of the members are black but have different appearances.Some of the names are maori some are English.
1.Superman-An exceptional person.
-A tough side with some people
-Very good at everything like a ‘Superman’.
2.Batman-Haunted by demons.
-Dedicated by stopping people preying on others.
-Relies on fear to fight the villains of life.
-Tough and scary.
-A real anti-hero,not lke other heroes,almost a villain.
3.Spider-Man-A geek
-Gets a hard/tough life.
-Sort of mild-mannered.
-Tries to get on with life as best he can.
-But there is more to hime than that,a good person.
4.The Thing-Smokes cigars.
-Uses constant slang.Words like ‘Ya’ and ‘Kiddin’
5.Captain America-A great leader, almost unparalled.
-Leader of the Battalion.
-Very patioctic for New Zealand.
-A great guy.
-Fair is one of his qualities.
6.Richie Rich-Comes from a really wealthy family.
-Has loads of money whenever he wants.
-At the same time he is the ‘Poor Little Rich Boy’ and has problems from his wealth.
7.Tintin-A good/great fighter.
-An excellent detective.
-Only a boy,but still a nice guy.
This title is designed for teenagers etc…It is like the American Archie comics.They are short comedy stories about teenagers at a high school in the 1950s.The main characters are in a open relationship.Sonny and Shaere day are married.Shaere is also dating Ian.The three of them like it this way.When they are older they plan for Ian to father their chidren.
Sonny has an innocent side to him,sort of fun,wants adventure in a way that suits his appearance.His father is a super heroe who met up with his mother and Sonny was conceived.(He was from another planet.)Sonny was raised by his grandparents.His grandfather was Charles Sternem(named after the war hero.)His grandmother is Jean Sternem.She is blind.She is named after Jean Batten and is blind which fits in with ‘All Black.’Sonny is about 16.He is tallish.He has dark brown hair and looka a bit like Hal Jordan/Green Lantern from comics.He also looks like a cheaper version of James Darren from the TV series ‘The Time Tunnel.’Shaere is also 16.She is a maori girl and married to Sonny.She is the right height,long brown hair in twisting pony tails.She is nice,looks like an Ameriacn Indian.She is nice and people like her.She likes Sonny.
Shaere-Shaere sounds like “Share’
-Shaere Sounds like “Square’ the amearican name for Indian.
-Shaere sounds like “Barbi.’(And she is meant to be a good character like her.)Ian is tallish,black hair,with some muscle.Nice to people,and good to people.But he doesn’t like Sonny and Sonny has to put up with him.’Sonny’ sounds like ‘son.’
Magic Heroes
This a group of 5 heroes who all have magic powers.New Zealand loos like a witch’s hat, a dress,and a broom.
The 5 heroes are:
Aukland-Augie-Works in the army.
-Short,glasses,not much hair,big ears and nose.
-Arkward,bumbling,has trouble in his job.
Hamilton-Hampton-16 years old.
-A maori boy.Tall, very fat.
-A show off,a ham etc…
Wellington-Ghostly-A ghost.(sounds like ‘well meaning’)
-Means well.
-Things don’t always work out for him how he wants.
-He can enter other people’s bodies and control them.
Chirtchurch-May Merry’-(or ‘Christ’ and ‘Church’ and ‘May’ and ‘Merry’
-Wonderfoll,cares about everyone,’does no wrong’about the nicest sort of person you can get.
-The right height,black,shortish black hair.
Dunedin-Simpson-A dog
-‘Dum and ‘Dim’ and ‘Simple’.
-Slow, has trouble understandind things.
The 5 Magic Heroes were vistind White Island (sounds like ‘Witch’.There was an eruption sending out gas giving them magic powers. This also started the para normal events,monsters etc…None of them have secret identities.
Somerest is a young New Zealand man.He is the right height,black hair like a ‘cap’,attractive and about 19.Somerset has adventure in New Zealand and around the world.He is a nice guy,helpful, and good to people.Hr is a millionaire.He inherited his money,mansion,and winery that he lives in.His parents wre killed when he was young.Somerset’s cook is Victor.Victor is tall,black,and talks in constant slang.One of Somerset’s friends is Who.Who is a doctor/scientist.He is tall,middle aged balding grey hair,a full face,and glasses.Doctor Who is bumbling, accident prone, and poor at his job.
Man-Monster is Malcom Kelly.He was a young Australian man on holiday in New Zealand.He was kidnapped and experimented on, changing into a monster.He now travels around New Zealand,looking like a’big ape’ or Yeti or Big Foot.His sister is lokking for him.Her name is Fiona Kelly.She is the right height,shoulder length blonde hair.When she was young she was a ‘mummy’girl,alaways did right etc…She has had to grow up.Her older brother Malcim was tallish,dark brown hair,a fun side,sometimes having his sister on.He is now alone and isolated.Fiona is looking for hom to help him.But at the same time ,Malcom is looking for those who changed him,hoping they can change him back,and to stop Fiona from getting into trouble from them.The scientisrs wre experimenting on Malcom to develop new methods of life etc…Their theory was the Bermuda ‘Tri’angle.There were also 3 monsters(Yeti,Bigfoot,and the Loch Ness Monster) that all travelled around alone.So they wanted to create a third ape like creature like Yeti or Bigfoot.New Zealand looks like 2 feet (or Big Foot).
Davey Jones
Jones is about 16.The right height,black hair, one leg and cane.He has a spaceship he has adventures in.It is round like a disc.It is white and flies horizontally.It is much bigger on the inside than the outside.Inside are parks,a cinema etc…Davey ia a college student.He has an after school job on a New Zealand soap opera ‘Tradegdy and Acheivments.’He is also a pop star but can’t perform his songs because of his leg.He doesn’t know who his parents are.He is rich.His girlfriend is Michelle Mutch.She is the right height,long red hair,like ‘Charlene Mangel’ from ‘Neighbours.’She is a haiddresser.
This series is set at the end of time.It is a battle between good and evil.A lot of the heroes and the villains from the other series are reborn/reincarnated in the future.They must fight each other until time everywhere ends.The good characters live in the North Island,the bad in the South Island.This title is like a fun/combination of all of the characters.At the end of time it will be deceided who goes to the paradise afterlife(not Heaven.)Both sides will enter one os 2 doors.The 2 doors relect the 2 islands.The key to each door is Stewart Island(small like a key).’Key’ sounds like ‘Kiwi.’This fits in with the first life in New Zealand being the kiwi.At the very end of time the key will turn locking the doors for all time.The “revolving’ of the keu fits in with ‘Revelations,’causing all life and places in New Zealand history being ‘revolved’ around each other.
The following charaters are for New Zealand heroes based on characters from history.
1 Robin Hood.
-Cape Raangi.
-Wears a cape to disguise his true idenity when “Cape Rangi.”
-Set at the turn of the 17th century.
-There was a shortage of food.
-When the first Europeans arrived there was even less food so Cape would steal food from those who had a lot and share with those without.
2Daniel Boone.
-Daniel Bunby.
-Fought the maori to protect the European.
He was appointed by the British Govt. to do this.
-He would never use a gun.
-Daniel would use to travel the country protecting the settlers.
-Eventually he was instruenental in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
3King Arthur.
-King Aoteroa.
-‘Art’ was a maori king descnt from Maui.’
-He was assisted by ‘Mana’ a magician with magic powers,whose name would later mean ‘Status.’
-Mana would make spells in a Korotote,a wroven fish trap like a basket.
-King Aoteroa had a pole/stick from the beginning of New Zealand that gave him excellent fighting skills,like the’sword in the stone.’
-‘Merlin’ sounds like ‘Mana.’
4The Lone Ranger.
-Lone Rangitoto.
-He was a legend passed down by maori.
-He died in an eruption of a volcano leaving only a legend and no known fact of him being real.
-Lone Rangitoto travelled the country with his help and their horses fighting ‘fantasy’ characters/people that later would be destroyed by the eruption,removing memory of them.
-Lone’s friend/partner/sidekick was ‘Roto’(sounds like ‘Tonto’),and he was a Polynesian.
4 Zorro.
-Tall,black hair tied into a small ponytail and a ‘goaty.’
-Was really a Lord from England.
-A famous scientist in England and a heroe in his own right.
-The public doesn’t know they are the same people,but there is speculation because they are both heroes etc…
-His real name is Lord,Ernest Davids.
-He would carry a ‘satchel’ on his back.In it were sword like arrows that he would fire through the air like a bow.
-Each ‘arrow’ had a special ability eg:a flare.
-New Zealand looks like a satchel, a bow, and a sword or an arrow.
-Hawk would travel on his horse Hastings.(They both sound like ‘Hawks Bay’ and ‘Hastings’-two areas at the same place in New Zealand.)
- This title is set just before the 19th century in the Depression then.
-Davids was a liberal who believed it was the job of someone to make things better for people,so he became Hawk.
-He wears a disguise to protect him from problems with the authorities.
Political Party Ideas
-A ‘judge/justice can be appointed (by people and themselves) to decide what a person can and can’t do.
-Low fees for tertiary students without money.
-Suicide help for those with bad enough problems.
-A Liberal/Democratic party.
-Unemployed people work for part of the week for a top up for their benefit.
-Juries replaced by permantly sitting councils.
-People can’t be constantly harassed ie:offenders prosecutes.
-Free pain killers for those who need it.
-People who ‘ruin’ people’s lives pay a fee to them for life.
-Money replaced by cards so criminals,missing people,stolen goods can be found.These cards record all transactions into a master computer and the information can be accessed.People on low incomes can also use these cards for discounts when spending.
-Cigarettes phased out by manufactures to end cancer etc… with current smokers still able to buy them because they are addicted.
-Fines/Inprisonments increasd for things like assault,maiming etc…
-Oversaes people can do correspondence/cheap courses with NZ correspodebence colleges.
-Police,hospital workers etc… have increased sentences/compensations given out when they commit crimes or are negligent.
-Panel can decide if something is grossly unfair and should be changed.
-No one can ban you from their buissness without a proper reason.
-Places found in halfway homes for those who really can’t cope.
-Low prices on all bus fares.
-The party would be a fair,’moral’ and good to people party.
-All problems at hospilals etc…must be recorded in an incident report.
-Buidings around the country with bunks,a radio playing,showres,toilets, and food that anyone can stay in for free.
-All people must pay a percentage of their income to a superannuation benefit for when they are older.
-Foreign students can take advantage of NZ’s cheaper Tertiary fees and only pay an amount to the government that will help raise funds for the University.
-Prisons and mental institions residents each have a small room that they can lock for secutiy.
-No bullying policy in schooles.
-No one can force you to marry.
-Anyone can divorce.
-‘Pins’-A less formal version of marriage that you can end at any time eg:for people dating at school.
-Same sex marriages allowed.
-‘Meals on Wheels’ for anyone who can afford it.
-Counselling help for anyone who can pay a fee for it.
-Most companies must give a certain amount of profit to charity,
-Church/centres around the country that have a daily meal for a small donation.
-A line of Soup Kitchens around the country.Every lunch and evening meal time people can get a proper meal for a donation.
-People/most homes must pay a few dollars a week to charity.
-Changes made to prisons and mental institutions so they are better places.
-Countries’ leaders replaced with a council/cabinet of members each with certain skills(eg: science).The members vote on a policy.
-Some people have lunch from 12 to 2 ‘o clock and subistute people work at these times.
-High School students can get a ‘Top Up’ payment for doing around the community that the schools organise.
-Line of big halfway homes for people who need help with lifeskills etc..Some of their income goes towards the costs.ie:they are still meant to work if they can.
-All bars charge a small tax per drink used to run a van home
-People should be able to leave school or work if they are badly harresed.
-Life skills programs when you are still at school.
-All NZ highschools teach “trades” to the senior students.
-Several tourist attractions like the ‘Eifel Tower’ built around the country.
-People like an ‘Ombordsman’ where anyone can go to make a complaint about a service etc… in shops,work,,hospitals etc…
-‘Univerity Hospitals.’These are hospitals staffed by ‘Trained’ medical staff getting work experience,and the patient gets cheaper care.
-People in intense pain don’t have to work,can still get a benefit,and free/subisdised pain killers.
-A system so all people who need a home get help in finding one.
-Instead of the government paying for all of the costs of education etc…,familes pay a small tax of their money towards the costs,
9 ways to share the World’s resources.
-All people in New Zealand pay a percentage of their income to aid other countries.
-All counties have to give some of their resources to countries more in need.
-Using ‘Eftpos’ cards to pay for all goods etc…,poorer people pay less for them.
-Job Sharing.-2 hours lunch break for workers,filled in by the unemployed.
-Correspondence Courses.-Short courses in a lot of the trades.The only cost is what is needed to cover the coures’s costs.Unempoyed people do these constanty.
-People in poorer countries do some of the work from the other countries.eg:making computers.
-All people who can do community work (eg:digging ditches,army work)for a top up of their benefit.
-A ‘Charter of Human Rights.’-All countries who follow this get big advantages eg:no interest on borrowing.
-Regional Bases.-These incorarate-
-Cheap housing.
-Basic education.
Super Heroe TV
All fimed in Ameriacn cities where there is enough crime.This a TV channel that films real ‘super heroes’ who fight crime,problems etc…The super heroes don’t have powers,but have weapons they use to fight crime..Attached to their costumes are devices like guns that shoot out things like sticky web or blasts of air.The super heroes could be called ‘Champions’.They get around on motorbikes,cars etc..They use Car Direction Finders to navigate to the crimes.The TV Channel that films them listens to the Police Radio to find the crime.(And as well they have an arrangement with the police in each city so that the police passes on the information to them.The Champions get around on specially designed cars or motorbikes that carry extra ‘ammunition’ for their weapons.These weapons look like something out of science-fiction.The people who are picked to be the crimefighters have interesting names,appearances,characters etc…Sometimes the Champions have ‘Tanks’ attached to their backs with the back up ‘Projectiles.’If possible their costumes that cover parts of their bodies are made of a material that can soften the penetration of blowes etc…The Chamions are trained to fight.As they travel to different crimes etc..,when they reach them they are filmed by the TV channel.The Champions have Super Heroe names.Their costumes don’t need to cover all of their bodies.If a lot of their weapons can’t be made,the idea is to for the TV channel to be made in the future(the emphasis on maybe the future.)If there is not enough crime,maybe only half a dozen crimefigters , only fighting suitable crime when it occasionally occurs.Their headquarters is called ‘Liberty Towers’ in Olympia.Olympia is a large city on the top of the East Coast USA just beneath Canada.It is large with the usual facilties that a super heroe headquarters has,including small rooms for each of the heroes,facilities like a library,cinema etc…,places to train eg:a gym and fighting courses.Liberty Towers also has a small ‘plane’ that can transport a number of the Champions to a location if needed.If needed some of the Champions have basic weaponary as well as their individual weapons to help them.This may include ‘javelin’shaped poles that can be used to rebound off things and by pressing a button on them,each end can be extended to help when fighting and if possible they can fire projectiles too.The TV channel films the crimefighters doing their missons and they are played over and over again.
-Attached to Spin’s back are tanks connected braclets on his wrists.These allow him to shoot sticky ‘web’ that covers the criminal and stops them from moving(like a net).
-He also has blackout bimbs,that when he pulls a trigger the room is filled with black clouds.He has special goggles that let him see in the dark.
-As well he has pellets that release sleeping gas.He is protected from these by his mask.
-CCC is an excellent martial arts fighter.
-She can project strong wind that can knock over things.
-She can also ‘blow up/shatter’ things by pressing against to them with her gloves.
Dark Wrath
-He has gas that can put people to sleep.
-By twisting a ‘gem’ in one eye he can send out a’ beam ‘that can
-send out an electrical bolt
-increase or decease the temperature
-the gem can give off sound and light that can disorientate people’
-Twister can create winds that spin around and around,
-Barbella has chains that are like whips.
-She uses them like a whip.
-They are covered in spots that can magnetise metals.
-Like a whip they can curl around people and bind them.
-S has special devices on each of his wrists.
-One can send out loud sounds that can disorientats people’
-A second can create light or darkness.
-And a third can send out a wind.
-All over his body are different sized bags that can stetch.
-He can put people and things into them.
-The bags are made of a material that is tough.
-He can also fire ‘sheets’ that can stick to people.
-Chance has gloves with arrows/darts attached to them that he can fire to people.
The darts can :
-Put people to sleep.
-Generaate pain.
-Give painkillers.
-Create a flare.
-Send out a sticky spray.
-Watcher’s goggles can send out a ‘laser.’
-As well he has gloves that can create strong winds.
Lightning Bolt
-Her gloves can create bolts if electricity.
-Marineman is a man.
-He gets around in a blue car shaped like a sort of spaceship.
-It can go through walls and windows etc…
-It has buffers on each side to help this.
-It can shoot out water in fires.
-It has tanks for plenty of water.
-The car can shoot out blasts of water that can knock people oner.
-As well he can flood places with water.
-Slipper has 2 ropes (one on each side of his waist)
-He can throw one end of each of them and they stretch.He has a piece of the rope he can hold on to that allows him to stretch or re –tract the rope.
-Once the noose is around something,he ca n tighten or loosen the rope.
-Greenstone has a star in her forehead that emits a soothing green gas that can relax or put people to sleep.
-He wears a red reindeer costume.
-It is red all over with a large pair of antlers on his head.
-He is very tall.
-By squeezing his gloves,it shoots out a ‘jolt’ through the antlers.
-This can knock things over etc…
-Target just has a gun.
-It can fire either bullets or darts that give a strong tranquilser.
-Quake can send out strong blasts of wind from his gloves,and by pressing a button on his belt ,his boots give a strong shattering bolt.
-Revolver has a gun that can fire either bullets or tranquilser darts.
-As well he can create clouds of dark smoke and he wears infra red googles.
The Wasp
-A woman.
-Can make loud noises(her ears are protected)
-Can fire sharp darts(when needed)
-Has a lasso she can use to wrap around people and it is sticky.
-He can create clouds of darkness.
-He has infra red goggles.
-He also has a pouch of sleep ‘bombs’.
-He can fire projectiles from him that detonate.
-He has different ones that can detonate to different degrees.
-Spot has a sort of ‘Flying Car’ that he gets around on wheels.
-The chaie can fire out different ‘normal’weaponary.
-He has pouches in his belt.
-Each one has golden ‘sand’ he can throw on people that sticks to them or blinds them.
-He can travel around on a vehicle that looks like something out of fantasy.
-In the vehicle he has loads and loads of small metal balls.
-He can release them on to the floor and it causes people to trip up on them.
-She can create strong winds.
-Maskman wears a funny looking helmet.
-It lets him –Infra red googles
-Enlarge what he sees
-Increase his hearing
-Key has a shield.
-He can use it to create ‘wind’ that pushes outwards from yhe front of the shield ie:around the radius the air is forced out.
-Eden is a woman.
-She can create clouds of pink and purple gas.
-These stop people from seeing and puts them to sleep.
-She wears a mask that protects her.
Plastic Rubber
-He can fire off loads of ribbon that sticks to people.
-It can also contract or expand.
-She can create striong winds.
-Also her gloves are made so they can give off a sharp electric shock when touched.
Silver Tiger
-He has sharp claws down each arm that can rip through things.
-His costume has parts of silver armour that protect him.
Balloon Man
-A very big fat man.
-He has ballons that expand and pop.
-These give out different gases that do things.
-Gravity has gloves that can either draw things to him or repel them ie:by suction
-Shot has a gon that can fire pellets like in the ‘warfare games.’
-Medicene has gun pellets in pouches in his belt that can effect people’s senses.
-Itchy powder
-Sneezing powder
-Coughing powder
-Sleeping powder
-Fighter is a man.
-He is an excellent at fighting especially martial arts.
-Blades come out of his gloves that can cut things.
-He has laughing gas.
-He can project what he’s seen by a camera.
-He can also project things like a movie projector.
-He has suction pads on his gloves and boots so he can walk up walls.
Rip Van Wrinkle
-He has a helmet and device to his mouth that lets him breathe in pulling things towards him, or pushing things out.
The Prison Maker
-He knows how to pick locks etc… and has the equipment to let him get through locked doors.
-As well he has a roll/or web/or sheet that can wrap around a person and stick to them.
-Has gloves attached to his arms that can stretch out like a chilren’toy(and maybe on his boots too)
Donut Theme
-A modern shop,yellow inside and out.
-A massive range of milkshakes.
-Also a range of coffee drinks.
-A large screen TV playing.
-All of the furniture are coffee tables and armchairs.
-Chocolate Buttons Donut
-Shaped like a round donut.In between the top and bottom are cold ice cream and hot chocolate.Amongst the pastry are scattered chocolate buttons.
-Jelly Donut
-The size of a big jelly.They come in different flavours.They are designed to shake a lot when touched.In the centre is a hole with fruit salad in it.
-The Garlic Donut
-Shaped like a round donut.The donut is garlic bread,the top is a layer of grilled cheese.It is also heated up.
-Seafood Donut
-A donut the length of a roll.Like a row of balls.Inside the roll are a mixture of seafoods.
-Cocolate Stackable Donut
-Shaped like a upwards row of the round donuts.Each of the donuts is containing dairy milk chocolate.Inside the centre of them is cold ice cream.You eat them with a spoon.
-Straight Donuts.
-Round heated American donuts with a hole in the middle and a layer of sugar on top.
-‘New Zealand Donuts.’Pastry with some cream an jam.
-Chocolate Brownie Donut
-Round.The size of a large round plate.The centre is a jaffa taste.Through the cake are sweets like jaffas,chocolate buttons,etc…You eat it with a knife and fork.
-Fizzy Rasberry Donut
-These give off a fizzy raspberry taste when you eat it.They are designed to fizz when eaten and taste like a soft drink.
-Pizza Donut
-The size of a pizza(big or small).The base is a pizza base.All over the top of it are toothpicks with different ingrdeiants from pizzas stuck to them.
-Magic Hat Donut
-Shaped like a straw hat.All over the top of it is sprinkled ‘reflective’sweet hail that glistens.Around the centre of the donut is a ‘circle’ of a raspberry fillin.
Breakfast Donut
-On a crispy warmed up round bagel/bread base.In the middle is a poached egg.Around the top of the bun is spagehti.It is all warmed to be like a meal.
-Rainbow Donut
-Shaped like the American donuts.The centre is raspberry and cream.Around the top of the donut is sprinkled different coluured hundreds and thousands.
Puff the Donut
-A large donut that has basically been ‘puffed up’ when baked.
Chocolate Stripped Donut
-A round American donut.The donut is made of the usual base of a donut.Around the edges going upwards rae circles of chocolate.
The King Donut
-The size of a hamburger bun.It is warmed up.Inside of it are several layers of different ingredients.The dinut also is a round shape.
Space Ship Theme
-A resultant/café like KFC but set on a space ship like in ‘Star Trek.’
-The interior is designed like a space ship of the future.
-There is a video juke box
-Around the walls are paintings of space scenes.
-You can have all you can drink for $2
-With ‘meals’ a free comic book is given.
-‘Sloppy Joes’ are burger buns with mince inside.
-There are big ‘Sundaes’ with one side banana and one side chocolate.
-There are pancakes that are-
-thin and the size of a big plate
-are rolled up withlemon and sugar on top of the pan cakes and in the inside
-and are cut into pieces
-Chocolate Sponge-Chocolate crumb on top with a hot choocolatse sause bottom.
Bar Theme
-Each bar has plenty of space
-There are big TV screens playing selected music videos
-The interior is designed to look like a futuristic/fantasy version of the Victorian era,with dark wooden fittings etc…
-Each bar provides a ‘take-home’ van for customers,for $6 a van load
-The waitresses all wear revealing/skimpy uniforms with the words ‘Beer is Better’on the tops
-The bartenders are all young,attractive men
-They all do tricks like spinning bottles,and setting drinks alight etc…
-There is a food bar in each bar
-It serves-Fish and Chips with lemon and vinegar
-Toad in the Hole-Yorkshire with sausages in them
-Sausages and mashed potatoes
-Small ‘fish ‘bites etc…
-Bands playing every evening
-Pool Games
-A circular table (like a casino table) spins.Around the sides are pockets.Each player has a coloured ball.You must try to knock your ball into your pocket.The first player to get 3 in wins.
-There is a big glass box.A ball spins inside it .It has air/wind in it that blows the ball around.The player puts his hands into gloves that reach into the box.He holds a ‘pole’ that he tries to hit the ball while blindfolded.For every set number of times he has hit the ball he gets a free drink.There is also a time limiting his time with the game.
The Hunger Bite
-‘The Hunger Bite’ is the name of a café/restaurant
-Around the walls are light blue waves shaped like shark fins
-The café has computers for the Internet which fits in with shark fins
-Some of the foods available are-
-Soft drinks
-Milk shakes
-Thick shakes
-On the counter are a basket of ‘ Toffee Apples’ or fitting with Snow Whites’ ‘bite’ of the apple
-On a turning display also on the counter are-
-Christmas mince pies
-Fudge with nuts in
-Chocolate cake with walnuts on it
-Chocolate and coco pops in cup cakes
-Chocolate rum balls
Also available are-(against the wall behind the counter)
-Candy Floss
-Choclolate Mousse
-The counter is shaped like a coffin(which fits in with Dracula or a ‘Count’ or ‘Counter’, and fits in with Dracula biting)
-Take home packs are available-
-These cost $50 for 7 meals a week
-The packs have a variety of the meals
-They are especially designed for those who can’t cook
-This works out at 7 meals a week at $7 each,or $49 a week for meals
-Monster-A large plate of ice cream with chocolate syrup,with a selection of nuts,chocolate buttons, and hundreds and thousands, and chocolate sprinkle.
Ideas for a Resturant
-Swiriling sticky chocolate ‘mousse/sause’
-A plate size hokey poket ice cream with a chocolate shell coating and a cluster of cheries in the centre of the top of it
- The Monster Burger.Layers of chees,tonmato,potatoe chips,a chicken and meat patti.A warmed up bun on the bottom and on top of it.The top bun has a face on it.Around the edges of sides are chips(ie:like in fish and chips) poking out like a monsters’ legs with tomatoe sause like blood.
-Bubbly hot chocolate in a big cup that can be drunk by the mouth or with a spoon
-A chocolate crumb/base mixed with raspberry sause for a raspberry/chocolate taste.With small twirls of snow freeze ice cream around the edges
-Like a soup.A mixture or different flavoured fizzy drinks.Then blended/mixed up in a blender.Then added with a choice of different fruits like pears
-Moon Rock.A pizza shaped meal.A bottom and top layer each made with a different type of food.On top of the top layer is another laywer of dripping cheese designed to look like the moon(made of cheese).Plus around the the round edge of the meal are a serving of food like tomatoes
-The Leaning Tower of Pieces.A pile of layers of French Toast.In between the layers of bread are individual layers of lettuce,vegemite,honey,and peanut butter.The ingredients are also heated up just before use
-Buster.A meal shaped like a boy’s face.On the face are eyes,a mouth,ears,and a few hairs on top of his head.The face or head is made of bread.These have been heated up so it is slightly toasted.Inside are choices of pies,such as mince,bacon and egg etc…On top of it, are holes in the face and the inners pop out, which fits in with tasting the heat of a pie by poking your finger in a hole to judge the heat
-Krazy Klown.A plate size meal of a clown’s head sitting on top of the plate.The clown”s head is very big.It is entirely consisted of different types of chocolate,also designed to look lijke a clown’head and hat etc…
sprinked over it.Shaped like a long rectangular shape.
Health Theme Resturant
-Chilled spray water made in New Zealand
-Relaxing,easy music played in the café
-A salad of lettuce on a plate with a slice of tomatoe in the centre, and grated cheese on top
-Lightly toasted bread with vegimite and either lettuce or tomatoe inside it
-A selection of natural/healthy vitamins for sale,with an assistant to give advice
-A fountain display of water and ‘ornaments’ etc…
-A plate designed to have basically the same food as a ham or chicken filled roll,on top of a slightly toasted bun
-‘Lunch Packs’ for sale of a selection of healthy foods like apples ,grapes etc…
-Ferns etc… growing around the walls of the café
-Different flavours of fruit juice basically squeesed direct from fruit with a small portion of water added
-Dagwoods-Multi layered sandwich
-A slice of bread on top.middle,and bottom -different flavours of spread etc… spread on top of ewach slice
-In a tall/big beaker,are different healthy vegitables and fruitds,in a chilled water.You use sort of chopsticks to get the food
-Long rolls of ‘twisted’ buns.So long as thgey are good for you they have a cmination of well processed meats and vegetables
-Like a pizza or a cakeIt has a pastry.Inside the pastry you can have a selection of healthy foods such as baked tomatoe etc…
-Plus-A selection of rolls, and salads,and deli rolls like they sell at places now like MacDonalds etc…
Hollywood Hamburger Theme
-Sells (new) hollywood ‘Merchandise’
-Stsands and posters from the movies
-A row of seats and sceens that people can pay to see a “public domain’ program etc…Using ear phones
-Specialises in a lot of drinks such as cappechinos,lattes etc…
-Partly a coffee café too
-Walls,floor,and ceilind are mostly black and white checkers
-A disco ball on the ceiling revolves sending out colurs late at night to early in the morning
-At these times the resturant also becomes a bar and slls alcholic drinks instead
-Sells ‘TV Guides’ from around the world
-Each month there is a different promotion in a Hollywood movie,program etc…This includes displays,things to buy etc..(eg: a selection of books about the topic)
-Imported American candy bars
-A selection of Hamburgers.Each burger is very big (ie-big buns).And has a lot of fillings.All are about the biggest burgers on the market.Each burger has a variety of the main fillings with flavours like-Hawiain,Cheese,Bacon,Egg,Chicken,and Salad
-The soft drink from the vending machine there is exclusivly imported from overseas
-2 buns-top and bottom
-2 slices of cheese
-2 meat pattis
-lettuce,tomatoe,and onion
-Mini burger
-Small sized burger
-A few pickles
-Meat pattie
-Tomatoe sauce
-Always cheap
-Monster Burger
-2 buns
-Poached egg
-Meat pattie
-Slice of cheese
-Slice of bacon
-Slice of pineapple
-Hot/Spicey Burger
-Comes with inside bun more trhe size of a bread slice
-Hot slice of spicey chicken
-Tasty barbecue sauce
-Candy Burger
-Hot chocolate sauce on the inside
-Slice of bread on top and bot
-Chocolate buttons and sprinkle on the inside
-Giant ‘cups’ of milk shake,really ‘fizzed up’
-Also available is a mixture/combination of flavours
-Big long chunky chips
-Sundaes with a heated bananna in the middle of sundae ice cream,nuts, and chocolate sauce
-Concession tickets for ‘unlimited’ cups of drink(all drinks)
Family Theme
-Toad in the Hole-Cooked sausages wrapped in yorkshire
-Gigantic Burger-Chips
-3 pattis
-Choice of fillings like tomatoe,cheese etc..
-Sandwiche bread for buns(all together)
-Takeaway meal-Coke or Milk Shake
-Mousse or cheesecake
-Burger filled with what you want
-Fish and Chips-Chips with vinegar and salt
-Fish shaped like living fish
-Bannana cooked in a tray with either chocolate or rasberry sauce
-Woodville Donut-Merangue top
-Jelly middle
-Cheesecake bottom layer with a crumb base
-Roast Meal-Any combinations of
-Roast chicken,beef,pork, and lamb
-Peas and carrots
-Roast potatoe and kumara
-Baked potatoe
-As much as you can fit on a plate
-Pie Meal-A selection of budget priced meals
-All the mainflavours and a typical size
-Pies are a dollar each
-Come with mousse,cheesecake,cake, or chips for abour #1 too
-Pizza Bar-Customers select all of the toppings that they want
-Pizzas can come in different sizes
-You can also pick the price of the pizza(eg:little pizzas cost less)
-Garlic Bread,bacon,egg,sausages also are available with the meal
-Takeaways-Comes in a variety of different sized meals
-Boxes are desisgned to keep the food fresh and warm
-You can buy a concession card which gives you a ‘Takeaway’ meal a day for a discounted price
-You can have one lot of food from each of 3 of the menus
-The Takeaway idea is meant to enable those who can’t cook etc… to be able to afford to buy takeaways for food each night
Magic Theme
-Shaped like a black magician’s hat
-Tall,with spiral balconies around the walls and on different levels
-Strange creatures hang from the roof,and blow around the walls in the ‘vacumn
-Along the sides of the walls(in columns)are rows of lightbulbs to provide light,and music that comes out of’bulbs,that is played with specially composed “fantasy songs’
-The waiters are people in different costumes of creations
-On the bottom level(which is round),it can rotate and can be used for dancing
-Baked Lemon Meranguie.Bubbly on the bottom with a sprinkle of hundreds and thousands on top
-Turkish Delite Pie.Round in the size of a plate.Chocolate on the top with a large cherry shaped sweet in the middle of the top
-Hot cake in the shape of a small creature.His body consists of a round yellow body,with short arms and legs,and a face on the body.The bottom is chocolate cake and the top of the body is bannana icing
-Red rose.You can drink a frizen lime drink from the stem.The red rose is layers of hard red toffee apple and haed chocolate shell
-Meal shaped like a magician’s hat.A chocolate base and a red top made of jelly,with small sweets inside it that are like leading individual sweetseg:jelly beans,chocolate buttons
-Magic Wand.Shaped like a big chocolate log.Different colours in rows like a rainbow,with each row having a different flavour.hite cream tip like a magian”wand and dark chocolate rows on each side of it
-Witch’s crystal ball.Served on a round plate.The meal is light green and paler in the middle.It is like a cross between lemonade and a highly fizzed up merangue.If possible the top of the meal reflects trhings
-Withch’s cottage.Meant to be made of sweets.The size of a small loaf of bread.In the shape of a witch’s cottage.A combination of lots of different sweets
-Golden scroll/pancake.Like a rolled up pancake the size of a dinner platw.The scroll is made up of golden hokey pokey.It is tied with a red ribbon to a chocolate pen
-Red apple.Red chocolate crispy coating.Vanilla ice cream inside,with a strong sour taste in the middle.Comes in a pile of apples,with different ice cream flavours inside.Each apple is the size of a typical ice cream head,and can be used to give an icecream/apple to each person in a group
1. Candy Bars
2. Dream Inventions
3. New Zealand Heroes
4. Political Party Ideas
5. Super Hero TV
6. Restaurants
-Mushy chocolate on the inside.Shaped like a mouth sized ball.Designed to melt in the mouth over time .
-Stretchy inside2.When you chew on it ,it stretches.A long bar colured with rainbow colours on the inside.Each of the colours represent a different flavour.
-Cool mint taste.Meant to be chiilrd before use.Shaped like a big pill or medication.Meant to br sucked on, if possible it alters colour you suck on.
-When you chew on this bar it desolves into a chewy raspberry taste that fills the mouth.It is shaped like a tablet or a mili biscuit.
-Fizzy Sweet.You chew on it and it desolves and makes a fizzy noise and sensation.Shaped like a small ball and extreme yellow colour.
-Extremly dark chocolate clour and taste with an extreme raspberry centre about the size of a King sized bar of chocolate.
-Animal candy.Different animal shapes.Each animal is a different sort of sweet.The animals are designed to be put together for children to pley with.Comes in packs.
-Long sweet the shape of a pencil.The inside is liquarce. The outside is chocolate orange.
-Mystery sweet.Comes in chocolate wrapper shaped like a treasure cheast(just the paper).The chocolates are a row of chocolate
Pieces the shape of Cadbury chocolate or treasure cheasts.Each bar is a difernet
flavour of chocolate(eg:vanilla ,dark).Each bar is only one flavour.
-Long shaped chocolate with white chocolate on the outside.Different layers of candy inside.
-Rocket shaped candy.About the size of an Easter Egg Bunny.Hollow chocolate.Filled with chocolate buttons.
-Chewy sweet.A strechy sweet as long as aring binder that can be pulled and shaped into objects.To shape the sweet you massage it.The outside is a strong raspberry/liqurace taste.The inside is a black/liqurace tasre.
-Peanut Butter Balls.Shaped like a ‘Marbel’.It is chocolate coated and peanut butter inside.You suck on it and it melts.When part of the way through the ball gives out a strong chocolate taste.
-Disco Sweet.These are shaped like ‘Jaffas’.Each ball has spots on it that are colurs.Different balls have different centres/tastes. The colour of the centre is like the taste.The balls/sweets are the size of ‘Gobstopers’and you suck them.
-Choculate Bomb.These are like the ‘Coco Pops’ and chocolate sweets.You suck on them and after a while a lot of chocolate syrup is released.
-Fangs.A Milk chocolate sweet.They can be ‘attached’ to your teeth.After a while of sucking they release raspberry ‘syrup’like blood.
-Chocolate Animals.These come in large bars.(eg-the length of a packet of biscuits and the width of a chocolate bar).You can break off one piece at a time.Each piece is chocolate with a different animal on it.By pulling off a sticker on the other side of it you can moustin and press against your skin for a temporary tattoo.
-Two Christmas candy bars.(both from dreams.)
-Chocolate covered reindeer shaped candy bars.The insides are like the centres of the Americea donuts.(With the holes in the middle.)
-Chocolate ‘Santa’ shaped candy bars.The top (except around the edges) is covered in different sweets.
-Inside is peanut butter.Each piece or cookie breaks off from a row.Each piece also has wafer on it and is chocolate coated.
-Inside is strawberry marshmallow.The top of the biscuits are jam.The outsides of the biscuits are dark chocolate.Each biscuit is shaped like a small muffin.
-Each cookie is a circular shape.The top side is dairy millk chocolate.The back side white chocolate.One of the sides has a picture of a figure from history (different faces for different countries).
-A biscuit shaped like a boxed chocolate sweet.One side is dairy milk chocolate.The other side is one of the centres from a box of chocolates.The shapes of the biscuit also vary.
-A chewy biscuit.Comes in long strips the size of a fingure/slice of bread.The cookie is chewy and strechy.It is coated in dark chocolate and the insides are designed to stretch.Inside the cookie is caramellow and jam centre.On top of the bar is a squiggle of white chocolate.
-An ice cream on a stick.The ice cream looks like a target.Circles of chocolate and jelly going around the ice cream and a honey comb centre.
-Rainbow Bar.Like an ice block stick of frozen ice with different layers of coloured ice and the ice tasting like the colour eg:lime.
-The Vampire.Designed to look like a vampire.A wafer cone coloured white and shaped like a fang.The inside tastes a bit like alcohol but isnt’t liquor.It is coloured red like blood.The top of the cone is chocolate with the top layer on that is a section of nuts.
-Solid Gold.The ice cream is shaped like an American ingot of gold.It comes in a wrapper.The outside of it is like a shell of hokey pokey.The inside of it is soft ice cream that is flavoured hokey pokey too.Both the inside and outside of the ice cream is coloured gold.
-This ice ceaam commes in a tub.Thr tub is shaped like a small pie tray.The top layer tastes like peanut butter and is the same colour.Inside the ‘pie’ is jelly(ie: like in the ‘Jelly Tip’ ice cream.)This fits in with the American peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.This ice cream also comes in a plate sized portion, suitable for a dessert or dinner.
-This ice cream comes in a tub that lookes like a black magacian’s hat.The tub is black with a white spoon attached to the base designed to look like wand.Inside are swirls of very dark chocolate and as well chocolate buttons.
The follwing are products or inventions that came to me in dreams while I was asleep.
-Candy Bars.
-Chocolate covered reindeer shaped candy bars.The insides are like the American donuts(with the holes in them).
-Chocolate ‘Santa’ shaped Candy Bars.The top(except around the edges) is covered in different sweets.
-Ice Cream Sundae.Comes in a plastic tub like from a restaurant like MacDonalds, but the tub is large . about the size of a milkshake cup.Down one side is chocolate.Down the other side is banana.
-Bouncing Bean Bag Traveller.This is shaped like a bean bag or a big pear.You sit on the sides and hold on to the top of it.You bounce along on it.
-Trousres.These are like sweat/tracksuit pants.They are a pale grey colour, with small one inch lines going down it on angles(like rain).The lines are a darker colour.
-Super Heroe Equipment/Self Defense/Sports Game.Shaped like a javelin.Each end of the pole can soot out an extension.You can use it to rebound off things and to hit the opponent with the pole and the extensions.
-Dream Board Game.Board and counters like in a “Scrabble Game’.Each player takes as many pieces as he wants.He arranges them on a board.The object of the game is to make as many words as you can.You can take as long as you want and it may take some time.
-TV Variety Programme.This is a weekly variety programme.Each episode is quite long(eg:two hours).The programme has guests entertainers.There are contests for both people in the studio and at home.The programme plays short cartoons.There are articles on subjects that are made to be entertaining.The progamme is filmed before an audience.
-TV Programme Magazine.A weekly magazine with the TV listings.It has articles on the TV programmes plus stories and art ect…The spine of the magazine is curved/rounded and the inside pages are a mixture of colur glossy and black and white newsprint.
-Sports Games From Dreams.
-It is played on a basketball court.Two teams compete against each other.A balloon is used instead of a ball.Players get points by putting the balloon behind the ‘out line’ at the opposite end of the court.Players can run with the balloon.The opposite team can get the balloon anyway they can.If a try is made that team kicks the balloon into the court from where they placed the balloon on the court.The player who makes the try kicks the balloon in.
-This is a new football game.Teams of men compete against each other.The game is tough and more dangerous than other football games.The players are big and often muscular.Each team has a group of cheerleaders.There is a large screen in the stadium which plays what is being played on TV.There are special electronic displays on the screen.
-This game is played like soccer,with both teams trying to score gaols at the other end of the ‘field.’In this game the players use a ball the size of a softball and bend their back over and throw the ball from between their legs with their hands.And throw the ball as far as they can.
New Zealand heroes based around the history of New Zealand.Ideally intended for use as comic book characters.
These are comedy stories.D’Urville is the name of an area in anchent New Zealand.This series is set 80 million years ago and the area of New Zealand is the first to see life in the world.The first living creature was an animal called “The Kiwi”.He was hatched from an egg (which fits in with the “Who came first the chicken or the egg.”)He is the “key to all life.”And his name has the word “key” in it and his beak looks like akey.In this series he is a 12 year old male .He is nice enough,wants adventure, and wants to have fun.The villains of the series are 2 predators The Great Eagle and the Moa.Both have magic powers and are equal partners.The Moa had a small head,long neck,long legs,and no wings.He carried it’s neck in a relaxed’S’ pose.The Great Eagle is a genius,analytical,and cold.The Moa is deranged,and a twisted character, (like his neck).They live in a small cave.It is like a magiacian’s table and made of stone(one room).The door is an entrance with I red curtain in front of it(like a magician’s cape).In the middle of the cave is a large magician’s hat/table that the Moa and The Great Eagle can view things and make their wishes.In this series The Moa and The Great Eagle are the villains and the Kiwi and the other characters are the good guys.
-Vanity.The Huia lived high in the tree tops.A beautifull black bird with an orange wattle on it’s throat.About the size of a magpie.
-Nosy.The Weka was an inquisitive bird.
-Cheeky.The cheeky Kaka was like a native parrot.
-Crazy.The Adzebill was a strange bird.He lived on the forrest floor and stood 80 cm tall.He used it’s strong neck to smash against logs for grubs.
-Nasty.The Giant Weta.Used it’s spikey hind legs for defense.A show off,egotistical, and picks on the other animals.
-Kiwi,Vanity,Nosy,Cheeky,Crazy,and Nasty all rhyme.
People originally came from Space to Earth.Their orginal island became polluted from the wrecked spaceships so they left to live elsewhere.They split into 2 peoples.
1.The ones that left.
2.The ones that remained.The ones that remained changed and became evil ,hounded the ones tha that left.
Spaceships were re-built/transformed into canoes.They brought the world’s first animals from Space(except at D’Urville).Maui was the charismatic but good man/leader.He was blind.He could navigate/see like a radar at night for land.His companion was a cranky seagull called Segal.They went from island to island looking for home.They wre continually harrased by the other group.The leader of the original/other group was like goliath.Very tall/muscular,evil,unshaven.He called himself goliath too,which sounds like ‘Go’ and ‘Arruval.’Maui’s love was Lara.Right height/bit shortish,long black hair tied in a pony tail,nice,friendly,pretty.They travelled in a convoy of canoes.Goliath’sspy/plant was Orna.He was tall,muscular,with full facial maori tattoos.Eventually Maui fished New Zealand out of the ocean,and the people settled there.
This series is set 20 years after ‘Arrival.’Maui is King of ‘Aoteoroa.’They are still at war with ‘Pounamu.’(The evil race)Each side has a population of ‘super heroes.’The good side has the ‘Greenstone.’The bad side has the ‘Obsidian.’The Obsidian were used as powerfull swords withy “souls’ that could offer advice etc…The Greenstone could could control what happened to objects.The ‘Tiki’allowed both sides to manipulate things eg:Disguise when they are out and really super heroes.Maui is King of New Zealand.Goliath is King of Pounamu.Tairua is the son of Maui.Tuhua is the son of Goliath.They are best friends.They both live in Aoteroa and are about 17 years old.Tuhoa is witty,but a good friend and support to Tairua.Tairua is the dedicated,loyal to the throne,tries to be a goog leader one day.
Will Eagle.
Will Eagle was the first man to live in New Zealand apart from the Maori and Polynsians etc…When some Europeans arrived in New Zealand and sent some men ashore,all wre killed except for Will.(This fits in with the Great Eagle).He landed in Murderer’s Bay.This now Wellington.The capital.’Wellington’ sounds like ‘Will’.Soon after arriving there Will found part of a bell.This was left over from the Spanish sailors,but none of them stayed in New Zealand.When Will reads the writing on it,he transforms himself into ‘The Tasman.’As the Tasman he is part man and part monster.He transforms himself into like a big version of a man,but looking like a monster too.As the Tasman,he can leap any distance and has the strength of 10 men.This form eventually wears off a while after Will reads the Bell’s writing.in his normal form Will is slightly tall with short blonde hair and white.He is about 20.He is a nice boy,good to people,feels for those who were even more stigmatised.(like the mentally ill)He also has morals of today,not like in his time.The ‘Pounamu’ now rule Murderer’s Bay and are looking to expand their rule to all of New Zealand.As the Tasman,Will fights to prevent this.
Heart of Aces.
Heart of Aces was a female crime fighter in the early Eighteenth century.She was young, with completely black eyes.She is like a female ‘Robin Hood’ giving help etc… to the oppressed,and taking from the wealthy and crooked, and giving to the poor.Like Robin Hood she uses a bow and arrow.Her blindness left her with the ability to track/target anything anywhere.eg:can home in on a certain person in a foorest.Her real name is Nellie Anderson.She is tall with long blonde hair,beautifull.She wears a patriotic costume similar to the New Zealand flag.(Except all of the flag is red,with the Union Jack in blue and white stripes in the corner of the flag.The Union Jack looks like a ‘Heart’ or a ‘Bow and ‘Arreow.’
Vendetta is a maori warrior turned into a vigilante against both European and Maori.Vendettas’ real name is Tamati.After te helped sign the Treaty of Waitangi some of the maori wre unhappy with it and turned on both races.’Waitamgi’ sounds like ‘Vendetta.’Treaty’ sounds like ‘Tamati.’Eventually some maori traked him down and gave him severe facial burns.After that he always wore a red cloak.Disillusioned he deceided to fight injustice caused by both races.He would travel around,osterichised by both races.Vendetta is tall,with a disfigured face and a red cloak.He calls himself Jack(after the Union Jack).He is a loner,wants no real company.His sole weapon is his musket.Because he was disfigured,he trained
extensively with a musket.(‘mark’ and ‘men’ sound like ‘musket’) to the point where he was unbeatable with a musket.
The Red Poppy
The Red Poppy was a ghost super heroe inWW1.He fought for New Zealand in Europe.He was executed by a firind squad for working with the Germans to send extra money to his poor family in New Zealand.But he would not die cimpletly there.He would enter into New Zealand soldier’s bodies where he would fight the German’s as The Red Poppy.Like in Greenstone he could control/manipulate things.He became a legend amongst the NZ soldiers in Europe.In each story he was a different person.He must continue to fight the enemies until he has redeemed himself.Soldiers were scared of him.Red Poppy had a costume designed to look like a red poppy.His real name was “Zac’(Zac sounds like ‘ANZAC’).”Poppy’ fits in with ‘popping in .’’New Zealand’ sounds like ‘New” and ‘Seal’.The red poppy is a symbol to remember WW1 in New Zealand.”’Gallopoli’sounds like ‘manipulate.’
This is a comedy title for children.It is set in the depression of the 1930’s.It features five young childrenliving amongst the poverty then.The title’s characters are like ‘Buster’ or ‘Cheeky’ characters from England.All are about 13.
Smiley.-Allways cheerfull and friendly.
-Never nasty to people.
-Is nice to a fault.
-Sort of the lead character.
-Sometimes irritates people by being so friendly.
Buttons.-Also a detective.
-Charges young children. money to invent things.
-Wears a ‘button’ like a Police Detective’s badge.
Willie –A spock.
-A mummy’s boy.
-A dick.
-Never does any wrong.
-Picked on by other kids.
Digits-His family is still fabously wealthy.
-He has everything he needs.
-He has a fortune in spending money.
-Not stuck up.
-He has piles of toys too.
-A pleasant guy,but too obsessed with money,belongings etc…
Stewart-Has a special watch lets him contril time.
-He can slow down or speed up things.
-Stewart is a bit like ‘Tom Sawyer.’Wants adventure,tries to get out of work,has a fun side.
The New Zealand Division
They fight the Germans and Italians in North Africa.In this title they are lead by General Michael Joseph.He is tall,hair cut close to the scalp like a shadow.Ruggedly handsome.Joseph is a good man,an incredible marksman, and an unparalled fighter.Dedicated to his troops.The title is set about 1942.
His troops include:
Santa-Buils his own weapons etc… he uses in combat.
-Short(like a midget),hairy all over.
-Cranky,has a beef/predudice with all Germans etc..
Oz-Joseph’s illegitimate son.
-Mother was a Japanese woman who died in childbirth.
-Oz is about 15.
-He is short,very muscular,Japanese,attractive.
-Allways on the defense about his race,and wanting to prove himself.
Crook-The chef.
-A really big and fat maori man.
-Nasty to people all the time.
-Famous for his terrible meals.
Belgium-A beagle dog.
-Belongs to Oz.
-Helps the Division.
The Maori Battalion
Set in WW2.Each of the seven members are like the comic book characters
3.Spider Man
4.The Thing
5.Captain America
6.Richie Rich
All of the members are black but have different appearances.Some of the names are maori some are English.
1.Superman-An exceptional person.
-A tough side with some people
-Very good at everything like a ‘Superman’.
2.Batman-Haunted by demons.
-Dedicated by stopping people preying on others.
-Relies on fear to fight the villains of life.
-Tough and scary.
-A real anti-hero,not lke other heroes,almost a villain.
3.Spider-Man-A geek
-Gets a hard/tough life.
-Sort of mild-mannered.
-Tries to get on with life as best he can.
-But there is more to hime than that,a good person.
4.The Thing-Smokes cigars.
-Uses constant slang.Words like ‘Ya’ and ‘Kiddin’
5.Captain America-A great leader, almost unparalled.
-Leader of the Battalion.
-Very patioctic for New Zealand.
-A great guy.
-Fair is one of his qualities.
6.Richie Rich-Comes from a really wealthy family.
-Has loads of money whenever he wants.
-At the same time he is the ‘Poor Little Rich Boy’ and has problems from his wealth.
7.Tintin-A good/great fighter.
-An excellent detective.
-Only a boy,but still a nice guy.
This title is designed for teenagers etc…It is like the American Archie comics.They are short comedy stories about teenagers at a high school in the 1950s.The main characters are in a open relationship.Sonny and Shaere day are married.Shaere is also dating Ian.The three of them like it this way.When they are older they plan for Ian to father their chidren.
Sonny has an innocent side to him,sort of fun,wants adventure in a way that suits his appearance.His father is a super heroe who met up with his mother and Sonny was conceived.(He was from another planet.)Sonny was raised by his grandparents.His grandfather was Charles Sternem(named after the war hero.)His grandmother is Jean Sternem.She is blind.She is named after Jean Batten and is blind which fits in with ‘All Black.’Sonny is about 16.He is tallish.He has dark brown hair and looka a bit like Hal Jordan/Green Lantern from comics.He also looks like a cheaper version of James Darren from the TV series ‘The Time Tunnel.’Shaere is also 16.She is a maori girl and married to Sonny.She is the right height,long brown hair in twisting pony tails.She is nice,looks like an Ameriacn Indian.She is nice and people like her.She likes Sonny.
Shaere-Shaere sounds like “Share’
-Shaere Sounds like “Square’ the amearican name for Indian.
-Shaere sounds like “Barbi.’(And she is meant to be a good character like her.)Ian is tallish,black hair,with some muscle.Nice to people,and good to people.But he doesn’t like Sonny and Sonny has to put up with him.’Sonny’ sounds like ‘son.’
Magic Heroes
This a group of 5 heroes who all have magic powers.New Zealand loos like a witch’s hat, a dress,and a broom.
The 5 heroes are:
Aukland-Augie-Works in the army.
-Short,glasses,not much hair,big ears and nose.
-Arkward,bumbling,has trouble in his job.
Hamilton-Hampton-16 years old.
-A maori boy.Tall, very fat.
-A show off,a ham etc…
Wellington-Ghostly-A ghost.(sounds like ‘well meaning’)
-Means well.
-Things don’t always work out for him how he wants.
-He can enter other people’s bodies and control them.
Chirtchurch-May Merry’-(or ‘Christ’ and ‘Church’ and ‘May’ and ‘Merry’
-Wonderfoll,cares about everyone,’does no wrong’about the nicest sort of person you can get.
-The right height,black,shortish black hair.
Dunedin-Simpson-A dog
-‘Dum and ‘Dim’ and ‘Simple’.
-Slow, has trouble understandind things.
The 5 Magic Heroes were vistind White Island (sounds like ‘Witch’.There was an eruption sending out gas giving them magic powers. This also started the para normal events,monsters etc…None of them have secret identities.
Somerest is a young New Zealand man.He is the right height,black hair like a ‘cap’,attractive and about 19.Somerset has adventure in New Zealand and around the world.He is a nice guy,helpful, and good to people.Hr is a millionaire.He inherited his money,mansion,and winery that he lives in.His parents wre killed when he was young.Somerset’s cook is Victor.Victor is tall,black,and talks in constant slang.One of Somerset’s friends is Who.Who is a doctor/scientist.He is tall,middle aged balding grey hair,a full face,and glasses.Doctor Who is bumbling, accident prone, and poor at his job.
Man-Monster is Malcom Kelly.He was a young Australian man on holiday in New Zealand.He was kidnapped and experimented on, changing into a monster.He now travels around New Zealand,looking like a’big ape’ or Yeti or Big Foot.His sister is lokking for him.Her name is Fiona Kelly.She is the right height,shoulder length blonde hair.When she was young she was a ‘mummy’girl,alaways did right etc…She has had to grow up.Her older brother Malcim was tallish,dark brown hair,a fun side,sometimes having his sister on.He is now alone and isolated.Fiona is looking for hom to help him.But at the same time ,Malcom is looking for those who changed him,hoping they can change him back,and to stop Fiona from getting into trouble from them.The scientisrs wre experimenting on Malcom to develop new methods of life etc…Their theory was the Bermuda ‘Tri’angle.There were also 3 monsters(Yeti,Bigfoot,and the Loch Ness Monster) that all travelled around alone.So they wanted to create a third ape like creature like Yeti or Bigfoot.New Zealand looks like 2 feet (or Big Foot).
Davey Jones
Jones is about 16.The right height,black hair, one leg and cane.He has a spaceship he has adventures in.It is round like a disc.It is white and flies horizontally.It is much bigger on the inside than the outside.Inside are parks,a cinema etc…Davey ia a college student.He has an after school job on a New Zealand soap opera ‘Tradegdy and Acheivments.’He is also a pop star but can’t perform his songs because of his leg.He doesn’t know who his parents are.He is rich.His girlfriend is Michelle Mutch.She is the right height,long red hair,like ‘Charlene Mangel’ from ‘Neighbours.’She is a haiddresser.
This series is set at the end of time.It is a battle between good and evil.A lot of the heroes and the villains from the other series are reborn/reincarnated in the future.They must fight each other until time everywhere ends.The good characters live in the North Island,the bad in the South Island.This title is like a fun/combination of all of the characters.At the end of time it will be deceided who goes to the paradise afterlife(not Heaven.)Both sides will enter one os 2 doors.The 2 doors relect the 2 islands.The key to each door is Stewart Island(small like a key).’Key’ sounds like ‘Kiwi.’This fits in with the first life in New Zealand being the kiwi.At the very end of time the key will turn locking the doors for all time.The “revolving’ of the keu fits in with ‘Revelations,’causing all life and places in New Zealand history being ‘revolved’ around each other.
The following charaters are for New Zealand heroes based on characters from history.
1 Robin Hood.
-Cape Raangi.
-Wears a cape to disguise his true idenity when “Cape Rangi.”
-Set at the turn of the 17th century.
-There was a shortage of food.
-When the first Europeans arrived there was even less food so Cape would steal food from those who had a lot and share with those without.
2Daniel Boone.
-Daniel Bunby.
-Fought the maori to protect the European.
He was appointed by the British Govt. to do this.
-He would never use a gun.
-Daniel would use to travel the country protecting the settlers.
-Eventually he was instruenental in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
3King Arthur.
-King Aoteroa.
-‘Art’ was a maori king descnt from Maui.’
-He was assisted by ‘Mana’ a magician with magic powers,whose name would later mean ‘Status.’
-Mana would make spells in a Korotote,a wroven fish trap like a basket.
-King Aoteroa had a pole/stick from the beginning of New Zealand that gave him excellent fighting skills,like the’sword in the stone.’
-‘Merlin’ sounds like ‘Mana.’
4The Lone Ranger.
-Lone Rangitoto.
-He was a legend passed down by maori.
-He died in an eruption of a volcano leaving only a legend and no known fact of him being real.
-Lone Rangitoto travelled the country with his help and their horses fighting ‘fantasy’ characters/people that later would be destroyed by the eruption,removing memory of them.
-Lone’s friend/partner/sidekick was ‘Roto’(sounds like ‘Tonto’),and he was a Polynesian.
4 Zorro.
-Tall,black hair tied into a small ponytail and a ‘goaty.’
-Was really a Lord from England.
-A famous scientist in England and a heroe in his own right.
-The public doesn’t know they are the same people,but there is speculation because they are both heroes etc…
-His real name is Lord,Ernest Davids.
-He would carry a ‘satchel’ on his back.In it were sword like arrows that he would fire through the air like a bow.
-Each ‘arrow’ had a special ability eg:a flare.
-New Zealand looks like a satchel, a bow, and a sword or an arrow.
-Hawk would travel on his horse Hastings.(They both sound like ‘Hawks Bay’ and ‘Hastings’-two areas at the same place in New Zealand.)
- This title is set just before the 19th century in the Depression then.
-Davids was a liberal who believed it was the job of someone to make things better for people,so he became Hawk.
-He wears a disguise to protect him from problems with the authorities.
Political Party Ideas
-A ‘judge/justice can be appointed (by people and themselves) to decide what a person can and can’t do.
-Low fees for tertiary students without money.
-Suicide help for those with bad enough problems.
-A Liberal/Democratic party.
-Unemployed people work for part of the week for a top up for their benefit.
-Juries replaced by permantly sitting councils.
-People can’t be constantly harassed ie:offenders prosecutes.
-Free pain killers for those who need it.
-People who ‘ruin’ people’s lives pay a fee to them for life.
-Money replaced by cards so criminals,missing people,stolen goods can be found.These cards record all transactions into a master computer and the information can be accessed.People on low incomes can also use these cards for discounts when spending.
-Cigarettes phased out by manufactures to end cancer etc… with current smokers still able to buy them because they are addicted.
-Fines/Inprisonments increasd for things like assault,maiming etc…
-Oversaes people can do correspondence/cheap courses with NZ correspodebence colleges.
-Police,hospital workers etc… have increased sentences/compensations given out when they commit crimes or are negligent.
-Panel can decide if something is grossly unfair and should be changed.
-No one can ban you from their buissness without a proper reason.
-Places found in halfway homes for those who really can’t cope.
-Low prices on all bus fares.
-The party would be a fair,’moral’ and good to people party.
-All problems at hospilals etc…must be recorded in an incident report.
-Buidings around the country with bunks,a radio playing,showres,toilets, and food that anyone can stay in for free.
-All people must pay a percentage of their income to a superannuation benefit for when they are older.
-Foreign students can take advantage of NZ’s cheaper Tertiary fees and only pay an amount to the government that will help raise funds for the University.
-Prisons and mental institions residents each have a small room that they can lock for secutiy.
-No bullying policy in schooles.
-No one can force you to marry.
-Anyone can divorce.
-‘Pins’-A less formal version of marriage that you can end at any time eg:for people dating at school.
-Same sex marriages allowed.
-‘Meals on Wheels’ for anyone who can afford it.
-Counselling help for anyone who can pay a fee for it.
-Most companies must give a certain amount of profit to charity,
-Church/centres around the country that have a daily meal for a small donation.
-A line of Soup Kitchens around the country.Every lunch and evening meal time people can get a proper meal for a donation.
-People/most homes must pay a few dollars a week to charity.
-Changes made to prisons and mental institutions so they are better places.
-Countries’ leaders replaced with a council/cabinet of members each with certain skills(eg: science).The members vote on a policy.
-Some people have lunch from 12 to 2 ‘o clock and subistute people work at these times.
-High School students can get a ‘Top Up’ payment for doing around the community that the schools organise.
-Line of big halfway homes for people who need help with lifeskills etc..Some of their income goes towards the costs.ie:they are still meant to work if they can.
-All bars charge a small tax per drink used to run a van home
-People should be able to leave school or work if they are badly harresed.
-Life skills programs when you are still at school.
-All NZ highschools teach “trades” to the senior students.
-Several tourist attractions like the ‘Eifel Tower’ built around the country.
-People like an ‘Ombordsman’ where anyone can go to make a complaint about a service etc… in shops,work,,hospitals etc…
-‘Univerity Hospitals.’These are hospitals staffed by ‘Trained’ medical staff getting work experience,and the patient gets cheaper care.
-People in intense pain don’t have to work,can still get a benefit,and free/subisdised pain killers.
-A system so all people who need a home get help in finding one.
-Instead of the government paying for all of the costs of education etc…,familes pay a small tax of their money towards the costs,
9 ways to share the World’s resources.
-All people in New Zealand pay a percentage of their income to aid other countries.
-All counties have to give some of their resources to countries more in need.
-Using ‘Eftpos’ cards to pay for all goods etc…,poorer people pay less for them.
-Job Sharing.-2 hours lunch break for workers,filled in by the unemployed.
-Correspondence Courses.-Short courses in a lot of the trades.The only cost is what is needed to cover the coures’s costs.Unempoyed people do these constanty.
-People in poorer countries do some of the work from the other countries.eg:making computers.
-All people who can do community work (eg:digging ditches,army work)for a top up of their benefit.
-A ‘Charter of Human Rights.’-All countries who follow this get big advantages eg:no interest on borrowing.
-Regional Bases.-These incorarate-
-Cheap housing.
-Basic education.
Super Heroe TV
All fimed in Ameriacn cities where there is enough crime.This a TV channel that films real ‘super heroes’ who fight crime,problems etc…The super heroes don’t have powers,but have weapons they use to fight crime..Attached to their costumes are devices like guns that shoot out things like sticky web or blasts of air.The super heroes could be called ‘Champions’.They get around on motorbikes,cars etc..They use Car Direction Finders to navigate to the crimes.The TV Channel that films them listens to the Police Radio to find the crime.(And as well they have an arrangement with the police in each city so that the police passes on the information to them.The Champions get around on specially designed cars or motorbikes that carry extra ‘ammunition’ for their weapons.These weapons look like something out of science-fiction.The people who are picked to be the crimefighters have interesting names,appearances,characters etc…Sometimes the Champions have ‘Tanks’ attached to their backs with the back up ‘Projectiles.’If possible their costumes that cover parts of their bodies are made of a material that can soften the penetration of blowes etc…The Chamions are trained to fight.As they travel to different crimes etc..,when they reach them they are filmed by the TV channel.The Champions have Super Heroe names.Their costumes don’t need to cover all of their bodies.If a lot of their weapons can’t be made,the idea is to for the TV channel to be made in the future(the emphasis on maybe the future.)If there is not enough crime,maybe only half a dozen crimefigters , only fighting suitable crime when it occasionally occurs.Their headquarters is called ‘Liberty Towers’ in Olympia.Olympia is a large city on the top of the East Coast USA just beneath Canada.It is large with the usual facilties that a super heroe headquarters has,including small rooms for each of the heroes,facilities like a library,cinema etc…,places to train eg:a gym and fighting courses.Liberty Towers also has a small ‘plane’ that can transport a number of the Champions to a location if needed.If needed some of the Champions have basic weaponary as well as their individual weapons to help them.This may include ‘javelin’shaped poles that can be used to rebound off things and by pressing a button on them,each end can be extended to help when fighting and if possible they can fire projectiles too.The TV channel films the crimefighters doing their missons and they are played over and over again.
-Attached to Spin’s back are tanks connected braclets on his wrists.These allow him to shoot sticky ‘web’ that covers the criminal and stops them from moving(like a net).
-He also has blackout bimbs,that when he pulls a trigger the room is filled with black clouds.He has special goggles that let him see in the dark.
-As well he has pellets that release sleeping gas.He is protected from these by his mask.
-CCC is an excellent martial arts fighter.
-She can project strong wind that can knock over things.
-She can also ‘blow up/shatter’ things by pressing against to them with her gloves.
Dark Wrath
-He has gas that can put people to sleep.
-By twisting a ‘gem’ in one eye he can send out a’ beam ‘that can
-send out an electrical bolt
-increase or decease the temperature
-the gem can give off sound and light that can disorientate people’
-Twister can create winds that spin around and around,
-Barbella has chains that are like whips.
-She uses them like a whip.
-They are covered in spots that can magnetise metals.
-Like a whip they can curl around people and bind them.
-S has special devices on each of his wrists.
-One can send out loud sounds that can disorientats people’
-A second can create light or darkness.
-And a third can send out a wind.
-All over his body are different sized bags that can stetch.
-He can put people and things into them.
-The bags are made of a material that is tough.
-He can also fire ‘sheets’ that can stick to people.
-Chance has gloves with arrows/darts attached to them that he can fire to people.
The darts can :
-Put people to sleep.
-Generaate pain.
-Give painkillers.
-Create a flare.
-Send out a sticky spray.
-Watcher’s goggles can send out a ‘laser.’
-As well he has gloves that can create strong winds.
Lightning Bolt
-Her gloves can create bolts if electricity.
-Marineman is a man.
-He gets around in a blue car shaped like a sort of spaceship.
-It can go through walls and windows etc…
-It has buffers on each side to help this.
-It can shoot out water in fires.
-It has tanks for plenty of water.
-The car can shoot out blasts of water that can knock people oner.
-As well he can flood places with water.
-Slipper has 2 ropes (one on each side of his waist)
-He can throw one end of each of them and they stretch.He has a piece of the rope he can hold on to that allows him to stretch or re –tract the rope.
-Once the noose is around something,he ca n tighten or loosen the rope.
-Greenstone has a star in her forehead that emits a soothing green gas that can relax or put people to sleep.
-He wears a red reindeer costume.
-It is red all over with a large pair of antlers on his head.
-He is very tall.
-By squeezing his gloves,it shoots out a ‘jolt’ through the antlers.
-This can knock things over etc…
-Target just has a gun.
-It can fire either bullets or darts that give a strong tranquilser.
-Quake can send out strong blasts of wind from his gloves,and by pressing a button on his belt ,his boots give a strong shattering bolt.
-Revolver has a gun that can fire either bullets or tranquilser darts.
-As well he can create clouds of dark smoke and he wears infra red googles.
The Wasp
-A woman.
-Can make loud noises(her ears are protected)
-Can fire sharp darts(when needed)
-Has a lasso she can use to wrap around people and it is sticky.
-He can create clouds of darkness.
-He has infra red goggles.
-He also has a pouch of sleep ‘bombs’.
-He can fire projectiles from him that detonate.
-He has different ones that can detonate to different degrees.
-Spot has a sort of ‘Flying Car’ that he gets around on wheels.
-The chaie can fire out different ‘normal’weaponary.
-He has pouches in his belt.
-Each one has golden ‘sand’ he can throw on people that sticks to them or blinds them.
-He can travel around on a vehicle that looks like something out of fantasy.
-In the vehicle he has loads and loads of small metal balls.
-He can release them on to the floor and it causes people to trip up on them.
-She can create strong winds.
-Maskman wears a funny looking helmet.
-It lets him –Infra red googles
-Enlarge what he sees
-Increase his hearing
-Key has a shield.
-He can use it to create ‘wind’ that pushes outwards from yhe front of the shield ie:around the radius the air is forced out.
-Eden is a woman.
-She can create clouds of pink and purple gas.
-These stop people from seeing and puts them to sleep.
-She wears a mask that protects her.
Plastic Rubber
-He can fire off loads of ribbon that sticks to people.
-It can also contract or expand.
-She can create striong winds.
-Also her gloves are made so they can give off a sharp electric shock when touched.
Silver Tiger
-He has sharp claws down each arm that can rip through things.
-His costume has parts of silver armour that protect him.
Balloon Man
-A very big fat man.
-He has ballons that expand and pop.
-These give out different gases that do things.
-Gravity has gloves that can either draw things to him or repel them ie:by suction
-Shot has a gon that can fire pellets like in the ‘warfare games.’
-Medicene has gun pellets in pouches in his belt that can effect people’s senses.
-Itchy powder
-Sneezing powder
-Coughing powder
-Sleeping powder
-Fighter is a man.
-He is an excellent at fighting especially martial arts.
-Blades come out of his gloves that can cut things.
-He has laughing gas.
-He can project what he’s seen by a camera.
-He can also project things like a movie projector.
-He has suction pads on his gloves and boots so he can walk up walls.
Rip Van Wrinkle
-He has a helmet and device to his mouth that lets him breathe in pulling things towards him, or pushing things out.
The Prison Maker
-He knows how to pick locks etc… and has the equipment to let him get through locked doors.
-As well he has a roll/or web/or sheet that can wrap around a person and stick to them.
-Has gloves attached to his arms that can stretch out like a chilren’toy(and maybe on his boots too)
Donut Theme
-A modern shop,yellow inside and out.
-A massive range of milkshakes.
-Also a range of coffee drinks.
-A large screen TV playing.
-All of the furniture are coffee tables and armchairs.
-Chocolate Buttons Donut
-Shaped like a round donut.In between the top and bottom are cold ice cream and hot chocolate.Amongst the pastry are scattered chocolate buttons.
-Jelly Donut
-The size of a big jelly.They come in different flavours.They are designed to shake a lot when touched.In the centre is a hole with fruit salad in it.
-The Garlic Donut
-Shaped like a round donut.The donut is garlic bread,the top is a layer of grilled cheese.It is also heated up.
-Seafood Donut
-A donut the length of a roll.Like a row of balls.Inside the roll are a mixture of seafoods.
-Cocolate Stackable Donut
-Shaped like a upwards row of the round donuts.Each of the donuts is containing dairy milk chocolate.Inside the centre of them is cold ice cream.You eat them with a spoon.
-Straight Donuts.
-Round heated American donuts with a hole in the middle and a layer of sugar on top.
-‘New Zealand Donuts.’Pastry with some cream an jam.
-Chocolate Brownie Donut
-Round.The size of a large round plate.The centre is a jaffa taste.Through the cake are sweets like jaffas,chocolate buttons,etc…You eat it with a knife and fork.
-Fizzy Rasberry Donut
-These give off a fizzy raspberry taste when you eat it.They are designed to fizz when eaten and taste like a soft drink.
-Pizza Donut
-The size of a pizza(big or small).The base is a pizza base.All over the top of it are toothpicks with different ingrdeiants from pizzas stuck to them.
-Magic Hat Donut
-Shaped like a straw hat.All over the top of it is sprinkled ‘reflective’sweet hail that glistens.Around the centre of the donut is a ‘circle’ of a raspberry fillin.
Breakfast Donut
-On a crispy warmed up round bagel/bread base.In the middle is a poached egg.Around the top of the bun is spagehti.It is all warmed to be like a meal.
-Rainbow Donut
-Shaped like the American donuts.The centre is raspberry and cream.Around the top of the donut is sprinkled different coluured hundreds and thousands.
Puff the Donut
-A large donut that has basically been ‘puffed up’ when baked.
Chocolate Stripped Donut
-A round American donut.The donut is made of the usual base of a donut.Around the edges going upwards rae circles of chocolate.
The King Donut
-The size of a hamburger bun.It is warmed up.Inside of it are several layers of different ingredients.The dinut also is a round shape.
Space Ship Theme
-A resultant/café like KFC but set on a space ship like in ‘Star Trek.’
-The interior is designed like a space ship of the future.
-There is a video juke box
-Around the walls are paintings of space scenes.
-You can have all you can drink for $2
-With ‘meals’ a free comic book is given.
-‘Sloppy Joes’ are burger buns with mince inside.
-There are big ‘Sundaes’ with one side banana and one side chocolate.
-There are pancakes that are-
-thin and the size of a big plate
-are rolled up withlemon and sugar on top of the pan cakes and in the inside
-and are cut into pieces
-Chocolate Sponge-Chocolate crumb on top with a hot choocolatse sause bottom.
Bar Theme
-Each bar has plenty of space
-There are big TV screens playing selected music videos
-The interior is designed to look like a futuristic/fantasy version of the Victorian era,with dark wooden fittings etc…
-Each bar provides a ‘take-home’ van for customers,for $6 a van load
-The waitresses all wear revealing/skimpy uniforms with the words ‘Beer is Better’on the tops
-The bartenders are all young,attractive men
-They all do tricks like spinning bottles,and setting drinks alight etc…
-There is a food bar in each bar
-It serves-Fish and Chips with lemon and vinegar
-Toad in the Hole-Yorkshire with sausages in them
-Sausages and mashed potatoes
-Small ‘fish ‘bites etc…
-Bands playing every evening
-Pool Games
-A circular table (like a casino table) spins.Around the sides are pockets.Each player has a coloured ball.You must try to knock your ball into your pocket.The first player to get 3 in wins.
-There is a big glass box.A ball spins inside it .It has air/wind in it that blows the ball around.The player puts his hands into gloves that reach into the box.He holds a ‘pole’ that he tries to hit the ball while blindfolded.For every set number of times he has hit the ball he gets a free drink.There is also a time limiting his time with the game.
The Hunger Bite
-‘The Hunger Bite’ is the name of a café/restaurant
-Around the walls are light blue waves shaped like shark fins
-The café has computers for the Internet which fits in with shark fins
-Some of the foods available are-
-Soft drinks
-Milk shakes
-Thick shakes
-On the counter are a basket of ‘ Toffee Apples’ or fitting with Snow Whites’ ‘bite’ of the apple
-On a turning display also on the counter are-
-Christmas mince pies
-Fudge with nuts in
-Chocolate cake with walnuts on it
-Chocolate and coco pops in cup cakes
-Chocolate rum balls
Also available are-(against the wall behind the counter)
-Candy Floss
-Choclolate Mousse
-The counter is shaped like a coffin(which fits in with Dracula or a ‘Count’ or ‘Counter’, and fits in with Dracula biting)
-Take home packs are available-
-These cost $50 for 7 meals a week
-The packs have a variety of the meals
-They are especially designed for those who can’t cook
-This works out at 7 meals a week at $7 each,or $49 a week for meals
-Monster-A large plate of ice cream with chocolate syrup,with a selection of nuts,chocolate buttons, and hundreds and thousands, and chocolate sprinkle.
Ideas for a Resturant
-Swiriling sticky chocolate ‘mousse/sause’
-A plate size hokey poket ice cream with a chocolate shell coating and a cluster of cheries in the centre of the top of it
- The Monster Burger.Layers of chees,tonmato,potatoe chips,a chicken and meat patti.A warmed up bun on the bottom and on top of it.The top bun has a face on it.Around the edges of sides are chips(ie:like in fish and chips) poking out like a monsters’ legs with tomatoe sause like blood.
-Bubbly hot chocolate in a big cup that can be drunk by the mouth or with a spoon
-A chocolate crumb/base mixed with raspberry sause for a raspberry/chocolate taste.With small twirls of snow freeze ice cream around the edges
-Like a soup.A mixture or different flavoured fizzy drinks.Then blended/mixed up in a blender.Then added with a choice of different fruits like pears
-Moon Rock.A pizza shaped meal.A bottom and top layer each made with a different type of food.On top of the top layer is another laywer of dripping cheese designed to look like the moon(made of cheese).Plus around the the round edge of the meal are a serving of food like tomatoes
-The Leaning Tower of Pieces.A pile of layers of French Toast.In between the layers of bread are individual layers of lettuce,vegemite,honey,and peanut butter.The ingredients are also heated up just before use
-Buster.A meal shaped like a boy’s face.On the face are eyes,a mouth,ears,and a few hairs on top of his head.The face or head is made of bread.These have been heated up so it is slightly toasted.Inside are choices of pies,such as mince,bacon and egg etc…On top of it, are holes in the face and the inners pop out, which fits in with tasting the heat of a pie by poking your finger in a hole to judge the heat
-Krazy Klown.A plate size meal of a clown’s head sitting on top of the plate.The clown”s head is very big.It is entirely consisted of different types of chocolate,also designed to look lijke a clown’head and hat etc…
sprinked over it.Shaped like a long rectangular shape.
Health Theme Resturant
-Chilled spray water made in New Zealand
-Relaxing,easy music played in the café
-A salad of lettuce on a plate with a slice of tomatoe in the centre, and grated cheese on top
-Lightly toasted bread with vegimite and either lettuce or tomatoe inside it
-A selection of natural/healthy vitamins for sale,with an assistant to give advice
-A fountain display of water and ‘ornaments’ etc…
-A plate designed to have basically the same food as a ham or chicken filled roll,on top of a slightly toasted bun
-‘Lunch Packs’ for sale of a selection of healthy foods like apples ,grapes etc…
-Ferns etc… growing around the walls of the café
-Different flavours of fruit juice basically squeesed direct from fruit with a small portion of water added
-Dagwoods-Multi layered sandwich
-A slice of bread on top.middle,and bottom -different flavours of spread etc… spread on top of ewach slice
-In a tall/big beaker,are different healthy vegitables and fruitds,in a chilled water.You use sort of chopsticks to get the food
-Long rolls of ‘twisted’ buns.So long as thgey are good for you they have a cmination of well processed meats and vegetables
-Like a pizza or a cakeIt has a pastry.Inside the pastry you can have a selection of healthy foods such as baked tomatoe etc…
-Plus-A selection of rolls, and salads,and deli rolls like they sell at places now like MacDonalds etc…
Hollywood Hamburger Theme
-Sells (new) hollywood ‘Merchandise’
-Stsands and posters from the movies
-A row of seats and sceens that people can pay to see a “public domain’ program etc…Using ear phones
-Specialises in a lot of drinks such as cappechinos,lattes etc…
-Partly a coffee café too
-Walls,floor,and ceilind are mostly black and white checkers
-A disco ball on the ceiling revolves sending out colurs late at night to early in the morning
-At these times the resturant also becomes a bar and slls alcholic drinks instead
-Sells ‘TV Guides’ from around the world
-Each month there is a different promotion in a Hollywood movie,program etc…This includes displays,things to buy etc..(eg: a selection of books about the topic)
-Imported American candy bars
-A selection of Hamburgers.Each burger is very big (ie-big buns).And has a lot of fillings.All are about the biggest burgers on the market.Each burger has a variety of the main fillings with flavours like-Hawiain,Cheese,Bacon,Egg,Chicken,and Salad
-The soft drink from the vending machine there is exclusivly imported from overseas
-2 buns-top and bottom
-2 slices of cheese
-2 meat pattis
-lettuce,tomatoe,and onion
-Mini burger
-Small sized burger
-A few pickles
-Meat pattie
-Tomatoe sauce
-Always cheap
-Monster Burger
-2 buns
-Poached egg
-Meat pattie
-Slice of cheese
-Slice of bacon
-Slice of pineapple
-Hot/Spicey Burger
-Comes with inside bun more trhe size of a bread slice
-Hot slice of spicey chicken
-Tasty barbecue sauce
-Candy Burger
-Hot chocolate sauce on the inside
-Slice of bread on top and bot
-Chocolate buttons and sprinkle on the inside
-Giant ‘cups’ of milk shake,really ‘fizzed up’
-Also available is a mixture/combination of flavours
-Big long chunky chips
-Sundaes with a heated bananna in the middle of sundae ice cream,nuts, and chocolate sauce
-Concession tickets for ‘unlimited’ cups of drink(all drinks)
Family Theme
-Toad in the Hole-Cooked sausages wrapped in yorkshire
-Gigantic Burger-Chips
-3 pattis
-Choice of fillings like tomatoe,cheese etc..
-Sandwiche bread for buns(all together)
-Takeaway meal-Coke or Milk Shake
-Mousse or cheesecake
-Burger filled with what you want
-Fish and Chips-Chips with vinegar and salt
-Fish shaped like living fish
-Bannana cooked in a tray with either chocolate or rasberry sauce
-Woodville Donut-Merangue top
-Jelly middle
-Cheesecake bottom layer with a crumb base
-Roast Meal-Any combinations of
-Roast chicken,beef,pork, and lamb
-Peas and carrots
-Roast potatoe and kumara
-Baked potatoe
-As much as you can fit on a plate
-Pie Meal-A selection of budget priced meals
-All the mainflavours and a typical size
-Pies are a dollar each
-Come with mousse,cheesecake,cake, or chips for abour #1 too
-Pizza Bar-Customers select all of the toppings that they want
-Pizzas can come in different sizes
-You can also pick the price of the pizza(eg:little pizzas cost less)
-Garlic Bread,bacon,egg,sausages also are available with the meal
-Takeaways-Comes in a variety of different sized meals
-Boxes are desisgned to keep the food fresh and warm
-You can buy a concession card which gives you a ‘Takeaway’ meal a day for a discounted price
-You can have one lot of food from each of 3 of the menus
-The Takeaway idea is meant to enable those who can’t cook etc… to be able to afford to buy takeaways for food each night
Magic Theme
-Shaped like a black magician’s hat
-Tall,with spiral balconies around the walls and on different levels
-Strange creatures hang from the roof,and blow around the walls in the ‘vacumn
-Along the sides of the walls(in columns)are rows of lightbulbs to provide light,and music that comes out of’bulbs,that is played with specially composed “fantasy songs’
-The waiters are people in different costumes of creations
-On the bottom level(which is round),it can rotate and can be used for dancing
-Baked Lemon Meranguie.Bubbly on the bottom with a sprinkle of hundreds and thousands on top
-Turkish Delite Pie.Round in the size of a plate.Chocolate on the top with a large cherry shaped sweet in the middle of the top
-Hot cake in the shape of a small creature.His body consists of a round yellow body,with short arms and legs,and a face on the body.The bottom is chocolate cake and the top of the body is bannana icing
-Red rose.You can drink a frizen lime drink from the stem.The red rose is layers of hard red toffee apple and haed chocolate shell
-Meal shaped like a magician’s hat.A chocolate base and a red top made of jelly,with small sweets inside it that are like leading individual sweetseg:jelly beans,chocolate buttons
-Magic Wand.Shaped like a big chocolate log.Different colours in rows like a rainbow,with each row having a different flavour.hite cream tip like a magian”wand and dark chocolate rows on each side of it
-Witch’s crystal ball.Served on a round plate.The meal is light green and paler in the middle.It is like a cross between lemonade and a highly fizzed up merangue.If possible the top of the meal reflects trhings
-Withch’s cottage.Meant to be made of sweets.The size of a small loaf of bread.In the shape of a witch’s cottage.A combination of lots of different sweets
-Golden scroll/pancake.Like a rolled up pancake the size of a dinner platw.The scroll is made up of golden hokey pokey.It is tied with a red ribbon to a chocolate pen
-Red apple.Red chocolate crispy coating.Vanilla ice cream inside,with a strong sour taste in the middle.Comes in a pile of apples,with different ice cream flavours inside.Each apple is the size of a typical ice cream head,and can be used to give an icecream/apple to each person in a group
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